Houndmaster (killer idea)

name: Hound master
base movement speed: a little bit faster than sprint (about the same as hags)
Ability:Hunt them down-sends your hound to attack a survive in a range of about 40 meters. the dog can vault pallets and windows, but if it gets stunned or blinded it goes back to the killer. the first time the dog hits a survivor the survivor becomes injured, but the second time the dogs hits the survivor the survivor receives deep wounds (basically the dog cant down the survivor by itself). if the dog hits the survivor it will return to the killer and will be on cool down for 10 seconds, if the attack is unsuccessful it will be on cool down for 6. if the survivor breaks line of sight with the killer for 5 seconds than the dog will be recalled.
dogs movement speed: 125% at base
The hunt is on- after killing a survivor the killer will gain a token that gives them +5% movement speed. this effect can stack 3x up to a maximum of 15% movement speed
Sniffing them out-the perk will activate while looking in a survivors general direction and will basically tell you the general area that they are without telling their exact location. this perk only activates if the survive is outside your terror radius
got you now: after you hit a survivor, their aura will be revealed for 5 seconds. (the dog also activates this perk)
I had the same basic idea (with a lot of difference) !
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I think that a good use for the dog would be to make looping sessions a lot shorter. And not many killers have the kit to do that effectively (only ones I can think of are nurse and huntress)
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I had an idea similar to this one a long time ago (except my killer was called "The Owner") but this one is good
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5 years later and you idea has been added (somewhat). The current version isn't too different.