So tired of the issues plaguing this game
After playing a bunch of matches it juat gets worse and worse with these abundant issues. Abusing matchmaking SWF alongside long queues, Survivors voice coms and Keys to just negate the Endgame and endgame perks, the abysmal totem spots, loops that have zero mindgaming capabilities. The Emblem system being all around bollocks where getting 3-4 kills can end up a safety or depip.
Then BHVR & their balancing of new Killers and their Perks being laughably bad where Survivors can yet again bully or run circles around them, I play Survivor and when I go against Plague, Freddy, Legion, Clown, Wraith and Im sure games are always fairly easy. Let's not even get started on how bad the Grind for Bloodpoints are, how Bloodwebs can be a joke and how small a gain we get in games unless we run BBQ and high end offerings for them to even seem decent enough.
I want nothing more than to enjoy and love this game, but sometimes it just gets unnerving with the design philosophy and "balancing" the team here sticks to seems to counter the times I do have fun with DBD :/
Keys can be really bad. I can have a nearly perfect game then few people vanish through the hatch. And no I won't waste a perk slot on franklin's thank you.
Swf is more broken because of the mom but they will change it soon. It will get a little better.
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Key escapes never bother me for some reason.
Kind of fun to me.
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Same, they are so rare anyway.
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Not with Plunderers and since they added Skeleton keys to the drop table its even easier.
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What does the screenshot have to do with the post?
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Totem spawn.
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Keys are the survivors equivalent of moris. They allow you to skip parts of your objective. A horrible game design. Should have never been in the game to begin with.
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moris and keys shouldn’t be in the game, in my opinion. Both cut short the game for the other player, in a not very fun way. I do love the mori animations, but at least make them for 2 hooks when they’ll be dead anyway. I suppose you could keep the keys but make the hatch not spawn until the exit gates are powered or it’s the last player alive, that way they’re still useful just not a work around for not doing generators and escaping for free
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About the key escapes, I'd be happy with them if I was given a tool to track the hatch, like it gav an aura once I close it so I can add it to my patrol.
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Ok, hope you have fun playing another game. Don't play a game you don't enjoy, find one you do.
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I seen more worst totem spawn than that
Near gens, middle of open field, near exit gate, near survivor spawn, near plague's fountain....
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It is next to the pallet and you think it is a fine spot?
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Nope, not a "fine" spot but near gens are definitely worst and happen most of time
They can cleanse the hex totem even before they touch any generator or even before killer click M1
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That is true but it doesn't make this spot ok at all.
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I love seeing killer mains talking about totem placement, where they talk about all these totems spawns that shouldnt exist, i hope they restrict totems from spawning near gens, it'll gve me 7 less places survivors have to check, and if they put it on a distance thing it'll create huge areas people wont have to check.
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I play both sides equally. Fellow survivor main.
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If you enjoy ruining hex totems by removing plenty of spots they could spawn in you go right ahead darling, I'm rank 2 killer and dont run hex totems so no skin off my back.
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Nea main btw. spawning near survivor spawns are also worst btw.
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Yea, we should remove this spawn just incase a survivor spawns here, again, removing more areas to check because it's "easy".
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Who would ever check a totem that spawned in front of them right. Lets keep em there.
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iF yOu ReMoVe ThE sPaWn It WoNt MatTeR iF tHe SuRvIvOr SpAwNs ThErE oR nOt
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Can you post normally without pictures and text like that? It is hard to take you seriously...