Will i get banned for using Wake up?
Some Hillbilly told me that i will get banned for using wake up as i'm abusing a bug.
Have the devs said anything about banning?
Theres no statement said by the devs but I’m sure they know about it so if you get reported enough and abuse it yes.
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No you won't get banned.....yet.
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no, but don't do it
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Erm can somone explain the bug here please?
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Do you really want to risk getting banned to gain an advantage for a couple of weeks, tops.
Also considering how they reacted to Legion blades bug then yes, you might be banned.
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What is the issue with it rn can somone at least say what it is I'm tempted just to use it just to know what is going on
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It gives 15% increased speed on ALL actions.Not as broken as Legion mending bug though.
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######### that's a huge boost if u had a team with that and 4 leaders stacking each other and commodious thats a rediculsy fast game
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I don't think there's been an official statement, but I wouldn't run it and take the risk. I would report anyone who looks like they're trying to exploit the bug though.
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Thanks for the heads up I was gonna grab a friend in kyf to find out the bug
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They announced there would be bans for anyone abusing the Legion bug, so it makes sense that they would do the same here.
We'll see how it goes.
The devs can detect when you use a particular perk all of a sudden. Something to think about.
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Just don't use it till it's fixed and you're safe
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What's wrong with having some honor and not using a bugged perk?
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They don't need to announce anything if they don't want to. Abusing exploits on purpose is against the rules. Announcing it would just help those who are using the perk (doubt anyone is unless they're doing adept or random perks) and are unaware of it's bugged state.
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As long as your a survivor main, and play survivor using the perk, you will be fine ;)
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what about the legion addon bug where some addons give all surivvors an action penalty as well as a vault speed reduction? I see all legions using this bug to their advantage.
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Probably its bug abuse
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No you won't get banned as of now but just at least have some decency.
As somebody who was using wake up occasionally and now even more ever since end game collapse happened immediately took it out of my build the I realised it was bugged.
Same thing with the blade addons for the legion and they were my secondary main
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it is just as broken, people just like to have a double standard, if a killer does something = they should be banned, survivors do the same thing and "well, its not as bad as legion bug"
the logic behind this type of double standard is a me vs them mindset.
an exploit is an exploit
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Come on, the Bar on a Gen turns yellow. Everyone with a Brain will realise that something is not working like it should.
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Remember when most people would queue up as Nurse or Michael Myers with a chainsaw? They didn’t have any remorse.
Play with it if you want, until the developers tell you otherwise.
Don’t Listen to people here trying to shame you.
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"Because this group of people did something bad, I'm going to do something bad to a different group that may or may not overlap with the first."
Imagine shooting the mailman because your dog bit you.
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Funny thing is survivor logic like that doesnt realize many7 people playing today were not even around during "old bugs" so yeah, use that excuse to exploit against players who had nothing to do with old bugs.
The double standard regarding the wakeup bug vs legion mend bug blatantly shows how many in the community want killers punished and banned for an exploit, but when survivors do it, "you cant ban someone for that!"
wakeup bug has been known since PTB, how many weeks has it been since PTB?
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You don't get banned yet currently, but I'll tell you what, have some courtesy and respect for others who want to play the game properly and don't use it as one of your crutches.
Post edited by OMagic_ManO on4 -
Nope. Not until an in-game message comes up; same with PWYF and previously the bugged pinky finger that noone got banned for using.
Probably won't be bannable at all unless it completely breaks the game, which is what the last bannable offense did - it was auto-win. This very clearly isn't.
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It breaks the game just as much, you are just bias and applying a double standard.
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Imagine comparing a video game to actually harming someone in real life.
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Did mommy care when she put me to bed without hugging me!! Then why should I care?!?
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...no. It should be disabled; if people are abusing it I thnk they should be banned, but the fact is that it's not being banned, and the reason is quite clear: it doesn't break the game/make it 100% unplayable and simply is NOT auto-win perk selection, unlike the filthy + nasty blade combo bug of the past. (And. I. Am. A. Legion/Hag/Spirit. Main.)
And you forget they aren't banning for abusing PWYF, which at 3 stacks has no real counterplay to it other than forcing the killer to waste stacks on the non-obsession.
Ty for telling me what I think though, seriously. :)
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Probably not if your just using that one perk but if you combine it with other speed boosting perks then its gonna look way more suspicious. If you want to be 100% safe then dont use it. Play with it at your own risk and don't get mad if you get banned
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The difference is, I am not here saying PWYF exploit isnt as bad as WakeUp, an exploit is an exploit, they all break the game for the one having exploits used against them.
I see all exploits the same, the double standard comes from survivors trying to downplay WakeUp likes its not a bad exploit when its the literal exact as legion Mend, one slows game one speeds up game, same to me.
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I'm not trying to downplay it vs PWYF though; I was VERY clear that if one gets a punished, the other will too. And both probably should.
The only time this year it's happened, though, has been the infinite mending bug, and rightly so, since it made the game literally unplayable - the survivor couldn't let go of M1 or they'd fall down; the only real counter would have been no mither + tenacity + unbreakable in real terms and even then it wasn't a good idea, for obvious reasons.
The mend didn't just slow the game down - it made it impossible to play. Let's not forget how FF's Killer Instinct works and how easy it was to chain hits before the rework.
And they also didn't ban for the pinky finger bug, which is just as bad as the Wake Up! bug, quite easily, by making chases incredibly easy to win very quickly.
And ironically, you're trying to liken something that doesn't make the killer unable to move, to something that made the survivors literally unable to play the game - that is a reach.
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why would you run the perk in the first place?
if you want the games to end even faster than they already do, you might aswell not play at all. whats the point in queueing up for games when they are over within the next 5 minutes?
just to ruin a killers fun?
to tryhard and get the redranks easily? (which wont work, since that requires the game to actually go on for a certain amount of time, so you basically get punished for genrushing with wake up)
i mean, you dont get many points, the round is so short that i doubt anyone had a lot of fun (especially the killer. boi i can tell you its massive amounts of fun when you check your first gen and they already completed another) and you also dont really get any good emblems, besides maybe unbroken and lightbringer.
so if you know its bugged, why abuse it?
i can really not see any reason to do so, other than to try ruining someones (the killers) fun.
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I am not reaching, I think the people who think "well the killer had broken perks 2 years ago so this is ok" are the ones reaching, dont confuse me with them. I am simply calling out the blatant double standard on these forums.
if survivors exploit, its no big deal
If killer does = tthey should be banned
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Honestly I hope you do get banned.
But... the bug was just fixed with the hotfix.
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Well, you can see the perk is not working as inteded, so you know that is bugged and if you continue using it you can get banned for exploiting the game as is wrote in the EULA
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Again, killers exploited pinky finger and no one was banned for it; PWYF is also not getting a ban. I have seen exactly 0 people justify using Wake Up! but plenty using PWYF now that it has no counterplay.
No one is saying 'ban the killer, not the survivor' - literally no one; you scream double standard, but all you're doing is clutching at straws and you god damn know it. That's all this forum is at the end of the day, for the most part; the extremes of survivors and killers (though it does seem to have much more of the killers present or at the very least they're loud AF) meanwhile the rest of us want it to be fair/balanced for BOTH sides and so try to actually listen to both sides.
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I think we have a new patch that fixed the bug. So it should be back to its normal state <3
Edit: added the picture of the bug fixes.
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So is it a bad time to do adept Quentin? Since I dislike bug abusers...
(I don't even have him XD)
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No one got banned for the Tinker bug, so why would they ban for this bugged perk? I find it funny people jumped to ban after the whole Legion blade bug... which is still bugged by the way you just have to run a perk now to get it to work. Also the people who say running said bugged perk would ruin other people's experiences are also the same people who they themselves would probably be a d*** for no reason to other players no matter what side they are playing... Killer or survivor. This game is filled with bias salty people who try to act all high and mighty and it would be better if people just owned up and moved on. As well as trying to actually talk balance and fixes without it turning in to "KilLeR MaIn BtW" or "SuRviVor vS. KilLeR mAiN" sort of discussion.
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Wait, there was a new legion blade bug? Oof, lucky I haven't been using those this past week. I'd have felt scummy when I found out.
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Are you sure it still works it was suppose to be 'fixed' again. Check new patch notes.
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Just because you havent seen people posting it doesnt mean its not so, I literally have seen people say "you wont be banned for it, just run it until Devs state otherwise" regarding WakeUp.
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You won't be banned because it's fixed now
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I didn't ask 'what about x?' at all. I responded to the OP stating they aren't banning people for this or use of other bugged perks, and have only done it once this year because it was game breaking. I'm sorry you can't handle that, though?