This just made my day.

Just had a game against a Billy where 3 out of 4 of us escaped. A Meg stayed in the trial to get the hatch. While she was at it she searched a nearby chest and tried to break a dull totem right by the hatch when there was only 10 seconds left on the EGC. She got maybe 3 quarters of a way on the totem before she realized she was out of time. She was 1 foot from the hatch before the EGC killed her. Biggest oof i have ever witnessed in this game.
Lesson to be learned here folks. Dont be this Meg and greed for 600 boldness when a literal 7000 free bloodpoints is sitting right there. Interdimensional floor spiders will punish you for it.
This. I escaped a LF after one died. Door was open. 2 taunted with doors open with about 30 s left. One ate the saw and the other tried to bodyblock, eating a NOED hit. One hooked, one EGC sacrificed. All because they didnt leave when they had the opportunity.
2 -
I have a similar story of frustration.
I downed the last Survivor right by the exit gate border but close enough for me to pick him up during EGC today but there where no hooks in walking distance as I didn't have Agitation or Iron Grasp to push that carrying distance further.
So rather than try and inevitably fail handing them the escape I opted to drop them on the ground.
They then crawled all the way back and escaped before the EGC timer ran out.
So if you down a Survivor right at the exit gate and there are no hooks in range and if you don't have carrying perks during EGC (and if you don't have Mori) Survivors are guaranteed an escape.