Rank 16 - Getting Paired Against Rank 8's

ZJ3 Member Posts: 6
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

I don't want to punish folks for playing with their friends. I think the argument about well coordinated survivors on comms with friends has been done to death. All the points have been made. There is some validity to what they're saying, but that's not the topic of this thread.

What i'm noticing? Is that the way that it pairs you in the matchmaker does not feel accurate in the slightest. When you're a rank 16 Killer, and you're going against two rank 8's, or rank 6's, along with their Survive with Friends Rank 16's? Something feels skewed.

The problem that this creates is that those who are at the lower ranks, like myself, are trying to learn to play certain killers, certain strategies, certain builds, etc, and it becomes a lot more difficult to do that when the survivors are often literally running circles around you because they have a great deal more experience in the game. If I'm spending the grand majority of my games trying to sprint to the same level of understanding as a much higher ranked individual; that isn't giving me time to gradually progress. Group play shouldn't be punished, but what much higher ranked people really shouldn't be matched against much lower ranks. The weights don't feel like they are correct right now based on my own observations.

What would I suggest? That the matchmaker puts a heavier emphasis on the higher rank people when pairing them against others. If they are matching up with lower ranked survivors, as indicated above, it already gives them a pretty substantial advantage.

(... and of course, when I play alone, I get a lot of suiciding on hook, disconnecting when things don't go their way people, but that's seriously a topic for another day. I'm hoping that Dedicated Servers allow them to start going after this behavior.)

Just a bit of feedback. Wanted to register to give it. My brief time with Ghost Face so far has been a lot of fun. Keep up the good work with the interesting designs.


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Its a common SWF strategy to let the one in their group that's lowest in rank to host, as the matchmaking will match them all to killers at the host's rank.

    Its a really ######### thing to do.

  • ZJ3
    ZJ3 Member Posts: 6

    That... needs to be fixed. Sounds borderline exploitative, but at the bare minimum, it's taking advantage of the enjoyment of other people to get an easier game. Wow. Didn't know that. Oof...

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Yup i have been having the same issue when playing as Ghostface, High rank players SWF using lower ranks to bully killers, it's really scummy especially when they bring purple items and all that jazz.

  • ZJ3
    ZJ3 Member Posts: 6

    Happened every game I played last night as Killer. That explains a lot. I wonder if the Devs are aware.

    Thank you for pointing this out. I had no idea that was even a thing.

  • ZJ3
    ZJ3 Member Posts: 6

    Oh, well this thread just got moved to Bugs, so i'm going to guess that's a "Yup, we need to do something about this" response, haha.