Ghostface spotting problem.

So, today i was playing against few ghostfaces.

Regular games, but i noticed some problems with wiping him outta NS.

  • While he is leaning off the corner, when you able to see his head only and he able to stalk, its nearly impossible to wipe him out of a stealth. I dont mean that is imposible in a 4 seconds. Its impossible at all. At least on Crotus Prenn JG walls.

I get farming GF, when i faced 3 DC boys (hate them), and when he used to lean off the wall, i was not able to wipe him out. Its not about my ######### aim, its about buggy wiping.

For sure, he was using NS, while im trying to wipe him. I made sure about that, just running towards him and facing his full body.

Also, he was able to stalk, so thats the reason, why im doing this post

And yeah, GF itself is good, to play AS and AGAINST him, but this stuff makes me frustrated.


  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Oh boi, if this stuff makes you frustrated, than Myers is the real horror for you lol

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    Of course it's going to frustrate people when they're trying to play against Ghostface in the intended way to break him out of NS and it just doesn't work. I've also had times where it just wasn't possible to break him out of it even when I was right on heels facing him and everything. Bugs and wonkiness are frustrating.

    Myers also has a red stain and terror radius while stalking / in chase where GF doesn't have them at all until exposed.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229


    As said, wiping GF is important mechanic, built in counterplay that should work.

    And yeah, SM myers on Lery makes me feel bad, giving some heart attack. Otherwise, he doesn.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    20% of GF must be visible to get him out of night shroud. If all you see is his head peeking out then you need to run and/or break line of sight.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    What's the issue with being unable to break NS when he's peaking?

    If he's peaking then he isn't moving..just move yourself. That said, I've broken him out a lot while he was peaking.

  • Neska
    Neska Member Posts: 132

    I had multiple staring constets during the last 2 hours. I literally had to stay in front of them to wipe him out of his stalk (and I got a hit for that ofc) because he either was only showing his mask by leaning or he was stalking-hiding-stalking again-hiding and so on and I could do nothing to stop that because every time I almost had him out of stalk he hid and I had to stare again. On top of that I have to almost look into the sky to get my screen middle point on him.. survivor don't look like that all game so put the point more vertical so I can wipe him out even if he's under my window I'm standing etc. It's just frustrating and if it continues I'm just gonna suicide on the hook as soon as I know he's the killer tbh

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    If you're trying to do a staring contest against Ghostface you're doing everything wrong.

    imagine a stalker was peeking out of a corner and you spotted him, would you just look at him? no, you run away from the situation, keeping your eyes on him to make sure you know where he is.

    similarly, in DBD, you don't just stand there while he build up his exposure on you, you run away and focus on him.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113
  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    There's still plenty of times I get revealed while completely in cover, or can stalk a survivor I can't even see through objects.