Since I had played today I have used over 700K bloodpoints and gotten one Gateau.]

I will be attaching all of my bloodwebs to this imgur post but at the moment I have only received 1 cake. The issue I am having as you can see in the screenshots, most of my mystery boxes are either green, purple or pink. I tried playing killer however because I am a low rank as I have not been playing much recently it is taking me 30 minutes to find a lobby. I think it is really unfair that killers are getting cakes guaranteed every bloodweb and people that are prestige 3 rank 50 are finding hardly any because they are not guaranteed each web and are common in mystery boxes yet most of the mystery boxes for people at prestige 3 are green, purple or pink so don't contain Gateaus.

Tl;dr: Can't play killer because lobby times are 20+ minutes, am not getting Gateaus because I am prestige 3 level 50.


  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    I think they are common rarity; so the higher your prestige the less you will see them.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Looks like I'm gonna be playing my lvl 50 Feng and NOT my p2 Sheriff Jake.

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    Unlucky rng. I've been getting a bunch. But then again I haven't prestige this particular survivor.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    It isn't unlucky RNG. You have been getting a bunch because they are uncommon rarity. When you prestige you are less likely to find Uncommon offerings and addons. This means that because I am prestiged I hardly ever get uncommon or common mystery boxes so unless a cake spawns i wont get one and they are less likely to spawn because I am a higher prestige. It is stupidly biased to newer players.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    12 Bloodwebs it took until I found a cake not in a mystery box. I have now gone though 12 bloodwebs to get 2 cakes.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Let's get the spawn sorted for all of us

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    My guess is this is intentional, with other events they made sure that event offerings appeared in every single bloodweb but with this event since it envolves blood points I guess they didn't want people earning too much or stockpiling the cakes, It's a shame.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    I would be fine with that if there wasn't a massive bias to people playing killers and new people. If they made it so it had a 50% chance in spawning in all mystery boxes rather than just uncommon and common ones. I have gone through 13 bloodwebs and found 2 cakes now. I switched to my unprestiged character and got 4 within 5 blood webs how is that faIr for people that have all their characters prestiged? It also means I have to play with like no perks

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Meanwhile, I am drowning in them. My clown has 10-ish and Trapper has almost 20.

    Haven't found a single one for the survivor side though..

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    It's because you're only getting the firecrackers. Killers don't have this problem since they can only get the Gateau.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Tough luck I'm drowning in them. I got about 60 already and I did't even do that many bloodwebs.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    This only happens on survivor. Probably because the firecrackers are more common than the offering. They're not doing this intentionally as I have 54 on my wraith and over 20 on Legion, Ghostface and Freddy

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    Yes I get that but I can't play killer at the moment because of 20+ minute wait times because I haven't been playing killer recently. I just had exams and in the bloodhunt played survivor because my killer wait times at rank 13 were ages. Someone needs to let BHVR know that this is unfair and biased and making wait time unbearable because everyone is wanting to play killer because they can't get cakes on survivors. I am adding every one of my bloodwebs to the imgur link to prove that it it biased

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I've gotten 1 for survivor and about 10 for killer.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2019

    I put 2 mill into my nea and I have 2, that’s ridiculous

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    I am not being negative if I have evidence. Every bloodweb I have is being uploaded to the imgur post 3 cakes in 15 bloodwebs with over a mil bp spent is ridiculous.

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    I spent 800k on my P3 David and got around ten of them so you're probably just having bad luck on top of the lesser chance at higher levels.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I have a ton of them. It's fantastic

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308
    edited June 2019

    The whole point in the post is not to hate on the event. I think it is a great idea, however it is flawed at the moment because it is not taking into account people that have prestiged vs not. I would be happy if the year 3 party starter node had a 50% chance of being a Gateau then at least every 2 bloodwebs you are almost guaranteed one instead I have 47 of them (party starter) and in total though the whole event so far have only had about 10 cakes. Since I have been screen shotting my bloodweb I have gone through 1,200,000 bloodpoints and 17 bloodwebs and have only gotten 4 Gateaus that is ridiculously stupid.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    Event items/offerings are usually not uncommon but a special rarity on their own, so they can control how common they are independent of the „usual“ rarities, this way they can appear more often in chests than, say, yellow flashlights or toolboxes, or they could guarantee you one event item per bloodweb independent of all the yellow bloodweb nodes if they really wanted to.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    Well as you can see from my screenshots I have yet to find an offering in a mystery box that was a purple, green or pink coloured. Plus the only thing I am getting from the "event node" if year 3 party starters and not and offerings.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    Something very weird there, I get them every 2 blood webs and when I do get them I get 2 per blood web.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    Are you prestiged? Have you got all your perks unlocked? Are you max level?

    I don't know if it is because I do get perk nodes because I have unlocked everything on my character. I think it is mostly to do with the fact that I am prestige 3 level 50. It takes longer for me to get a new web due to needing around 55K bps to complete a web, and that most of my mystery boxes are either green, purple or pink. In my screenshots I have only spent points to reveal mystery boxes the end of the line is where the mystery box is. As you can see out of the 12 boxes available 9 were green or above and none of those above yellow spawned an offering (even the yellow ones only 1 of them spawned a cake). My main concern is on other characters I am not having this problem as long as I have no prestiged I don't have a problem with getting cakes. On killer it is significantly easier to get cakes as well (I have 10 on my ghostface) the problem is the killer queue time for me is really long (It might be because I live in the middle of no where and I am a lowish rank because I haven't been playing much until the bloodhunt then I played survivor because queue times were long)

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    Really? I have 38!

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    survivors get extremely few of them and killers get way too many

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    I think this is enforcing the fact that the offering is biased against survivors and the killers aren't having a problem finding them.