Killer Wishlist Thread

gantes Member Posts: 1,611
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

I thought I'd create a thread for us to discuss our wishlists on killers overall. This is not supposed to solve all the viability issues for weaker killers, just some more obvious (imo), QoL changes to help their power work as intended.

For me, atm, these are changes which would help the killers on the weaker side to become more viable:

Trapper: I legit think that in this day and age, he NEEDS Trapper Bag as baseline. That'd help him quite a bit so he can focus on better add-ons.

Wraith: slightly increase his base movespeed while cloaked. (you rarely see a Wraith do anything if he's not using Windstorm).

Doctor: make it so the effects on Shock Therapy start right as it hits the survivor. Too many times the Survivor vaulted a window or dropped a pallet after I hit them with Shock Therapy because of the delay.

Cannibal: please reduce the stun when he hits an object. Makes no sense that he's stunned for longer than Hillbilly when bumping into something. Maybe increase his chainsaw's base MS too.

Pig: increase her movespeed while crouched to 100%. Also slightly increase/slightly reduce warning of her ambush attack, and slightly increase crouching speed.

Clown: give him a bonus for when he hits a survivor directly with a bottle. Maybe increase his own speed for a while or increase the slow considerably.

That's the killers who need help the most imo. Not counting Freddy because of rework.

EDIT: nerf suggestions welcome too, just don't expect to be taken seriously if you ask for anyone besides Nurse or Spirit to be nerfed :^)


  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited June 2019

    I do agree with all this, however, there are 2 killers I have an issue with.

    Doctor: The effects of Shock therapy DO happen immediately, either your timing is incorrect, or one of you (or both) could be suffering from lag. No offense, but you miiiight need to work on your timing.

    Clown: The Clown's bottles are meant to be "Fire and Forget", not a Worse Huntress. He doesn't need a Buff, nor does he need a Nerf. He's good where he is. The goal with the bottles is to NOT hit the survivor with the bottle, you just need to get them into the gas.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm not sure the Clown is good the way he is. I mean, sure, he's good in chases, but I don't think that overweighs his lack of map pressure. If the way his kit is meant to work is by winning chases fast to compensate for the lack of map pressure, I wouldn't mind a small buff for chases.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    @toxicity23 Well the thing is:

    With clown being a low-mid tier, why wouldn't you reward a player that hits its shots well?

    I especially like the idea of this Slowdown effect on direct hit be proportional to distance, like 2 meter 1% speed (if you got hit with a bottle 10 meters away from the killer, you deserve to slowdown 5%).

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    General: I want the devs/balance team to actually start considering how killers will play at higher ranks. There seems to be a bizarre assumption that a rank 15 killer will be this optimal menace against new survivors, when in reality a new killer is just as noob-ish as those survivors. I'm tired of feeling like I'm opting into a significantly more difficult game simply because I want to play Trapper or Doctor at rank 5 instead of Spirit.

    General 2: I feel that it would be easier to balance the game if killers weren't constantly being released in an underpowered state and then later tagged for buffs and reworks. This kind of relates to point number 1. It seems like the dev/balance team is overly reliant on their own gameplay and experience and doesn't seek enough input from players on the higher end of the skill spectrum. This has led to a slew of killers that do ok in the low to mid ranks but fall flat beyond rank 10.

    Trapper: Absolutely agree with the trapper bag being baseline. One trap being standard is absolutely insane given how fast gens get done. Why is this still a thing?

    Clown: If you want his identity to be the "chase killer", then his chase ability needs to actually exceed that of half the killer roster. His bottle throw slowdown is equal to the intoxication slowdown. Why?

    Plague: Built in Thanataphobia when survivors choose not to cleanse or remove the instaheal when cleansing. Remove the unnecessary movement speed slowdown when charging and holding Corrupt Purge. This is yet another killer that is more or less reliant on survivors being dumb-dumbs.

    Spirit: Chase music needs to end immediately upon phasing. Not a fade out.

    Leatherface: Where to begin... He's far too slow when holding and charging the saw. The penalty for bumping is too severe. He's too slow when using the saw.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Legion--let him see blood during FF, bring back normal Vault speed.

    Pig--if Ghostface has normal speed during crouch then Amanda should too, her Roar should be at the end of the charge and not the beginning.

    Trapper--the 'ol start with more traps and maybe decrease their spawn distance from each other so you can have maybe a group of 3 in a small area instead of 3 in a HUGE wide area where you need to trek halfway across the map to finish blocking 1 loop.

    Clown---everyone is saying about a bonus to his bottle but WHAT IF he had a second ability? Clown is an alcoholic well how about we let him take a swig from his own tonic and give him a slight boost of speed, now Clown can throw bottles to slow people down and speed himself up. This can help him with map pressure because he can get around slightly faster, Huntress is slow because she has hatchets but that gives her map pressure, Clown has bottles so he's normal speed but has no map pressure so this temp boost of speed could help him in that regard. OR instead of increased speed when he drinks his tonic his lunge distance is increased.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Wraith - I'd love a speed up to his cloaking and uncloaking, an attack out of cloak would be amazing too.

    Trapper - He needs to start with all his traps, This is his main downfall. He has to go collect and set up which takes way to much time. He should also be able to carry more then 1 by default and for the love of god, Make it so he can't step in his own traps.

    Pig - Full speed when crouched, maybe decrease the distance of the dash attack a little to compensate.

    Plague - As she was in PTB, Remove the slow down in movement speed when holding and release vomit, Let her be able to hold in the puke and walk around being ready to fire it.

    Doctor - Personally I'd redo his shock therapy to be an M2 attack and not a mode. This way you can quickly shoot with m2 at loops like he's supposed to. also add the madness tier up to his regular terror radius since he wont have a treatment mode.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    to explain the Doctor shock therapy part:

    a window vault animation starts before the survivor reaches the window. the animation includes a short sprint towards the window and the following vault. shocking them during that sprint will not achieve anything, as the animation has already started at that point.

    this often leads to some very annoying moments for Doctors, as they clearly hit their shocktherapy before the survivor reached the window, yet the survivor continues to run towards and vault the window without any problems, extending the chase.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    Bug fixes

    Most importantly fixed sounds and the really annoying grab bugs where you get frozen in place and the survivor runs off.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Trapper: 2 traps by default. Traps hold survivors for a minimum duration. Increase the hit box of traps. Make traps slightly darker by default.

    Leatherface: Little to no slow down while revving the saw. Smaller chainsaw hit box for easier maneuvering. Short chainsaw sprint for added map pressure.

    This is what I can think of at the top of my head.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I'd make Rin's screams during Phasing like after her release - That it won't be directional, and that's all.