FoV for killers should be increased.
It's too small and not good. I think it should be increased to the current Shadowborns level. I believe the devs have mentioned it once. It would benefit the game a lot if it was at least 8 degrees larger.
Also Shadowborn would be more viable.
I wouldn't mind this since it's not like Shadowborn is OP in anyway. Shadowborn is more of a QoL change because you can actually see more stuff, but you'll still have to focus if you want to actually find hiding survivors.
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Agreed. I want this since such a llong time. But it should be increased to shadowborn lvl which is 15 degrees i think.
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@NMCKE an even bigger FoV increase would be the ideal solution. @Peanits @not_Queen would this work or naw?
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I mean.. I agree, the small PoV is unnecessarily obnoxious...
But do we really need to make stealth less viable right now?
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I would welcome it. At least increase it a little bit.
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It would be a nice change.
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I was thinking it should highlight survivors when they are within a certain range to you. The highlight will be exactly like the highlight from stalking survivors or the highlight from taking invulnerability hits. This would be a good perk to catch survivors who are slightly out of position when they are hiding.
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yes its totally bullshit to waste a perk slot as a killer to just get a good fov like killers are already op to waste perk slots
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@Visionmaker stealth would get no nerfs. If someone tries to stealth bun hiding right outside of the killers FoV then that’s not exactly stealth.
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@Poweas Increasing baseline Killer PoV to 15* up to 30* with SB makes stealth less viable. It is a nerf to stealth as much as pick up speed increasing was a nerf to flashlights.
Hiding and moving according to the Killer's FoV is an important aspect of stealth. It will be significantly harder to lose or hide from the killer with 30* degrees extra FoV. It is ridiculous to deny that. The small FoV was not designed simply to irritate killer players.
Let me ask you, how often do you lose survivors in a chase with your current FoV?
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Agreed, The FOV is just so small. I can't play without shadowborn anymore because I get a headache trying to look around.
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It's isn't about nerfing stealth; it's more about how good it feels to see more stuff around you.
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@NMCKE It will nerf stealth. Your comfort doesn't trump balance.
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I know, I never said it didn't, but I'm just saying that it feels better overall to see more stuff.
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I’d like this
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@Visionmaker I main Spirit and 99% of survivors run Iron will sooo….
Also I'm sure it'll be fine.
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@NMCKE I understand, I am only bringing an important part of the conversation to light. Your perspective is agreeable and all, but there is no way it is being implemented without consideration to how it will impact game balance.
There has been a large number of perks and killer powers added that counter stealth as it is, and only a few stealth buffs (to lockers). Furthermore, they are reducing safe loops in the future. An additional baseline FoV buff to Killers on top of all of this sounds unreasonable to me.
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@Visionmaker you bring excellent points to be fair. Stealth could be buffed in other ways then, they could add more clutter?
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@Poweas To start, yes, I think it is well needed in some maps like the Game and Shelter Woods. Additional stealth alternatives/hide spots like lockers would be a good addition for the game.
For reference, baseline Killer FoV is 87*. 15* extra FoV is 17% more than baseline. With Shadowborn, it'd be 34% larger.
I dunno how much needs to be added to balance that.
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@Visionmaker I said 8 degrees larger would suffice. Then Shadowborn would be viable but @NMCKE suggested an excellent rework idea though. Yamaoka Estate would probably be balanced if they added an 8 degree FoV change.
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Comfort trumps balance when it comes to survivors
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Not only is the killer's FOV incredible restricting, its also set way too low. Killer's FOV is actually set at their neck instead of their eyes. Which means killers cant look over obstacles, they should be able to look over. Just look at Myers. You can clearly see his head sticking out of the corn as survivor, but Myers is still completely blinded by the corn. If you dont believe me, just pay attention to the killer intro at the start of the match. The camera is zoomed into the killer's neck, not their head.
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No, it totally nerfs stealth. Stealth isn't about hiding in a corner on the opposite side of hte map from the killer.
Stealth is about sneaking around right under the killer's nose. An increase in the killer's FOV makes that increasingly more difficult. That's why stealth players hate M&A.
I would only be okay with a killer FOV increase if they reduced the lighting on the maps again back to pre-2.3 levels.
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Why don't we paint all the survivors in neon pink paint while we're at it, I mean we can't have killers not finding survivors after all can we.
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Yes, please.
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I'd love that change. I often get nauseous when I play more than a couple of rounds without shadowborn. The default killer fov is just way to low for me, feels bad that I have to "waste" a whole perk slot just I don't feel sick when I play killer, pls devs do something about it!