Livestream/Roadmap Blues

TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

According to the Roadmap Chapter 14 won't come with a new map. That must mean that it's just like this Ghostface chapter with a single Licensed killer or survivor right? If so, I'm hoping it'll be fun regardless, but was still hoping for a full chapter after we got 2 "paragraphs" with no new map taking place of what would have been a full chapter release in a few weeks. I'll try to keep a positive mind about it.

Sadly the most downer part of the roadmap: Dedicated servers aren't planned to go live until chapter 13, which will be in September... Despite saying that they'd go live in "Summer 2019" It's apparently scheduled for the first month of Fall/Autumn. Sigh, "Another 3 months of putting up with the DC epidemic and Lag-switchers" I guess... I've mostly avoided playing the game until the DC problem gets under control, Which the devs have said would be when they get the Dedicated Servers and Disciplinary Committee established and live. I was really hoping they'd go live with the Freddy rework, but they're not, at least we may get to test them more in the PTB's.

I loved the Livestream, and am excited over so many things, but these kinda struck me in a buzzkill way. Forgive my whining over a few minor things.


  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @TWiXT Actually servers will still be on time.

    Fall/Autumn doesn't start until the last week of September. They're just putting it at the last second of summer.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    That's little comfort based on the technicality that the first day of fall is September 21'st, which still doesn't make them come out sooner, or get the DC epidemic under control sooner than 3 months away. I love this game, and I would love to play it again like i used to when DC's were a rarity... currently the epidemic is killing the game for me, and i'm betting I'm not alone in that statement.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    When a game developer says something will come in the summer, or in May, or in 2020, I just go in assuming that it will be out at the end of the month/season/year. If I'm wrong I'm pleasantly surprised. If I'm right then I didn't get my hopes up.

    Anyway, the road map isn't set in stone.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I'm not a fan of paragraphs either. I'd rather them spread out chapters if needed if it means we get a Killer, Survivor and a map.

  • tburke360
    tburke360 Member Posts: 7

    Only 2 new maps and survivors is a big downer for me. I went into the livestream so excited but came out really disappointed which sucks since I have been a huge fan of the game for such a long time.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited June 2019

    Last Year we got 4 new maps with each chapter release. I understand though that they are instead changing 2 maps to be better balanced, and adding 2 maps instead of going all out and adding 4 new maps again, but that may actually be a good thing. the 2 maps getting the rework treatment are Badham Preschool and TBA (Which I'm hoping is Lampkin Lane, or Rotten Fields) and lets face it, they need the rework and will be better for the game as a whole. 2 new maps will also add and give us a bit more variety, which I am hoping means they'll be balanced when they come out due to the new map adjustments\mindset they'll be making. There's still a lot to be excited about with the game, but for me, until the dedicated servers are live, I am still a little perturbed.