Best experience you've ever had on dbd?

I'm just curious to see what you've guys experienced on here as far as it being a good moment.

Mine was when I first started off on this game and a few players taught me the basics and praised me for doing things right. And then there was that beautiful moment where I got my first 4k as hillbilly. Everyone was so sweet to me and shared the excitement, which was nice.

10/10 wish that could happen again.


  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    When the spirit comes out.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    My first 360. It was mediocre, but damn it felt good. The killer was also really wholesome.

    Wholesome killers are the best killers to play against; especially if they’re good but don’t call you trash or insults.

  • Ghostface_Main_TBH
    Ghostface_Main_TBH Member Posts: 58

    Getting a level 1 hillbilly is always fun. One game I must’ve escaped one at least 10 times.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    Whenever I vault a window and the killer doesn't hit me.

    Every time. Sad I'm glad a mechanic works when it has to.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Survivors tbagging me (after I 2 hooked them all, no tunnel even at the end game) at the exit gate when I used speed limiter on Leatherface. Just puts a smile on my face. (:

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Hooking everyone in the basement =)

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Honestly it would either be the first time I played this game. My best friend and future ex girlfriend at the time along with a few friends got me to get the game with no prior knowledge I did so and well they put me into a kyf against Freddy. Needless to say there was laughs and jumpscares that day haha.

    Either that or the same person doing a kyf and showing me mirror Myers for the first time. Damn near gave me a fockin heart attack.

    Or the time I got the Myers adept achievement, I was having just an all round bad day and wanted to play killer to burn some steam. Got it first try at rank 5. Felt incredibly good about myself

    Or even the time I played impossible skillchecks doctor and took pity on some people who had two others dc on them, the match wasn't spectacular I just let them farm, but afterwards they friended me on steam to thank me, and we later played a few matches together with me giving them a ghost flashlight as a thank you for their wholesomeness

    I've had a lot of good moments in this game and made fond memories haha

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    Probably this 30 minute game I had. Surprisingly it was against Doctor, my most hated foe.

    We finished all the gens except for 1, but the last three gens were all in close proximity. One survivor had already expired. Doctor was in perfect position to do a 3-gen strategy. For the next 20 minutes we fought tooth and nail against doctor running around, tapping gens, fighting the Overcharge, struggling to get the last gen up. It was an incredibly taut battle with three of us, all solo-queue, fighting with incredibly harmony and precision trying to tear doctor's attention on two gens, getting ripped crazy countless times and stitching ourselves together over and over for the next third of an hour.

    Eventually Doctor's concentration slipped and we managed to sneak the last gen by. Instead of running away I stayed to the last moment fixing the gen, and the Doc chased after me and smashed my head in. He put me on the hook as my team opened the nearby gate.

    As my life dwindled into nothing Feng Min dove in for a suicide save, shielding me from the doctor. As I got off both of us were down 1 hit each and had to make a mad dash for the exit. The last Claudette fell in line behind us to protect all of us, but the DOc hit her, then hit the other Feng and she goes down.

    Doc hooks her, Claudette and I move into position for the save as the Crotus Penn crumbles around us, but Feng makes the noble sacrifice and kills herself on hook so the rest of us can go.

    End Result: 2-2 draw.

    There were other times where I did hilarious antics and had a lot of fun, but this was the first time I ever got into a really intense, close fight that both sides fought tooth and nail to win.

    Probably the next most memorable instance was when I did 2 hook saves in a row by sabo-ing the hooks just as the Nurse was dragging Feng Min onto them. The hooks were perfectly timed and I was able to predict twice exactly where Nurse was going to hook her, and I had both hooks prepped ahead of time. Feng wiggled out after the second hook (she was dead on hook) and we both ran out the exit gate. Both the killer and the Feng called me a Legend in endgame chat.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Clowns drop was the best experience for me