I will make this a short one I'm confused why no achievement pop up

I just got done a match as The Pig sacrificing everyone as well as closing the hatch. I got Merciless Killer rank using her three perks. I am confused why it didn't pop up? My username is OmegaJackRed666 on Xbox One. I spent most of the match directly attacking to stay on top of them. I am positive none of my traps killed anyone too.


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Achievements break all the time in this game.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    I guess I have no choice but to try again hoping I'll get it this time.

  • TwistedSegaGamer
    TwistedSegaGamer Member Posts: 109

    Update: I finally got it in slightly easier match. I had to really stay on top of them. But the funny part is the last survivor didn't open either exit gate. Wow I am happy I got all current licensed killers done. I still have her trap achievement to do.