Fan-made chapter: the howling hunt

Killer: the Tracker
Name: black wolfe
TR: 32M
M/S: 110%
Weapon: native bone dagger
Power: Huntsman's mark
This power has three tiers each one reached by hitting a survivor with a special weapon like the doctor you switch to this special weapon (non-lethal) and gain a lowered TR and slightly faster movement speed (all tiers keep the effects of the previous tiers)
(1/3) you mark the survivor while they are outside of your TR and running their aura is revealed to you
(2/3) that survivors scratch marks last slightly longer their aura will ocassionaly pulse while outside of your TR (based on the countdown of a timer shown to the killer so all tier 2+ survivors will have their auras revealed at the same time)
(3/3) you become harder for the survivor to spot (you are invisible to that survivor while they are outside of your TR) while in TR range of that survivor they cant percieve your red stain.
Survivors can locate small cleansing pools to remove idividul tiers of the mark (enough pools becoming active to fully cleanse every survivor otherwise they do not flow) you can only find active pools by listeing for them their auras are only shown via aura perks or via capable maps.
Hunter's target
While chasing your obsession missed attacks fuel you with rage. per missed attack on your obsession while chasing them gain a token max (2/3/4). increase your movement speed by 2% per token. (This will only work if the survivor is within normal hit range)
Hex: Trackers Trap
When cleansed the survivor who cleansed this totem becomes injured, also when cleansed the aura of the furthest survivor is revealed for 3s if they are beyond (40/36/30)m
Incomprable rage
Each time to you become stunned gain a token, max (4/5/6). While chasing a survivor for 1min or longer spend 4 tokens (if possible) that survivor becomes exposed.
It was a long and hard journey from their home lands, forced out by a government who did not own them... Black Wolf (or just Wolfe as he was nicknamed by the "pale faces" near his village back home) was the son of the chieftan and the most skilled hunter tracking prey on foot for miles before they'd subcumb to their wounds, his tallent praise far and wide as a gift from the ancestor spirits but not all things are built to last when greedy men set their eyes on what doesn't belong to them. It had been hundreds of miles of grueling anexation the deaths along the way fueling Wolf's growing hatred for the greed that befell his tribe. Night was upon them peaceful and quiet everyone setting up necessary protections from what lay beyond their camp, Wolf walking the camp assisting his people where he could something caught his eye beyond the fire, "another death" he thought to himself. unprepared for the grimm reality he approached the body pain swelling in him as it's figure became clearer, the chieftan was dead Wolf to Succeed him. Wolf's rage flowing from him, he took up his dagger and his father's staff and rushed back to the camp killing the guard, bloodied bodies lay strewn accross the camp and screams echoed into the night Wolf blinded with rage killed all in sight. It wasn't long before he noticed something in his periphials moving in a dense fog, he pursued...
Nice, I like the Native American thing you went with, he turned into a real hunter you just can't shake. This brings back Freddy's tracking and I like that invisible thing you went with too that's awesome :)
Also Hunter's Target is cool, it's better than Unrelenting or at least goes well with Unrelenting.
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Yes that's part of the reason I made it that way and also turned it into an obsession perk (since it has such a boost it would suck if it worked on everyone) the perks main part is punishing survs who willingly become the obsession (as on its own it doesn't change obsession)
Then it has strong synergy with unrelenting (as you've said), the ghost obsession perk (keep forgetting the name), remember me, and Michael's obsession perk (there are a few others so the could become part of the killer meta if made.
Also decided on a native killer from the trail of tears time period because
1.) The trail of tears would definitely force a native to break and go crazy killer mode.
2.) I haven't done a native killer and would have liked to see one in game
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I like the ability since it is similar to the old freddy. It all depends on how easy it is to hit survivors with his special weapon because I assume its not identical to doctors. And does every hit immediately increase the tiers? Or does it gradually increase like doctors while close.
Hunters Target: This perk is OP if you have no way of losing the tokens. I think it should be similar to Play With Your Food except instead of any attack, only successful attacks take away a token. Also it must be a missed attack inside of an 8m range from the obsession.
Hex: Trackers Trap: I had a concept similar to this before but I was told it was OP. I think your version is slightly weaker and I would make it that any totems cleansed while this totem is still active will injure the survivor. Can't get downed by this way of course.
Incomparable Rage: You need to confirm how long the exposed status lasts for. I would suggest 40/50/60 seconds.
Really enjoyed reading your chapter. Hopefully my feedback was helpful.
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It would be immediately increased tiers, the special weapon would be the father's walking stick (of course blessed by the entity) it would have a slightly longer range than that of the main weapon but not so much as to ensure survivors cant get away and tiers don't increase with proximity, hits only.
Hunters target loses it's stacks after the chase is over.
Trackers Trap is a trap totem like haunted grounds (and we all know how many potato survs fall for that) which is why I thought it should only affect itself and be able to inflict the down.
Incomprable Rage I figured could last until chase is over as well but a small time limit like 15-30s does seem to be a good balancing point it would reward a good play without making it point and shoot easy
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Then with Hunters Target you need to add that to the perk description.
Trackers Trap I understand its mentality to be like Haunted Grounds but it's too weak just injuring 1 person only. The suggestion I made could potentially injure multiple people before the totem is destroyed.
Incomparable rage is just a bit weak if it takes that long to activate and only affects the one survivor. Looping a killer for 30 seconds isn't that hard so that's why I'd increase it to 60 seconds and notify the survivor once the killer has got it.
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Well thanks for the advice I'll take all things into consideration
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I love the story😍
Hunter's Target is a great perk and if it does "Hunters target loses it's stacks after the chase is over." Then it's balanced to me. Chasing a survivor and purposely missing gives them gives them a false sense of security.
Hex: Tracker's Trap does sound weak, i read what comments others put and maybe it can effect alk totems until that hex is destroyed, or maybe if that hex is destroyed then that person is down revealing them and others around them in a certain radius. I do like the idea, it does need a buff.
Incomprable rage would be so good if combined with Spirit Fury and Enduring.
Overall, this is a good chapter. Edit or make more chapters😀
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I'm currently working on a chapter about a crazed astronaut (set his ship with its crew on a course to a nearby solar body)