BHVR, i've had enough.
Sorry BHVR, I've really had enough. Every time you put a killer on the PTB, they're wank, you then realise no one will buy it so buff them a bit, but then on release nerf them again, what's the point. Killer and survivors alike are sick and tired of the same three killers (nurse, billy, spirit) because they're the only viable killers. You nerfed plague and now she's rarely played, you had to buff spirit 3-4 times to get to where she is now. Legion has been nerfed so no one plays him either. And now you're nerfing ghostface aswell. This is a joke now. You wonder why everyone complains about billy, nurse, spirit and this is why - NO ONE wants to play any other killer because it's not fun.
Also, why are you now deciding for when killers are released that survivors can determine if the killer uses their power or not, plague, ghostface. I'm not buying anything more from this company. 3 YEARS this goes on for. The anniversary made us to believe this game would change for the better yet you start the year off by releasing MoM in the state it was and then nerfing ghostface in due course, despite him not being that strong. 88% of the community said they like the Ghostface changes, so why the ######### are you changing him. You need to really think things through. I've had enough.
Waaah they fixed an ability that wasnt working right, and fixed a bug, wow, they murdered him, wow.
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tbh im enjoying gta 5 more than this #########
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I'm going to stop playing for this, i'm bored of it2
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devs: make a stealth power only work when playing stealthfully