Balancing all killers

Please read this trough before you comment, I am going to make this as clear as I can. I commonly feel like people just attack you when you have an idea. The whole point of this is to buff killers so they all are a threat:
The way to balance all killers is to make them less customise able. Killers having Meta perk builds and builds that make them OP only because they run one perk is why some of them suck. Basicly I believe that Killers following a forumla would help them be easy to balance for the devs and all Killers could be as threatening as Nurse, Spirit and Billy. I know this takes out some of the fun but hear this out.
If killers were to a formula where their ability extends to (for example) a method of tracking, a method or catching and a method of slowing down the game then these could be balanced. With this way the devs can change killers abilities slightly to balance them rather than changing game mechanics to balance which Nerfs one killer and buffs another.
Make perks more of a general thing to the character and combine them as one integration into the power. Then have addons as the main way of customising the killer (which is all based Killer to killer and can be changed freely by devs).
For the Teachable side to killers you can give a small slice of the power. I am just gonna spitball my model of what this looks like.
Nurses perks condense to you can see players healing in 30m, injured survivors cause a 6% loss is action speed per survivor, their injured noises are 50% louder and get a notification when a survivor fully heals another. Teachable is Can see players healing in 16m and their noises are 50%.
I am not saying these values I more just mean this concept.
My idea removes a lot from the game and there is a bit of a rework to blood webs and such but I feel it would really help pull all killers into the spot light.
A good idea but this takes off the fun of playing Killer. I don't know if you play Killer, but without their unique and very different power, no one would enjoy playing Killer.
To be honest, if you don't get that you won't win every game because you play a Killer that's not that strong, then you'll get pretty frustrated and tilted.
I think devs should focus more on the survivors side like taking some pallets off of certain map (the biggest ones), or even add some kind of restriction to Swf's, mutliple broken perks.
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So i do play killer. I am not taking away their power. I want to make their power include their perks and make addons how you change and customise the killer. I want to make their Unique power more detailed in well rounded and then the bit where I comment is you get a small teachable version to diversify it a little more and this keep some of the customisation fun.
The overall goal is to have all killers function independently so they can EACH be buffed and nerfed as required to keep them all on the same threat level.
Did I make that more clear @ProFortniteDancer
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Ah yes indeed, I did read your post bad the first time sorry.
Then yes, a good idea.
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thanks for your feedback :)
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Myers design come immediatly under threat as nuances such as tombstone will need to be removed. The core problem with most mid tier killers is mobility plain and simple. Killers need a fast travel. Make certain locations on the map as points you can teleport too with a cooldown and make the point easily recognisable. While survivour have line of sight on you you cant teleport to another location.
Make it so the bell on the teleport structures emits an 8-16 meter ringing noise to let the survivour know the killer has teleported close by.
Or hear me out STOP MAKING GIANT MAPS. Seriously is it any wonder why killers like billy nurse and spirit are strong but standard m1 killers suck. Maybe its because the time lost navigating the map. We got yamokas, mount ormound and temple of puragation cut it out behaviour.
Corn needs to be dealt with so the killer cant be seen over the corn to help stealth killers. Perform better on those maps as well. Some loops are obnoxious but believe me when i say the problem wouldnt be as prevalent if i didnt spend 30 seconds crossing the maps to check on a gen.
Post edited by Zarathos on3 -
Good points. Tbh i think the porting all over wipesalof of the fun of stealth and the menace of being chased like in horror movies. They really just need to give all killers similar abilities but their own flavour.
Survivors sharing skills makes sense in lore; survivors see each other all the time and learn from each other. Killers in lore don't interact
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nerf the killers hit box’s it’s dumb how you could slide over a pallet or a window and they can still hit you after your already across😑
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Do what they did to Jason on friday the 13th
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@TheCankleBreaker you clearly dont play enough killer to think that that is op. Some times its bs but alot of the time if killers didnt have that they would never kill anything.
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This puts the meta entirely in control of the devs, who had a problem with giving straightforward information about even collision-box differences until a Q&A stream last October, more than two years. Hard no from me.
Restrict survivors instead; force them to diversify their never-changing playstyle.
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Okay, well first of all, Nurse is the only OP Killer, only due to her addons, and they all already have a very rigid "skeleton" they're bound to. That base structure is also fairly strictly bound to reactive gameplay, leaving Killers generally pathetic, especially against voice chatting opponents.
Secondly, taking away flexibility is not a fun concept in general, and especially not for DbD. If anything, it needs more gameplay features and options.
Perks are poorly-balanced in general, and hard-locking some perks to Killers would make their viability even more disparate, really. What they need to be more even is a general mechanic that benefits the current top Killers less. The current top Killers all get their status from movespeed, so what I've been suggesting is "wraparound" points Killers can use to move from one end of the map to the other, making them harder to track.
But you seem to feel that all Killers are somewhat OP. I vehemently disagree, but then you would want to do the opposite and limit Killers' capacity for movement even more, which ultimately just means nerfing the abilities of Nurse, Billy, and Spirit.
Now, diversifying SURVIVOR options and buffing Killers sounds great. Survivor gameplay right now is essentially "loop, pallet cheese, and if you're feeling spiteful, bring a flashlight."
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What other play style? Do gens and run from the killer? if you add more objectives the game just take longer. Tunneling and camping can easy get you a 4K so if you add more objectives the game just gets ######### for survivors.
I am not understanding what change you want here. You have just said no rather than develop ideas or discuss. Please elaborate.
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The roster could use some balancing. Not saying that kills need to be easier for low tier killers, but they do need to be more imposing with regards to applying pressure. Many killers (even when played by top rank veterans) are openly mocked/taunted mid chase and I think it highlights a big issue. While I am sure someone out there does, you don't see survivors taunting a skill nurse in the same manner. I find my main issue with the lower tier killers is that they grant far to many instances where immediate danger is no longer present.
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I think you need to play more survivor because there is some resentment there that I don't think you feel it from the other side. I don't bring a flashlight to be spiteful ever. I bring one for protection.
And you are correct. In there own way every killer is OP in one way, shape or form at something. Some might be better at doing more things at once but yes I think all killers are viable in some way.
Customising the killers is the flaw that killer mains string to. Every killer has their own power and thus would be more stable if they had their own build. Sure it might not be as fun but the idea would be all killer are of equal threat so playing multiple killers would be how you diversify, not have 19 different perk builds for one killer. Plus my model does not take away custimising the killer it just reduces it and makes it more that the killer is fully functioning and you make micro changes for a bit of give and take.
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Thanks for your comment and you raise some good points. THis is why I think they all need to be independent entities so they all have their own methods for pressure and slowing down the game etc. Like you might give
What do you mean by "instances where immediate danger is no longer present"?
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In the first months following release, there were diverse playstyles in the game. Some were obviously using game-breaking exploits and had to be removed, but others remained because survivors pretended to be confused as to what was wrong with them and the devs played along. Dramatic changes were made to the game with very little reasoned discussion about them beforehand and no explanation afterwards.
The ability of players to customise how their characters work is the last bastion of choice that happens in the game and the fact the devs don't have total control over it due to not understanding how players will use the options they have is the only thing that makes the game somewhat fair.
They are very concerned with making killers fun to play against, but not so much fun to play as. I do not trust them to make sound decisions, with the minimal discusion they have with killer-players, if they had free-reign over simplified and less-customisable killers.
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Well you don't give any examples, so I can't really comment on them. I would not generally though characterise feedback from killer-mains as biased or unreasonable. I don't even call survivors biased even though I disagree with almost everything they come out with. My issue is their low standards, not their preferences or personal traits.
My view is that despite 3 years of trying, no one can get the devs to listen to killers, so the only option that remains is to make them look back at every mistake that followed from survivors urging specific changes and realise: they must stop listening to survivors also. This doesn't mean they stop engaging and communicating; in fact they really do need to communicate more and make it clear what their intentions are for the overall game and the specifics. We don't get enough of that.
What BHVR can not do is suddenly start giving killers the same time and energy as they have done for survivors; that would be ignoring the 3 years of history that happened.
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I find the perk system really boring. It sounds fun on paper, with more diversity of playstyles, but in the end only a handfull of perk builds will ever be played more than ''rarely ever''. That and the fact that most M1 killers have a very similar playstyle despite their unique powers, and all survivors have the same playstyle despite perks, honestly.
I think it would be interesting if the characters teachable perks were made base kit for each one, and balanced for that so it wouldnt be too OP. Like, Trapper would always have faster speed while carrying, faster pallet breaking, etc. Feng would always be able to see the killer breaking pallets, and so on. That would make characters truly unique, otherwise the only reason I have Adam bought is for his Deliverance.