Freddie's Inner Workings - [ Paraphrased from Live Stream Interview ]

DoubleTap Member Posts: 218
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

Hi all, I'm a huge Freddy fan and just want to create a picture of his new mechanics in my mind so that I, and any others curious can get an idea of what his new presence in game is going to look like:

The below has been sourced and paraphrased from the {Dead By Daylight | Year 3 Anniversary Livestream}

Freddy Re-Work agenda: Map Mobility - Active Power used within chases

  • No more interaction debuff (Where you had to pull someone into the Dream World prior to hitting them)

Sleep Cycle:

"Micro Sleep" - The phase you go through during the passive transition from the waking world to the sleep world

When your awake Freddy will be:

  • intermittently visible at a certain distance
  • Invisible past a certain distance
  • Completely visible within a tight range
  • You will hear the terror radius by default instead of the lullaby
  • While Freddy is blinking in and out of visibility during the Micro Sleep phase you would hear the standard Killer terror radius rather than the Lullaby
  • You can hit people right away as Freddy you don't have to wait for them to fall asleep.
  • Freddy doesn't have to put anyone to sleep any more.
  • Survivors will fall asleep passively over a 60 second period (or whatever time they chose) - The sleep cycle is no longer turned on by an ability activated by Freddy, it is a passive process that happens over time.

Micro Sleep" Phase ends and Survivors In the Dream World:

  • After Survivors fall asleep Freddy will be completely visible and 
  • Survivors will hear the lullaby instead of terror radius so it's a little harder to detect where he is coming from.
  • One Survivor needs to be awake to awaken a sleeping Survivor.
  • Sleeping Survivors cannot wake up other Sleeping Survivors.
  • ANY failed skill check now wake you up (Generators, Hook Sabotage, Mending)
  • New dream object clock on top of dresser to wake you up (Devices placed in the game that are traceable by the Survivor similar to the Pig's head trap detachment boxes)

New Dream Abilities:

You can place 'Dream Pallets' on spawn points throughout the map to place these fake pallets (where standard pallets could have spawned but didn't). 

  • Awake Survivor's do not see these fake dream based pallets so you have to remember which ones weren't there before you fell asleep.
  • Once you fall asleep there will be fake pallets alongside the real ones. Once the asleep Survivor interacts with a fake dream based pallet it explodes harmlessly in blood

Dream Snare:

  • An ability to use actively within the chase
  • Only affects sleeping Survivors
  • When you place it on the ground it takes 2 seconds to arm and when a Survivor walks over it they will be slowed for the time the trap is active and for a lingering effect after that
  • We currently do not know how long it takes to set these Dream Snares or weather there will be any walking speed delay while setting them

Map Pressure:

  • Generator Teleport, aim at generator and channel Generator Teleport for 5 seconds, after the 5 seconds is up you will appear at the generator
  • Generator explodes in blood moments prior to the teleport occurring to warn Survivors of Freddie's imminent arrival
  • A husk of Freddy will appear at the generator (similar to the hag's husk prior to teleport) It has not been stated that like the hag weather teleport confirmation needs to be given by Freddy once the 5 second Generator Teleport charge is up

Interesting ways to use Generator Teleport is while chasing a Survivor towards a Generator start charging up Generator Teleport and teleport yourself to that Generator before they get there, blocking their path giving the opportunity to hit them.

Again, all of the above was again, paraphrased from the {Dead By Daylight | Year 3 Anniversary Livestream}

Post edited by DoubleTap on


  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2019


    Generator Teleport:

    • While walking once the match first starts begin the 5 second Teleport charge while targeting the farthest generator (because that's where the Survivors are most likely going to be) saving loads of time to get to that first target.
    • Bypass those pesky staircases / ramp on the other side of a structure and teleport right to the generator
    • With BBQC slotted charge up Generator Teleport and 5 seconds later your at the Generator you saw a Survivor at, or close to a Survivor you saw near a distant generator.

    Aura reading roomer:

    • Freddie's aura reading aspect is being removed in place of his three dream world tools (not confirmed in the interview, if anyone has any idea where this came from and if there is any substance to it that'd be fantastic)

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    What changes the stages of he dream cycle? Does he still use a power for that?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Survivors automatically transition from microsleep to full sleep after 60 seconds (though the number could change before release).

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    So 60 second into the game everyone’s goes full sleep?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Initially, yes. From the looks of things, once people start to wake up (regardless of how), they will return back to microsleep and individually fall back asleep after 60 seconds.

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2019

    @johnmwarnerBeing pulled into the dream world is passive, so every 60 seconds after you've woken up the process begins again. This is why they've added:

    • ANY failed skill check now wake you up (Generators, Hook Sabotage, Mending)
    • New dream object clock on top of dresser to wake you up (Devices placed in the game that are traceable by 

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I didn't hear anything about a minimum distance Gen teleporting so I think Corrupt Intervention will be super powerful on him. When the match starts you can possibly teleport to those 3 Gens? If not then you can go to the other Gens and start placing Dream Snares and pallets, he'll be better at trapping than Trapper and Hag combined.

    I'm really starting to get excited about this new Freddy <3

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    More excited about Freddy than I am about ghost face

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @johnmwarner I'm excited for both but it is truly a shame that a character we already have is generating more hype than the next new Killer and the rework comes AFTER Ghostface as well.

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218

    @HatCreature Yeah I've heard a couple of unsubstantiated and unsourced roomers like "Generator Teleport not being able to be done if the generators line of site is blocked".

    It'd be good to get a little more clarification around exactly how his abilities work, like:

    • How long it takes to charge the Dream Snare / Dream Pallet
    • How long it takes to re-charge your dream abilities once used
    • Are all three dream abilities on the same timer? are they on their own separate timers?

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    I'm still ticked about Freddy though like why remove the aura reading... Freddy always knew where the kids in his dream was that's what made him so scary in the movies you could run but never hide you had to fight to get away from him and that was reflected in-game (plus with the ghost having a perk that could make that ability God tier)

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @TrueKn1ghtmar3 I will dearly miss the aura reading, the pimp hand was strong with Freddy. Sleep someone then chase them around a building and then SMACK his ass, it feels really good. A lot of people don't think Freddy is good but I always feel like a threat as Freddy, hopefully we still feel that way when the rework hits.

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2019

    @TrueKn1ghtmar3 Is this confirmed by the devs? I didn't hear it anywhere in the interview is all, I'm hoping it's just a roomer. If so I sincerely hope they remove the cataracts from Freddie's field of vision because omg you can barely see anything, you practically need aura reading to stand a chance on most maps.

    Something was said during the interview of making Freddie's field of vision less blurry and cluttered with falling ash and fog but again, as far as I recall I didn't hear anyone say they where removing his aura reading.

    If they do I hope they re-work his add on's because half of them rely on aura reading and the other half remove mere seconds off time to fall asleep so pretty much all his add on's will become obsolete (pretty much like what happened with Legion, half their add on's are pointless post re-work)

    I mean it would be beyond pointless to have an aura reading add on to augment their base ability for a class that doesn't have aura reading in their base ability.