Any Freddy Builds Before Rework?

TonToE Member Posts: 24

So before The Nightmare gets reworked, any builds that will potentially not exist anymore that are worth playing?


  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    edited June 2019

    I'd suggest furtive chase, discordance, beast of prey, and maybe a defense/locator with surveillance

    Also go paintbrush and black box

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Try the super fun class photo build

    Run the addons class photo and another of your choice (I personally prefer pill bottle)

    Sleep one survivor then go to all the other ones and sleep the whole team. It's pretty fun.

    For perks try detection perks like BBQ and chili, surveillance,nurses calling and discordance

    No offering required

    Then there's the spooky Freddy

    Red pain brush and pill Bottle

    Offering: lerys memorial institute

    Perks: Monitor and Abuse, nurses calling, haunted grounds and Thanatophobia

    Basically sleep them and use your small terror radius to ambush them from around a corner once you get the first hit.

    These were the first 2 that came to mind, have fun!

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2019

    DREAM CATCHER - Dying Light, Ruin, Haunted Grounds, Play With Your Food, Class Photo, Zblock, green/pink mori offering. When the game starts, use CP to find the obsession. If they are a good looper, break 3 chases and they won't be able to loop anymore. Ruin buys you time, HG protects Ruin and gives you a potential one shot on the obsession. Once you hook the obsession WALK AWAY and let them get saved. When they do, return to the hook (use CP to find the obsession again if necessary) then mori them. This whole build is meant to proc DL as fast as possible. I have NEVER had anyone escape this build. It's unbeatable unless they know what you are doing before the game, which is impossible. DL on Freddy is absolutely disgusting. Once it procs, you basically have infinite time. Just use CP to keep everyone slept as much as possible and don't tunnel anyone else off the hook (incase DS).

    HIDE & SEEK - Monitor & Abuse, Spies From the Shadows, Devour Hope, Iron Maiden, Red Paint Brush, Pill Bottle, Lery's offering. M&A + RPB gives you 0 TR in the Dream World. Think of it like Scratched Mirror Myers. You are slower than normal, so you want to avoid chases, instead you should go for jumpscares and position yourself so survivors run into you or you pop out from behind a wall close to them. Spies on Lery's is God tier and will make it easy to find them to put them to sleep. IM is so they can't hide in a locker, which would be the only counter to this build. Lastly, DH is your ace in the hole. Lery's has very strong totem spots and survivors will be too busy trying to wake up to look for it. Once you get 3 tokens, you become 1000 times scarier.

    CLASS REUNION - Remember Me, Rancor, NOED, Brutal Strength, Class Photo, Black Box, Shroud offering. Literally just chase the obsession the entire game. Get them to waste pallets which you break with BS. Don't hook them, let them struggle off your shoulder or get insta-healed or whatever else it doesn't matter. Don't even bother with the other survivors, you want them to gen rush you. When gates power, mori the obsession. Use Class Photo to find everyone. When they are asleep with max RM tokens there is no getting the gates open. Slug everyone for the win. If your obsession has Adren that actually benefits you since you can use CP to see where the others are before you mori. Shroud is there to spook the survivors into gen rushing as they will think it's a mori, and to make it so the obsession can't wake up super easy at the start of the game.

    TRUTH OR DARE - Ruin, NOED, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Class Photo, Blue Dress, Game offering. This is a very straight forward build, basically you are using the two strongest perk combos in the game at the same time. CP replaces the need for any aura perks, and BD makes it harder for them to wake up. Game is a strong map for this because it has strong totem spots but unlike Lery's it's a lot smaller making it easier to use CP to keep everyone slept as much as possible. En/SF to counter the multitude of pallets on the map.

    ENTER SANDMAN - Nurse's Calling, BBQ, Rancor, Surveillance, Zblock, Nancy's Masterpiece. This is my personal favorite but is more of a "skill build" since you don't have Ruin or NOED, meaning you will have to bring your A game. NC is a solid perk for Freddy because it reads auras at 28m where Freddy's lullaby is 24m, so you can always catch them healing. BBQ is another top aura perk for him, let's you find a new target quickly. Rancor is amazing on Freddy because you get a mini-Bitter Murmur effect PLUS you are immune to the only drawback of the perk, the aura read on killer (so long as the obsession is awake when a gen pops). Every time I get my Rancor with this build the obsession never saw it coming. Surveillance is another great perk for him, as it let's you track where survivors are trying to wake up. Basically, you have 4 tracking perks that all track in different ways making it VERY difficult to hide from you. Zblock because it's his best overall add-on. NM adds 12m to your power (so 22m total) and is very underrated. The fact you can sleep from a greater distance means you basically get the effect of a block without actually putting them to sleep faster (because if you think about it, you sleep them from farther away by the time you get to them they are asleep and they generally don't know where you are due to the distance). It also makes corn VERY dangerous to hide in against Freddy. Oh and did you know... Freddy's power can lock on to survivors THROUGH WALLS?! Yep, you will see the crosshair snap to something, that's a survivor. The added range increases this effect, so you could basically just spam your power and spin around to find survivors. Overall it is very hard to hide from you. However, like I said this is for more skilled Freddy players. You have to really understand how to play Freddy and know how to keep track of 4 survivors at once to really make use of this, but boy does it pay off.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    edited June 2019

    Lol there isnt a tracker like freddy, sucks that i getting changed... Also the paintbrush removes 12m TR and M&A ±8m TR which means its 8m not 0m tr if you want true 0 TR you only have a window of 1 1/2 months between ghost drop and freddy rework for that with furitive chase and paintbrush

    Post edited by TrueKn1ghtmar3 on
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2019

    Red Paint Brush reduces his TR to 8m, and M&A removes 8m, so yes it is 0TR. You can try it yourself.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    edited June 2019


    Freddy has a TR of 28m The paint brush is - 16m look at the wiki at least once in your life M&A is ± 8 now some basic math 28-(16+8)=4≠0

    Now let's do the same with furitive which subtracts 16m 28-(16+16)=-4

    Now is my math wrong anywhere? No? Then this discussion is over

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2019

    Freddy's TR is 24m.

    It also says 24m on his character info screen in the game.

    So Red Paint Brush + M&A = 0TR. Again try it with a friend in KYF if you really still don't believe it.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    reduced movement speed is really bad though.