Best jumpscare in-game?

•Myers pulling you off a geni
•Nurse surprise blinks
•Pigs ambush
•Running into a hag trap when everything is quiet
•Finding out it’s the trapper by stepping into a random trap
•Surprise billy from the corn
•Getting sniped from across the map by Anna
walking casually through a pallet as killer and a Claudette pops up and rekts your face
@DirtyNurseMain said:
Here we will vote on which killer makes you jump the most?
•Myers pulling you off a geni
•Nurse surprise blinks
•Pigs ambush
•Running into a hag trap when everything is quiet
•Finding out it’s the trapper by stepping into a random trap
•Surprise billy from the corn
•Getting sniped from across the map by Anna
walking casually through a pallet as killer and a Claudette pops up and rekts your faceDefinitly the random pallet drop. I’ve played both sides too, but that pallet drop is horrifying
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I personally find walking into a hag trap, when you didn’t even know she was the killer, the scariest!4
Though i find the hag trap incredibly scary, i've lost chases due to throwing my mouse across the room when those damn Claudette's do a surprise pallet slam, ######### scary man.
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I have literally jumped out of my seat once when I was strolling along and someone dropped a pallet on me. I just was not expecting it. The thought somewhat humorously occurred in me, "hey, I'm supposed to be the scary one here."8
Michael just appearing out of nowhere on stalk mode and scaring the bejesus out of you.
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Dwight_Fairfield said:
Michael just appearing out of nowhere on stalk mode and scaring the bejesus out of you.
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when i first started playing, i was a survivor.... didn't care much for it so i switched to killer and LOVED it. everything was fine till Unbreakable was introduced.... i left a jake on the floor of my basement and went to retrieve a meg upstairs. after a decent chase, i was bringing her downstairs to hang her. they were the last 2 alive so it was pretty quiet.... as i turned the corner with meg on my shoulder, jake jumps up off the floor and charges past me.... scared the living ######### outta me.... i was so shook up, i just let him finish the last gen and walked him to the door. it was the only time i've actually been scared playing this game....
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Tie between Myers yanking me off a gen and getting the surprise pallet to the face when I'm patrolling and not expecting anything. It's always a Feng that does it too. Damn her.
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As a Claudette the best thing was scaring the crap out of a killer by hiding in some bushes and he kept walking right past me while i was crouched. I was laughing so hard as they kept hunting for me in one small section of the map since they knew i was there i finally jumped up in front of him and started running. He never chased me again after that i think he was so shocked and the next time he saw me in the distance doing a gen he just turned and went the other direction.
Now I've basically had the same thing happen to me as a Trapper although it was Feng Min that did it to me, I kept hunting for her and someone else and then I couldn't move in this one dark area in between a bunch of trees. I thought game was frozen and I kept trying to move and couldn't and then I finally looked down and she was blocking us both in between the trees.
It was so funny because neither one of us could move that entire time and her back was too me, I finally hit her and backed up and let her escape. She was so cool and calm there it was totally earned in my book to be not olnl so sneaky but also so calm. It reminded me of when I did it above and she was probably laughing just as hard.
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Definitely the Claudette slamming a pallet on me! I remember I played grim pantry and I just got done hooking a survivor and there’s a pallet next to the killer shack (I was playing wraith and I was invisible) all of a sudden I get pallet slammed and I was like OH MY GOD I was so scared I had to remember I was the killer and get myself situated again1
I played a game yesterday on Lampkin Lane. I started repairing a gen and was watching my corners when a Dwight wearing the white beanie and blue jacket came outta nowhere. I thought he was Myers because all I saw was the colors. Made me shreak lmao.1
When a gen pops as a killer after a long period of silence should be on the list.
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You know you can get consistent gen grabs with pig by just standing up instead of ambush.0
When you walk past a pallet and a survivor just appears and slams it on your head for no reason.
Or when you play Huntress and want to grab a few hatchets and there is a survivor in a locker in a place where they have no business at.0 -
Getting into an unexpected Trapper's trap is actually a huge jumpscare to me.
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The Hag's Trap, I almost ######### myself when I triggered it...
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There is nothing more satisfying then stepping around the corner as Michaels and hauling that survivor to your play pen.
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Once I know a Myers is in a map I gain a quasi tolerance to him. However hag traps always map me jump if I'm focused on something.1
Ninja Billy Chainsaw from Downtown. I literally threw my controller.0
@DirtyNurseMain said:
Here we will vote on which killer makes you jump the most?
•Myers pulling you off a geni
•Nurse surprise blinks
•Pigs ambush
•Running into a hag trap when everything is quiet
•Finding out it’s the trapper by stepping into a random trap
•Surprise billy from the corn
•Getting sniped from across the map by Anna
walking casually through a pallet as killer and a Claudette pops up and rekts your faceP3 claudette jumping out of a black corner and hitting a pallet on my head has jumpscared me the most in DBD^^
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I still get scared sometimes by my own Doctor hallucinations I’ll be looking for that hidden survivor and- woah! Where’d you come from?? (The new poses for the hallucinations are great)0
When you're in a tense moment hiding from the killer and the last gen goes off and it makes the blaring sound, scares the out of me.
Also, as a Hillbilly main, Ninja Chainsaws are the best. I love going from one side to the next and hitting someone on the gate switch.
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The random pallet drop from a Survivor I didnt know was there is the only thing that has ever startled me even slightly in DBD.
Killers aint scary in the slightest. Even Shattered Mirror Shape/Jumpscare Myers is just like "oh hey, didnt see you there, I am going to leave now, good luck catching me with low speed, near-nil lunge range, and no bloodlust."0 -
As far as cheap jumpscares I would say Hag Traps, but if we're talking just pure unnerving terror I'd say Mikey boy at tier one just slurping up that EW as you work on a gen before pulling you off. Not to mention being chased by him and suddenly hearing that damned Halloween jingle and watching him raising him knife, thinking "alright I'm completely beaned here".
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My favorite thing to do is play nurse with insidious and noed. I play the game normal until 1 gen is left then go to an exit gate and blink through it. Wait on the side where the lever is. Survivor opens the door and goes to walk through. SURPRISE M***** F*****. Insta down lol. I've gotten plenty of messages from survivors over needing to change under garments.
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I vote for starting a lobby only to see 4 Dwight wearing red shirts and all carrying flashlights...shudder
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deathdoer1 said:
My favorite thing to do is play nurse with insidious and noed. I play the game normal until 1 gen is left then go to an exit gate and blink through it. Wait on the side where the lever is. Survivor opens the door and goes to walk through. SURPRISE M***** F*****. Insta down lol. I've gotten plenty of messages from survivors over needing to change under garments.
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You can always tell when you scare someone on a keyboard when they do this weird stutter step as though their hands shifted keys quickly. Had that happen yesterday to a poor Jake that didn't realize he was walking next to my crouched Pig lol.0
For me it's the Pig crouch-walking right past you without noticing you when you didn't even know it was the Pig yet.
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Popping into the basement to save your friend, only to find bubba insidious camping
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I'm doing my usual stream with the usual 2 regulars. I was survivor and had rolled Lery's as our map.
I was answering a question from one of the viewers as a meg quietly stepped out a locker. I interrupted my distracted chain of thought to say "Hi Meg" just as I triggered a hag trap....
For months, the guys would never let me live that down - they always entered the stream saying "Oh hi meg OMFG JESUS CHRIST!!"
I kinda wish they had clipped that to be honest. I'm just glad I didn't have the camera back then. I nearly fell out of my chair from that scare.
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Walking around a corner just to run into Myers, running for your life and looking behind you just to realize that Myers was with his back to you and didn‘t even see you1
At the very beginning of the match when you don't know who the killers is and you've found a gen. I usually start panning the camera around to make sure I'm clear and there have been times where Myers is just RIGHT behind me and I run shrieking from my gen.
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When you’re repairing a generator and you see Feng walking behind and you think it was either the Pig crouching or Myers stalking you.0
The pig jump scares me a lot when I’m looking around and she creeps up around a corner . Like f’n hell.0
hag traps.
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Once I died and then stats of the match opened. After I look through it, I decided to became a spectrator. And then this ######### happened to me.
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@Rattman said:
Once I died and then stats of the match opened. After I look through it, I decided to became a spectrator. And then this ######### happened to me.Oh my god lol. Terrifying.