Nerfs after a week?
Sounds like Freddy again right?
What's the harm in leaving the Ghost as he is for a month before "fixing" him.
Allow the players to provide solid feedback and see how the numbers are for this killer before making any changes.
You've done this before and now you're spending resources remaking Freddy all over again.
Wait a month before dropping your hotfix and see if he actually needs to be fixed.
Some clips from streamer who figured out Reveal Ghostface
90% of survivors right now just press W and doesn't know how to play against GF
Devs solution - Nerf
@Peanits plz send these clips to the Devs to let them know this is the right way to reveal Ghostface, people ain't doing this right, your character needs to be facing Ghostface to reveal him
8% is huge, and it is going to make him weaker
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No, that makes too much sense and hurts our rank 20s.
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"Knee jerk reaction" means "Holy ######### people are complaining we need to do something!"
So if no one is complaining then it's not a knee jerk reaction when they "fix the problem" obviously.
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If the devs really decide to go with this
they really will lose the community's trust
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I agree the incoming nerfs are bullshit. I have been playing against Ghost face all day today and he seems fine to me. Scary, fun, threatening to play against. He is absolutely fine where he is at.
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@Someissues harsh but probably has quite a bit of truth to it, they acted too soon and it's kinda unethical how discreet the nerf was.
I told all my friends "yeah he's great, he was broken which made him weak but now he is actually pretty strong" I feel like the outrage here will reverse their decision on this hotfix. If not well I as well as many others will hold onto our money a little longer until we know what we're paying for.
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Gotta make sure them Rank 20s keep using their credit cards to buy them cosmetics.
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Why do people always make this terrible argument?
Do I need to start saying I'm a survivor main on all of my posts again, because this is getting annoying.
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like they said there would never be a clown killer? i cant even count anymore how often bhvr lied to us already.
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Regardless though the detection zone is incredibly small and should be increased just a tad. There is no reason why someone looking directly at him shouldn't be able to pull him out of cloak. Some of the games I was in earlier had me staring directly at him but since it wasn't within that tiny detection area it didn't count.
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I’ve only revealed him once, I am not good at aiming though.
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It's behavior, do you wait a really good job so far?
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darn a killer's going to work properly and killer players won't get free downs because of buggy and inconsistent mechanics, better review bomb the game and call bhvr unethical
i recall similar outrage when legion was reworked (or "nerfed" as some incredibly special people on this forum like to put it) despite it being a healthy change for the game, killers complained that they essentially weren't getting downs for free anymore
right now you can stare directly at a ghostface mid chase and not reveal him, get exposed, and go down for free. i understand some of you are terrible at this game and want this to be the case but it'd be a lot better if you gained some perspective and understood why such a thing needs tweaking
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Most people agree that he is easy to break out from my experience so idk why they are doin this.
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If you want to call them nerfs, that's fine, but right now the detection mechanics aren't consistent or explained clearly. They need to be tightened up.
Now, that being said, BHVR needs to be very careful not to go too far and cater to the green and yellow rank survivors that I've been matched up with for some reason since Ghostface released. On the whole, many of them are spectacularly unaware of their surroundings. I've teabagged and pointed at Ghostface repeatedly only for them to ignore me and sit on gens and get exposed. I've seen teammates get grabbed off gens repeatedly by Ghostface. He probably appears very overpowered to them, yet they simply don't understand how he works. This is not a reason to nerf a killer. Players need to know how to play the game at a certain point.
I think it's all a symptom of the need for a more robust tutorial system, maybe one that touches on individual killers. I still run into players who don't know to wake each other up against Freddy in purple ranks. I see teammates not know to crouch to avoid Hag's traps. That's insane.
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IIRC they're hotfixing it in general, not just widening the zone
i agree that a full on nerf isn't a step in the right direction, but his power currently does not work properly and it absolutely needs to be fixed
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looks in Vault Nerf topic
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"Survivor mains mad about a few tweaks to window vaulting".
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Some devs are counting the money meanwhile matheu get the beer and says we did a pretty good job so far on nerfing ghostface or should i say bullyface
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i know right? look at all those people who think shack is an infinite