
zMatheusFreitasz Member Posts: 1
edited June 2019 in Creations


 Heavy golden dive suit damaged and with algae, and with oxygen tank finished.






 His name was Kevin Leroy, trained in biology and wanting justice to fish.

 Doing research, Leroy was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with a group of other biologists inside a boat. Coming in the middle, Kevin sees the skies and says it's great for diving, no storm, no big waves ...

 He put on a suit made of steel for diving, when he was going to put the carrier to be pulled out of the water, a giant wave fell on the boat. The boat swayed and almost sank, but Leroy tripped over the anchor chains and fell on the sea without the support. Some biologists tried to help him, while others perceived that they had entered a storm and that under them a whirlwind was forming.

 Kevin fell quickly across the ocean because of the anchor he pinned on his foot, but was drawn by the whirlwind if lost there.

 Everyone tried to find Kevin, but they did not find it, another big wave came knocking the boat into the whirlpool.

 Kevin was thrown away from the boat and fell to the bottom of the ocean, in the sand. He knew that he broke the oxygen tank and that he would die, in his final moments he said: At least I realized my dreams, what a pity that I could not do anything else ...

And died.

 40 years later

The diving suit was full of algae and his body turned into a skeletal corpse. In the middle of nowhere, he stands up and manages to remove the anchor. Inappropriate to speak, he made noises, in which he said: Now I returned, I understand why I died! I was enlightened by God to Save the Fishes of the World! And whoever tries to kill a fish or cross my path ...

 Kevin turned into a ghostly steel corpse psychopathic, theories say that the spirit did not come out in the suit and was stuck there for years, it's only now he showed his inner rage trapped inside that steel suit.

 After sailing into the ocean, he was met by a graveyard of ships and boats in Africa, where he saw several innocent survivors.

 He smiled and entered the graveyard of ships and ships. End.


Anchor Throw

 As the name says, it hurls the anchor within a 5-m radius, but when hitting a survivor, the anchor comes back with the survivor in front of you and takes 1 second to hit the survivor. But the casting effect of the anchor is not counted as damage, and only a pull from the survivor to you. Continuing, after hitting a hit with the anchor pitch, will charge 5 seconds to use the throw again. This ability is canceled when: Do not hit the survivor, hit the pallet, wall, hook, tree, etc.



 Level 1: After putting 2 survivors or 1 survivor on different hooks, these hooks can never be removed again. But only the first 2 hooks.

 Level 2: After 3 survivors boot or 2 or 1 survivor on different hooks, these hooks will never be able to be removed. But only the first 3 hooks.

 Level 3: After 4 survivors boot or 3 or 2 or 1 survivor on different hooks, these hooks can never be removed again. But only the first 4 hooks.


 Level 1: After a survivor has injured, it will be 2% slower.

 Level 2: After a survivor has injured, it will be 3% slower.

 Level 3: After a survivor has injured, it will be 4% slower.


Level 1: After knocking out a survivor, all auras of the generators being made will be revealed for 12 seconds.

Level 2: After knocking out a survivor, all auras of the generators being made will be revealed for 15 seconds.

Level 3 After knocking out a survivor, all auras of the generators being made will be revealed for 18 seconds.


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