Thought of a way to fix Ghost Face for good

I thought for a long time that Ghost Face was over powered until I was added to a group chat and we figured that even for all stalking type characters if you looked at them of course it would take them out of the stalk but they could duck behind something to counter that if we could some how find a way to make it so that you keep the progression of the stare for 5 seconds even after he/she ducks behind cover then after 5 seconds the progression starts to decay... you can obviously add whatever needed to balance the progression meter


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    A decay timer would indeed be good. Seriously ridiculous that you can stalk someone to 99% and then leave them for a few minutes to chase someone else and come across them again and resume where you left off, without losing any progress. Like 1% per second would be reasonable, if you left the survivor for over a minute and a half, then you should have to stalk them all over again.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    It's a suggestion coming from someone who played as him a few games, and thought it was ridiculous that you didn't lose stalking progress after a bit. Haven't played him enough for my opinion to matter, apparently, but whatever.

  • Baltoz
    Baltoz Member Posts: 7

    The problem is that gf is only viable when the game bugs out and doesnt let you break him out of his power. This makes him not fun to play as OR againt he needs a burf badly

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    He is weak as is losing stalk was one of the issues with the ptb since it was so easy for survivors to knock him out (something that isn't as bad now but is still beyond easy coming from playing already everyday ~4-5hr of and against him since release on ps4 and I'm coming from a freddy main where I have to know the middle of my screen I am proof it is a skill that needs to be learned, never had the problems every one of these "fix the detection" survs are having and I believed he was in a good spot pre hotfix

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Hmm I guess that's a good point, if they made it that way because it was too easy to break him out of it in the ptb.. didn't get to try it in that version, only the one we have now.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Honestly Ghostface is pretty weak

    People are used to him now, even before today's nerf he went from decent to weak, now even weaker

    His power may sound strong on paper, but it's really weak in practice

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Honestly only using him to use up all my gâteaux.. He's fine but as far as stalking goes, Myers is better/more fun.

    Ghostface has nice perks though, I'm a big fan of I'm All Ears, helps follow survivors after they jump during a chase, and predict where they'll go next.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The original PTB had the stalk decay, but it was removed before the live release.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Aaah I see ;) Thanks

  • cosmicvolts
    cosmicvolts Member Posts: 313
    edited June 2019

    No ghostface is seriously too OP. When I play as the hag I almost always get 4 or 3 out of 4 survivors if the last one doesn’t find the hatch.

    Its not a survivor skill level issue on the survivor end. You want to fix ghostface? GIVE SURVIVORS PERKS THAT ACTUALLY NEUTRALIZE GHOSTFACE’s PERKS! Like #########?! Every game I get in with ghostface I ######### lose and everyone is using him it’s annoying

  • cwtfern
    cwtfern Member Posts: 136
  • neKHira
    neKHira Member Posts: 5

    You lose because you're bad. Too OP? Bah, you can easily break his shroud, hear the noise when he start crouching or standing. And the perks too OP? LMAO!! Look at the cooldown of that perks... Use your brain before make a statement.

  • stalker
    stalker Member Posts: 14

    you are ######### joking right?

    you can break him out of his power by MOVING YOUR ######### MOUSE, you are probably rank 9999 lmfao

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 364

    You get broken out in 2 seconds, you would rarely ever successfully stalk anyone this way. If anything they need to fix the “breaking out” system. As it is he can be broken out when hiding behind cover, and it happens so fast that he has no chance to figure out who it is and duck, but again even ducking doesn’t help so idk they nerfed too many things and didn’t buff enough. The break out system is awful. They expanded the area, they need to increase the time and/or make it so he can actually duck behind cover successfully. And I think hooked survivors breaking him out is stupid but not as big a deal as the rest. The devs need to get the balls to make good killers again.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 364

    You must suck at this game. Period. GF is NOT OP in any way shape or form.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    After having played him and vs him, I don't like ghostface, I find him unfunny for two reasons:

    1 as a killer is wrong to give survivors the chance to remove your power, what the hell is that?

    2 as a survivor he is unfunny to verse, unlimited one hit down from an m1 killer who can move 4.6 no thanks.

    I don't think he should be able to one shot, but I think he would need a power to teleport and cover the map better

  • casedistorted
    casedistorted Member Posts: 58

    Ghostface is really not OP at this point, especially with them hotfixing it so he can be broken out of stealth extremely easily.

    I was going to say RIP to Ghostface because he WAS in a great spot, until the developers fixed a bug that made him fun and made it even easier to break him out of stealth.

    I was like hmmm another killer they nerf like Freddy a week after he's released and they've gotten all their money but they need to keep all the baby survivors who complain about a killer being OP who say they play killer for 'a few games'.

    This is just my opinion, I'm a Survivor main and I am always mad when they nerf killers, especially when they don't need it.