Power level of survivors and killers. How do you see it?

How strong are the survivors compared to the killers for you?
What do you think should be changed?
If you ask me about it, I have to say that it is quite good.
The only thing that breaks this game is when one of the part, so to speak, a little bit is in "tryhard mode", you know guys, all these stuff like strong items, addons and offerings.
The best solution for this would be to introduce two modes to the game. Ranking mode where these things would not be allowed, but you could get rank and second casual, where everything is as it is today, but you can't rank up(and derank). It was a good idea to lock up SWF playing opportunities in ranked mode. There would be no way for the survivors to "boost" each other. This is a problem in the game, and forces both sides to bring the most powerful things, that are created to relax and have a good game from time to time, and not to destroy the other side constantly over and over again, which will force the other side to do the same . Then it is not a nice game for anyone. What do you think about this?
I mean theres a big issue you are failing to see.
1.) Limiting swfs is not the solution nor would behavior ever do that swfs believe it or not swfs are the reason this game is still popular dont believe me go look at the % of survivors vs killers they showed it on a dev stream it proves my point.
2.) Creating a new mode is going to split the community and people dont understand that at the moment the game is not big enough for it yes free week is a thing rn but once its over the game will go right back to 16k as normal.
3.) The problem is not the game forcing you to do anything the problem is powerful things exist and people abuse them.
4.) Im gonna point something out could you imagine taking all the strong things away from one side and ignoring the other and expecting the other to not use powerful things wow you put a lot of trust into one side hate to break it to you but thats not gonna work chief.
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So maybe for the beginning, let's balance those 12 or 13 killers to those 2 or 3?
If they are too slow, why not give them more speed?
In addition, there are still perks that allow them to extend the playing time.
And what do you expect from survivors who know how to play this game. Surrendering and standing under the hook?
As for the killer to have the opportunity to catch the survivor, he must make a mistake, it means that ever core or basic mechanics needs to be reworked.
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This exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.
People like to focus on SWF only, but even against a full group of good rank 1 solo survivors it still isn't even close to balanced.
When you win it's because the survivors just played stupid.
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"If you think only 3 killers are viable at red ranks then you probably don't deserve to be in red ranks... Most of the killers are viable at red ranks."
If you seriously think this then you have very low played hours or don't play at red ranks yourself. This is obvious to anyone with a good amount of hours and high rank experience.
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How is this change to discourage you from playing SWF? Everything stays the way it is, and when it comes to rank, they should probably count on your skills, where they are not group-dependent, right?
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Therefore, those killers who are not playable on red ranks need a change/buff.
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To OP, your idea is actually what I think would be the best idea as well.
I don't like the idea of splitting the player base, but SWF is a serious issue and if there was ever anything that would be worthy of that risk it would be this.
SWF for Casual Que and Solo for Ranked Que.
We could even get lenient and allow a 2 man SWF in Ranked, just keep the 3 or 4 to Casual.
Give a little extra blood point bonus to Casual Que.
People will choose the casual for messing around, practicing new killers/perks and if they just want more bloodpoints. They will choose Ranked when they are ready to try and move up the ladder.
Obviously this entire idea only works if along with all of this they introduce regular rank rewards.
This is the best solution to make everyone happy with SWF imo.
Their current idea of bringing solo's up to SWF level is just a bad idea for a multitude of reasons.
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I can not agree with you more, thank you.
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"It was a good idea to lock up SWF playing opportunities in ranked mode"
Again you are aware if you lock swfs people just wont play that mode and while you sit in queue for 12 hours people will just stick with normal play.
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Do you think that so few SWF groups will play in casual mode? Or so few solo players will play the survivor?
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Spirit is definitely OVER 9000!!!!
b/c her hair...
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Nah...I prefer my Sally lmao.
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Agreed. 3/4 of the killer roster need substantial buffs.
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But she doesn't have anime hair...
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That's the main problems in this game, like unbalanced stuff, maps, bp grind is too easy, swf in competitive mode, majority killers suck against good survivors ect. this game has almost 3 years and i feel like nothing is done yet.
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1.I do not intend to remove the SWF only to limit it to the mode where everyone will play for fun and they will not destroy the game for people who play it in order to achieve something in it.
2.Normally there are 19 to 20 thousand players in the game. I think it is a sufficient number to divide it into two modes.
3.Yes, it's only true how you create things of high rarity without giving them the right amount of power?
4.I did not think about taking these things only one side only on both sides.
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1.I do not intend to remove the SWF only to limit it to the mode where everyone will play for fun and they will not destroy the game for people who play it in order to achieve something in it.
2.Normally there are 19 to 20 thousand players in the game. I think it is a sufficient number to divide it into two modes.
3.Yes, it's only true how you create things of high rarity without giving them the right amount of power?
4.I did not mean taking these things from one side, but from everyone.
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1.I do not have to remove the SWF as a measure, only limit it to the mode where people will play for fun and they will not destroy the game to others who play it in order to achieve some results.
2.Normally there are around 19-20 thousand players in the game. I think that this is a sufficient number, even for splitting into two modes.
3.Yes, that's true, but how do you want to create things of high rarity without giving them the right power?
4.I had more in mind taking these things from both sides.
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I wouldn't really limit swf or split the playerbase as it would increase already long queues at some ranks.
Instead I would make gameplay changes when swf reaches certain level(be it devotion or rank in last X months). For example make gens take longer or block the ability to work on many gens at once, make it so once one gen is complete ALL other gens drop by 50% so the game won't end that quickly.
Add secondary objective to progress gens past 50%.
Many killers are too weak so they need tweaks as well.
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What will happen actually is no killers will play Casual Queue and survivors will quit the game because they can't SWF.
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I thought SWF was a minority of players. At least that's what I keep hearing when people complain about the balance issues.
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Nurse>Spirit>Hag (she can beat SWF if used perfectly)>Billy>SWF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Other killers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Solo.
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Idk about the first question, but the second one is simple.
What should be changed is the balance.
The devs want an average of 2 kills, 2 escapees per trial.
With Killers being so incredibly different and with no way to make them the same, you're gonna like some over others.
But you'd expect the devs to take that into consideration and make sure your Killer can perform well at any rank as long as you perform well.
But that's not the case: Many hit a hard limit, while there's also 1 who seems to dominate pretty hard.
Their excuse? Literally that "not every Killer needs to be viable."
They might actually hit their average though: Make some hit low results and others hit high results.
But some will feel left in the dust and others might get sick of playing the 1-2 actual good Killers all the time.
What we need is for Killers to reach those averages.
Sometimes lose hard? Sure.
Sometimes win hard? Noooo problem.
Idk how they would have to do it (direct Killer buffs/nerfs, map redesign, whatever), but their current mindset on "Killer Power balance" is something i don't agree with at all.
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And guess what?
That is not a problem.
If killers lose to well-organized, good survivors who make no mistakes and play the perfect game, then what is the problem? If they played well and they have the skill to do it then more power to them.
The vast majority of survivors are not good. Even at red ranks. You will have your revenge the next game.
There are Killer streamers out there who play perkless at red ranks and still win. Just as Depip Squad proves killers can't hang at red ranks, these people prove that killers can win and dominate at red ranks.
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Yeah. Then this small minority will quit playing the game. Either way, it's a loss for everyone.
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No, even if your scenario happened it's only a loss for a small minority of the population.
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Small minority of survivors won't make a difference. Hell, it'd probably help their queues.
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All killers and survivors are the same it all depends with perks you use and how good you are
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@Jonathanskilz You can't seriously believe that Freddy can be as powerful as Nurse.
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Not to sound rude, but why don't I see Leather Faces, Freddies, Doctors, Pigs, and etc etc at red ranks then? Apparently if you master them, they can get 4ks like the Nurse, right? So what gives?
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A 4k is a 4k init xd
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- Nurse
- Freddy
- Doctor
Viable w/perks and add-ons
- Legion
- Huntress
- Hag
Heavily relies on perks or add-ons to do anything
- Clown
- Spirit
- Hillbilly
Not viable or requires fully mastering the killer
- Plague
- Trapper
- Wraith
- Pig
- Cannibal
- Myers
Myers because he's perks countertact.
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It's your personal experience? )
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I think this is high quality bait.