Thank you for mentioning Leatherface in the stream

I hope the title of this doesn’t sound condescending because I mean it, it is nice to finally get the acknowledgment of LF needing some changes from the team themselves, especially that it was done when they have Ghostface to be focusing on.
Hopefully this is the start of something wonderful.
I'm a little worried about what the nurse change would be. They mentioned that it's "high priority".
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What did they say? I missed the stream.
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Cant wait for the nurse nerf
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InB4 they buff nurse
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@NuclearBurrito Oh fu#k they better be doing an add on rework and not a power rework
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Ehhh they never said rework.
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What stream did they mentioned that. Anyway leatherface need a buff/rework but, Nurse watch out it's land mine. the power is great but add-ons make her OP (range , blinks) but some are outdated/bad (every purple).
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It wasn’t a huge amount but basically they said that they were looking at making his saw potentially activate as soon as the meter is full.
It is a good start but I am more hopeful because they said they have seen that LF has been brought up A LOT
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Nurse could actually use a QoL change.
The rare addon that lets you see where teleport lands, should be grey. Since it would help new players.
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I was really happy they answered my question. Bubba needs some love asap.
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Also, what did they say about Nurse?
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She's top priority for them to get some changes. Thats it
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"Nurse Buff: Console players can now use M+KB
Nurse Buff: Game now properly runs on console with minimal to no performance issues"
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Is it possible to rewatch the stream? I would appreciate a link if possible.
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@TAG Is this accurate information, or are you just joking?
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Sorry, I was just joking. My bad.
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I want a ching and flash like a fully charged hatchet and a slightly faster movement speed while revved, not slowdown and he'll be fine.
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I'm main bubba and I literally started screaming when I heard that
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Lol, when the question came up about them buffing more killer powers, I was thinking “please say the L word please say the L word” and well they did.