What killer would you guys like to get added next after ghost?

I would like maybe a scare crow, or maybe another trapping killer. Cause hag and trapper are the only 2 trapping killers at the moment it would be cool to see more trapping killers.
A shadow killer. So much potential there.
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Miner. Dynamit as power and a cave/mineshafts map
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A Magician in a spooky tux and top hat, doing evil magic tricks.
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Or Herobrine. When he hits you your game crashes and gets uninstalled.
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A pirate. I just want hardy boi who goes argggh after getting pallet slammed
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I always found original killers more interesting. I’d hope for something with religious symbolism, like a priest.
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I would like Goku Black. His power would be, to fly around the map, and insta down people with an energy scythe. Sadly he would be stronger than the nurse so everyone would rage quit all the time...
I kid, I kid. I'd like them to get Nemesis from Resident Evil. He could shoot rockets, and his basic attack would be punching people in the face instead of needing an actual weapon.
Or some type of vampire character....I guess.
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I want a mummy or a shark :P
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Jason voorhees(dreaming is free)
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Yea i would like him too:)
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I'm actually hoping they take a brief break from making new killers and survivors and spend one chapter simply fixing bugs and tightening gameplay.
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Predator, I need to see survivors in infrared.
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My idea of how that would work is that he gets a toggle-able effect, no cool down, he can do it like if someone was stalking, use infa red sight that would show heat signatures dimly at first and get stronger within you holding your sight, making him pretty good for searching open areas.
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Mr. X as a licensed Killer would be crazy, like EW3 Myers right behind you. His power could be this 30 second cooldown power where he gets this Killer dead hard, he dashes forward for a extra hard punch with his bare fists, downing any Survivor he connects with, exposed Dead Hard lunge punch, 115%, 32 terror radius bad ass.
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I want a werewolf or something based on the World of Darkness Tabletop RPG games.
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Skip a killer DLC and fix their game instead.
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I want a witch type killer. No idea what her power would be besides something magic related
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You called?
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I mentioned this elsewhere: The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers. Let's get a killer that can fly. (even if it's just straight up a a few feet to get a better view)
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A good killer
And no @smappdooda
The guy who holds the rights to Jeepers Creepers is a convicted pedophile
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No joke? First I heard of that. The more you know...
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I'd like to see the old Universal movie monsters added. I think the best fits for this game would be either creature of the black lagoon or wolfman.
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Chucky dammit. I want Child's Play.
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Terrorist. Set bomb and detonate bomb
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I want a killer with a scythe :P
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Female Vampire type killer,
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This guy knows what's good. +1
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Basically the wraith
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Omg yes. The Crooked Man is great. I would like something more psychological but that would probably be controversial.
A Doppelgänger, but swfs so I'm sad. Maybe something more mythical, because something not actually human would be awesome (but still humanoid).
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I'd love to see Doofy from the scary movie.
Not even joking.
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I always wanted a killer that is a full on brute, so I would say Chris Walker for the 90th time, due to him being a literal juggernaut and only died because of being chopped up in a vent
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CARRIE!! (1976, not 2013)
She could use telekinesis to cause the entity to block windows, pallets and objectives for a short period (with a cooldown of course).
Also think the process of prestiging her would seem very fitting ;)
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You can play Friday 13 then you will play him! Jayson (I think) will never be added to DBD because you need LICENSE to use him in game.
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It's time.
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Yeah? You need a license to play Shape, Cannibal, Nightmare, Pig, Ghost, Laurie, Quentin, Tapp and Ash but we still have them.
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Currently, there's a lawsuit going on that prevents any merchandise being created that involves Jason. This means F13: The Game can no longer get any updates with new content/DLC's. This also means Jason will never be coming to DBD unless the lawsuit is solved (or whatever the correct term is).
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I would actually like to see a FULL chapter.
Maybe a hybrid/animal killer, or a killer that can go into lockers as its secondary power.
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Good point