If Devs Care About Game Health, They Should Rework All Maps Before New Content
Since BHVR hijacked Rainbow Six Siege's roadmap design, they should hijack the idea Siege had about a year after launch with Operation Health.
As the new Killer proves, once again, there are only 3 Killers in this game worth playing at a high level. The map design and pallet placement is so ludicrous that it hurts any other Killers, and worst of all, any new Killers that may get added, severely diminishing their value.
BHVR, why do you continue to create new content when your game is in the state that it's in? Why do you not focus on fixing what you have rather than add more to the broken pile?
You say Game Health is a factor for all of Year 4, but there hasn't been any changes with this new update that address any serious Quality of Life changes. Why are map reworks going to come out so slow despite the fact this is the main issue with the game?
From all of this, I can only gather it will be another YEAR before this game is even close to being in a healthy state, and the fact you will continue to add more on top before even fixing it doesn't put a good taste in my mouth.
@Peanits the team needs a serious change in direction. New Killers are completely pointless when their basic gameplay gets relegated to the exact same thing because the map design is bad. The team needs to focus on this, even if it means going a few months without new content, just as Siege did. It will be overall for the game.