Oh look, a fun match....

Really hate when this scenarios are a thing. I hate this map as Killer, esp Clown....and oh look, a Key and Insta heal with teabagging Survivors...also brilliant Matchmaking after the Rank Reset....
It's games like these I question the balancing and why I play...I can have a ton of fun matches...and then one like like this SWF that just kills that fun Ive been having. Ruin Spawned in the Killer Shack along with a Survivor spawning in it (what a surprise)...
That's when i play basement trapper
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This video just shows my games as the killer in nutshell.
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Not a surprise, as matchmaking for SWF uses the rank of whoever created the lobby https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/519985/#Comment_519985
Most likely the rank 10 opened the group and then the matchmaking loosened the rank restrictions on your end to give you a match faster, until the matchmaking decided that it's okay to match you with rank 10 players
This is obviously bullshit and shouldn't happen but it's intentional
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See like, it's weird cause stuff like Iridiscent Head + Ebony Mori is never unfun for me as Survivor, in fact, it actually makes me kind of excited cause this game is usually pretty boring.
But when Survivors do their all out with SWF comms breaking the balance, it really just kills the urge to play Killer at all. It sucks cause when I used to play Evolve, I would relish playing the Monster as there was a balance. At the start, you could get easily bodied by the Hunters, Stage 2 it was fairly even, and by Stage 3, it was you who got to put the hurting on the Hunters.
DbD needs some kind of "momentum" system I think.
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No keys yet for me but I've had the pleasure of dodging 4 toolbox lobbies.
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I think its just Karma and a curse.
See, you brought a Blood Pary Streamer, which is a BP offering, and its been said that bringing a BP offering is literally cursing yourself in a match, (getting genrushed, flashlight saved, etc) and I have tried it myself, 5 matches in a row with a ######### pc and whaddya know? effects were true. So I dont bring BP offerings myself, only Ebony Moris, and technically for me they are good luck charms because the team either kills themselves or I get a bunch of potatoes.