
thedevalex Member Posts: 283

I've had one question on my mind for so long now. What is it about the game, that made it so scary in the first hundred hours I played?

I thought and thought, and I realized.

The atmosphere.

The game used to be dark, foggy and tense. Now with the engine update it's so bright and.. almost cartoony. For example, the police car light on haddonfield used to stand out so much amidst the dark gloomy environment, now you can hardly see it. The chainsaw noises for the hillbilly used to be brutal and terrifying, now they're different... The game was so much different atmospherically, in a good way.

Also, I wish they added this sound for leatherface whenever he downs a survivor or something. It's so iconic to his character.

Also adding this sound back to myers whenever he would approach the next tier would be so good. It was such a creepy sound to hear. Every little sound counts towards the atmosphere of the game.


  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    Been saying this to anyone who would listen, but nobody does (especially not BHVR, and not the killer mains).

    • Bring back the dark lighting.
    • Nerf looping to the ground. Keep chases short and sweet.
    • Enable stealth and hiding so it once again becomes a cat and mouse game
    • Make it scary to be found by killers
    • Remove or nerf detection perks so you have reasonable ways to hide from killers.
    • Add more objectives for survivors that require them to run around the map, while reducing time doing gens so survivors are forced to move around more.

    The game has evolved into some kind of run and gun game of tag. It is not an atmospheric cat and mouse game any more.

    BHVR is intent on keeping it into a run and gun game, all they do is release more and more perks to make survivors run and loop more, meanwhile they keep releasing detection perks for killers to find survivors so they can chase more and more. And heck now they are releasing more ways for killers to sneak and stealth rather than for survivors to sneak and stealth.

    Killers are completely against returning the game to its dark and atmospheric lighting, but want to see more and more nerfs to looping, less endurance perks, more ways to tunnel and camp effectively, and more ways to find survivors -- it's a huge disconnect and a sign of tremendous entitlement (what, so survivors should be 100% helpless?)

    And Survivors don't want to see nerfs to pallets, windows and looping -- and just want to play Call of Duty with Freddy and Myers.

    The game is a mess and has lost sight of how it was originally supposed to be.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Mochan That would be a completely different game with a different target audience from what it is now. My guess is that DbD would be a less successful game then. Personally, I probably wouldn't play that game. I love chases.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Mochan I play killer 80% of the time or so.

    And I'm with you on this. Hate looping, not because it's hard (sometimes it is), but it fits some cheap comedy rather than horror. And as survivor, I don't care how much everyone hates UE: the best moments are when the killer passes right next to you, but you remain unnoticed. This is what still reminds me of typical horror scenes, when the victim sticks to a wall, sweating, trying to control his/her breath...

    I think we talked about this in some other discussion: the majority would be against it. Most people enjoy chases better. Plus, as killer, I can tell you it's VERY frustrating when you literally can't find anyone for three gens straight on Yamaoka. Not talking about not hooking or hitting people, but not even seeing them. I can personally deal with that, but many players can :(

    I wonder if there's a truly stealth based game out there (oh those days with Thief 2 and Thief 3!)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I do agree the atmosphere is really important and currently missing, The reason the devs had is because it takes more frame rate and they want everyone to be able to play as smoothly as possible.

    I personally would love much more fog/weather/darkness.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    "Been saying this to anyone who would listen, but nobody does (especially not BHVR, and not the killer mains)."

    I'm listening, if you have words ought worth listening to.

    • Bring back the dark lighting.


    • Nerf looping to the ground. Keep chases short and sweet.

    Dunno about that. Some people are good in chasing, some people are good at stealthing. All options should be available.

    • Enable stealth and hiding so it once again becomes a cat and mouse game

    I would love more stealth options, like survivors being able to crawl.

    • Make it scary to be found by killers

    Like Michael or Pig? Maybe Hag.

    • Remove or nerf detection perks so you have reasonable ways to hide from killers.

    Dunno what to feel about this.

    • Add more objectives for survivors that require them to run around the map, while reducing time doing gens so survivors are forced to move around more.

    This will help both sides, unfortunately I don't see how you can change this game into anything other then a [Hold Button Here] simulator.

    "The game has evolved into some kind of run and gun game of tag. It is not an atmospheric cat and mouse game any more."

    Agreed, though as stated above there should be something for both playstyles.

    "BHVR is intent on keeping it into a run and gun game, all they do is release more and more perks to make survivors run and loop more, meanwhile they keep releasing detection perks for killers to find survivors so they can chase more and more. And heck now they are releasing more ways for killers to sneak and stealth rather than for survivors to sneak and stealth."

    The current interaction of the game is much more focused on the chasing and running aspect, which I feel like they should change. And dude, stealth killers are amazing, it makes survivors have to keep an eye out and actually fear for their lives, I thought you wanted this? (Myers is a amazing jumpscare killer, Spirit with [Sexy Word] Beads is scary when you don't expect her, the Pig keeps you on your toes). Besides, there are a lot of horror movies where the killer hides from sight to keep pressure, not every killer should be a Jason or Leatherface.

    "Killers are completely against returning the game to its dark and atmospheric lighting, but want to see more and more nerfs to looping, less endurance perks, more ways to tunnel and camp effectively, and more ways to find survivors -- it's a huge disconnect and a sign of tremendous entitlement (what, so survivors should be 100% helpless?)"

    The killers who hate Blendettes maybe, but I for one would love to have the game be darker (without actually making me blind), while letting survivors have the tools to play like they want. Also tunneling is a stupid term while camping has a different reason for each killer. It isn't just killers who are entitled, but I don't want to go down that route here so I won't. I request that unless someone else brings that up, you don't do so as in some cases, it can delegitimize you.

    "And Survivors don't want to see nerfs to pallets, windows and looping -- and just want to play Call of Duty with Freddy and Myers."


    "The game is a mess and has lost sight of how it was originally supposed to be."

    This game has come a long way my friend. It's certainly much more then what is has been before. It just needs more stealth mechanics and such for it to fit a traditional Horror Movie like game.