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will this work? new idea

BlackHack Member Posts: 71
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

Hello guys,
i have an idea about the rank and game balance
why not make the rank system 4 stages
from (20 to 15) nerf all the killers by adding some mechanic to the game so the noobs will have a chance to rank up and learn the game better, this will also make the good killer play the game harder on these ranks.
from (15 to 10) normal game, to make it not that easy to rank to 10.
from (10 to 5) buff the killers (by adding mechanic) so they will have a chance with the good survival .
from (5 to 1) normal game+ the killer can close the hatch, bcuz i think if the killer kill 3 in this ranks he deserve to kill the 4 maybe this good and maybe i'ts bad, but i just wanna share it, will this work ?


  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    Well, not only the new players will be in the lower ranks against a nerfed killer. Many players that should be in the higher ranks will stay down there, as they do now.
  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Won't work. Lot of SWF teams will derank purposely to play against Rank 20 Killers. By nerfing Killers even harder at low Ranks, you are going to make it an even worse time for them.

    Certain mechanics could be adjusted based on Rank, but until they add some form of reward system to the game Rank means absolutely nothing.You will find professional level players at all Ranks. The only thing that really changes is the SWF teams. Low Ranks you get toxic deranked idiots for the most part. Middle Ranks it's pretty balanced with most SWF teams being fun to play against, very few toxics. High Ranks it's the focused teams or toxic teams.

    Solo queues are solo queues at all Ranks. I've made it to Rank 8 Survivor, and I'm not very good. It is disgustingly easy to pip right now, and tbh anyone who can't pip as a Survivor needs to take a look at their gameplan and adjust it. If I joined the meta and bothered to loop, I could hit Rank 1 with ease. I refuse to though, much preferring to attempt to break LoS and hide. Just not very good at it right now.

    As it stands, the only real imbalance in the game is SWF and the old Looping vs Camping argument. If you remove SWF MUCH of the imbalance is gone. There's still things that need looked at, but when a game is built for solo players and not teams, it should stay that way or it's going to suffer from balance issues.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    Not to mention how would a newbie be able to learn to get better at killer if they are playing from a disadvantage. In the games current state it doesn't take a survivor long to be able to get the hang of it IMO

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,183

    This needs rank rewards first. Because whats the point in playing rank 1 when the game just gets harder