Remove Secret Offering icons before loading and hitting the Esc key.



  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    An anti-mori perk is intriguing. Probably more useful than a lot of other survivor perks.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Yeah but what offering exactly did you use that didn't turn around? Freddy Offering? LOL.

    Sash of binding? Yeah right.

    We all know it's a mori, when we see a black offering that doesn't turn we already know we're in for a short game.

    Ebony Moris need to be removed from this game or reworked, they are ridiculous.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    The problem here is that doing this is just putting a bandaid over the symptoms, and not taking care of the root cause of the problem.

    When the first survivor dies in game to a Mori after first hook, you think someone isn't going to DC like they would if they saw the Mori in the offering screen? The offering screen should be removed from the game and you get to see what was used in the endgame summary (well killers do, Survivors don't get to see killer loadout unless they waste time staying in the game to the end), but BHVR needs to address the fact that Ebony Moris are just bad for the game.

    They serve no purpose other than to unfairly punish survivors as it has no counterplay and makes the killer's work 50% easier. It is the equivalent of a Survivor Offering that makes all gens take only 40 seconds to repair. Killers would be burning pickets if there were an offering like that.

    And you wonder why Survivors DC in this game. Take a good look at your game design, that is the real reason we have a DC epidemic, it's not from lack of punishments for DCing.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234


    Ebony Moris need more requirements to perform.

    The Killah Mainz always cry about the games ending in 2 minutes "CuZ tHeRe'S Ten rUsHiNg!" but then bring ebony moris or Judith's Tombstone. Clowns!

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited June 2019

    Honestly, it's about time they balanced moris if they're planning to chop down all the other broken stuff in the game. Flashlights, BNP, OP perks, instaheals, safe loops, even unbalanced maps have been/are being/will be visited on the survivor's end. Really the only thing they haven't chopped down is SWF.

    Meanwhile, on the killer's side, a Moris blatantly encourage tunneling and are disproportionately game changing compared to its rarity and cost. They way they operate doesn't add anything positive to the game.

    I'd like to see them reduce the power but make them more integral to gameplay in exchange.

    .... again may I propose that Cypress mori be baseline? :)