Battlepass isn't bad and here is why:

Timtom24 Member Posts: 230
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

The Battlepass isn't that bad just because we get FREE Items and MORE challenges. If you want to buy it then do it and if not then just don't buy it. IT IS !NOT! a must buy for you so stop blaming the devs for it. I dont see why it makes so much trouble. it only has positive things that i count now:

  • Free Items / Cosmetics
  • (from the leak) Free Aura Cells and Shards
  • More challenges also for FREE
  • you can support the devs with even more money so WE can also get more licensed chapters.

As i said .. you dont have to buy it if you dont want to!



  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    of course it is. ... its not more different then now .. only that you have to pay 10 Dollars / Euros for EACH purple Skin. the Battlepass will give you more then one Purple Skin for 10 Dollars / Euros. If we go after your thinking then it would be ... "Oh yeah lets pay 10 Dollars / Euros for a purple Skin but not for a pass that would give me more then one for the same money, and hey the game is stupid because we dont have everything in it unlocked and i have to unlock them with grinding but i don't want to grind for that stuff" that would just be boring. the pass combines it both... it gives you Challenges and gives you free stuff without even paying for it. we have to grind for our skins too with the shards we get for a level up and with bloodpoints to get the prestige clothing. it's nothing else with the pass then.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited May 2019

    Bah they should just charge a flat 12$ a month pay to play and give away cosmedics.

    Honestly thou I don't know why they don't just make for example a Easter theme for 2019.

    And every month if u reach rank 1. u get to pick one so 2 a month if u get both killer and survivor .

    So 8 charcters or 24 different peices if u wanted so they only have to make one set per year.

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    that would be a good idea but its not aesy to reach rank 1 with the other players on rank 15 to 10 they are mostly searching for the hatch when 1 generator is left and won't unhook you so you are mostly stuck with the current rank.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited May 2019

    Ya it shouldn't be easy. U can still get 12 for just killer rank 1. 2 survivor 2 killer if u wanted

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    i know that it shouldnt be that easy but you have to be lucky to get to rank one if you want to get out of the "looping" being stuck on a specific rank. (i had such good rounds for example in which i got followed really long so the gens could get made until 1 was left. then i got downed and no one wanted to save me so i died on the hook. (these rounds where the teammates are searching the hatch with 1 generator left are just too many times its not even funny) Killer would be the better option then that i would take ^^

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    I play so much I'd get both lol

  • Schwifty
    Schwifty Member Posts: 70

    Just a couple of questions ^

  • Lithuanian
    Lithuanian Member Posts: 141

    Check fortnite battle pass and you will understand it.

    And no, this is Left 4 dead shirt you get if you own the game. You can read about legacy here:

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    well it is Free.. only the other stuff is locked that requires payment for the pass.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    In order to take the free stuff, you must complete some missions on both sides and even if you do you will get the stuff only for one side that you may no play. So this thing forcing you to play something that you don't want in order to get something that you don't want so you can have stuff you want in the future.

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    wow ok yes that is right but its not for me with only that thinking. for me it is to farm stuff and the thought that i would like to support behaviour with my money so we all can get more out of the game like more licensed chapters.

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230
    edited May 2019

    not entirely correct, the missions are challenges to get more bloodpoints and shards. the pass will have the aura cells and skins

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    So purple outfits for example will now not require money nor playtime, but are completely free?

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230
    edited May 2019

    i dont know if the purple skins will be in the free version. but there will be definetly aura cells and shards as well as green skins i think. (and no you need playtime to unlock the level for the pass.)

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    i dont know if the purple skins will be in the free pass, but there will be aura cells and green skins as far as i have seen. (the pass needs to be leveled so you get these things)

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    People need to stop parroting this FOMO bullshit. None of you are psychologists. None of you actually know what you are talking about. You got a buzz word from a Youtuber that complains about the game way too much yet does not play survivor AT ALL and even admits himself he does not even play the game that much. As much as I like the dude, he has a propensity to make very whiney videos about stuff he personally just doesn't like.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2019

    It depends on what they limit the battle pass too.

    If you get double shards for instance you can then buy bloodpoints in the shrine which in turn helps you get more add-ons, offerings and level faster which then has a p2w aspect since anything which is monetized which can give an advantage in game is the definition of p2w.

    The grind should be set the same for all users when it comes to bloodpoints as people have asked for this for a long time, if you can get more BP using shards it makes it unequal and they are monetizing the grind which is completely wrong, they also need to make sure the dlc stays the exactly same way and price and not make them a part of the pass as that would again be wrong as you would pay more even if you didn't want the cosmetics.

    These are my concerns with a battle pass as long as it's just cosmetics or chars leaving in the current options it's ok in my eyes, if it gives you any advantage over the BP grind then it's very scummy.

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    well i dont think about it that much just because it wouldnt even be pay2win ... yes the aspect with getting more bloodpoints is there but it doesnt matter for any match since you can only get 1 item with you with its addons and and offering. it doesnt change anything.

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    i dont know if the purple skins will be in the free pass, but there will be aura cells and green skins as fr as i have seen. (and no you need playtime to level up your pass so you get these things)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    And to make it clear: Those Auric Cells and Green outfits will be IN the Battlepass?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I'm a player that doesnt want more killers atm (at least not killers that cant stand against a team that wants to escape) especially liscienced killers!!..... theres not enough to this game..... we have had the same damn items for 3 years now.... toolbox, medkit, FL, map, key............ we've had the same boring A$$ gen sim objective for the last 3 years.... the game is prettymuch bare bones still... "battlepass" (which I dont like calling it that because it makes me feel like I'm talking about COD or some #########) isnt going to fix that... DBD needs more objectives, quests.... it needs cults that can give quests and in return BP or something...... it needs game modes and more...

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    Nope it is the same. if you dont pay for it you will level the battlepass anyways and get the items from the "Free" line. If you buy the pass then the complete pass will unlock with even more shards / aura cells and purple skins.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    edited May 2019

    I'm a player that doesnt want more killers atm (at least not killers that cant stand against a team that wants to escape) especially liscienced killers!!..... theres not enough to this game..... we have had the same damn items for 3 years now.... toolbox, medkit, FL, map, key............ we've had the same boring A$$ gen sim objective for the last 3 years.... the game needs more... battle pass isnt going to make this game better...

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    But you forget again that you dont have to pay anything for it ^^ its free only the additional stuff is behind a paywall. I dont see anything bad with it just because either way you would support the game with money so we can get more content.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Not only would I uninstall the game right away if they did that, I would even demand for a refund and report them to the better business bureau.

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230
    edited May 2019

    nope they will be in the free version. you get more in the payed version.

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    Battlepass = Fortnite

    Fortnite = Bad.

    It all checks out.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    lol. you say free. like it doesnt cost money in the first place. therefore it is not FREE! monetised crap ....

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    That doesn't sound much different than what we have now.

    • You don't buy Auric Cells? Okay, so you collect Iridescent Shards over time and can eventually get AC-exclusives anyway.
    • You don't buy the Battlepass? Okay, so you play and eventually you'll get the stuff anyway.

    This just feels like Purple Outfits Locked Behind Auric Cells 2.0.

    No wait, what this feels like is a new merchant coming over every month, offering very specific deals per merchant, and they won't allow you to buy half of them unless you buy their pass.

    I'd much prefer to have a simple: Buy it or don't.

    And just have more things like the Daily Rituals.

    I'm not really calling it bad, the pass.

    It just feels incredibly unnecessary.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    I really don't understand the hate. Battlepasses have a free line (get some rewards) but not as many and a premium pay for line that gets the free items and more per level.

    The largest complaint I see is that it feeds on want, like I want everything, or I want what others have. The question I have is how is that any different then the store or sale packs for clothing that exists today?

    You don't have to buy in to play, or you can buy in and get more. Often the cost is like 15$ a season, its not a lot but if it is to much then don't buy in. When they start bringing in chug jugs you can start doing the Fortnite comparisons.

  • TheAntiSanta
    TheAntiSanta Member Posts: 128

    The "Free Line" isn't there, because "Oh, Good Guy Dev just wants everyone to have Content, even if they can't pay." It's there to ensure you're looking at the Battlepass Progression Bar, and seeing everything that you're not getting right now, but could get, if you're just spend a little bit of money, honey, we got your disease. Jungle, welcome to the jungle. Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees. Uh I, I wanna watch you bleed.

    And buzz off with this "Oh, you're just repeating what that YouTuber said," Nonsense. Just because someone else said something, doesn't mean the idea is wrong. And it isn't like all you people saying "Oh, Battlepasses Are Actually Good" aren't all parroting each other, as well.

  • ScoopskiPotatoes
    ScoopskiPotatoes Member Posts: 24

    The issue is you’re dealing with a player base that lacks a basic understanding of economics. The game is not free to maintain- they need money coming in to pay developers, testers, get licenses, etcetera.

    The money the game has already made? It’s gone. It’s not like every dollar sits in a vault- they paid employees, taxes, overhead, and investors. Without money coming in, the company, and the game, will die.

    Selling cosmetics and Battle Passes is a way to NOT just charge everyone an access fee. Money has to come in- the game will die without it.

  • ScoopskiPotatoes
    ScoopskiPotatoes Member Posts: 24

    You expect games to keep going with no money coming in? Come on, you have to be trying to be that dumb.

  • ScoopskiPotatoes
    ScoopskiPotatoes Member Posts: 24

    You’d be laughed at, and frankly, you leaving the game doesn’t matter. Anyone who refuses to spend any more money on the game is not someone I’d advise BHVR to listen to.

  • ScoopskiPotatoes
    ScoopskiPotatoes Member Posts: 24

    “Without passing the cost on to consumers.”

    You don’t understand business, do you?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @TheAntiSanta "And buzz off with this "Oh, you're just repeating what that YouTuber said," Nonsense. Just because someone else said something, doesn't mean the idea is wrong. And it isn't like all you people saying "Oh, Battlepasses Are Actually Good" aren't all parroting each other, as well."

    But it does mean it's wrong if said Youtuber was wrong. He found a buzzword and used it to back up his opinion. He's not a psychologist AFAIK so he clearly misrepresented things to fit an agenda.

    Likewise I could argue that the Free Line is there to avoid the fear of missing out, as it gives you something at least even when you do have a battle pass.