Petition to Change Object of Obsession to not effect Night Shroud

FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
edited June 2019 in General Discussions


Ya knew this was coming, Object of Obsession needs to be changed to work with Ghost Face, There I said it. The perk is fine, its not OP, whatever, but for Killers LIKE GHOST FACE that depend on stealth way too much for their power to work, the perk shouldn't allow you to see him within 1 meter if hes in Night Shroud...

Lets face it, the perk is annoying to face when playing as Ghost Face. And since a lot of people are sticking with Ghost Face, more people are inclined to use the perk to counter him. Yet another Laurie Strode perk to cause trouble for Killers, except in this case the perk is only an issue for ONE killer, that being Ghost Face...

The root of the issue

Lets not get ahead of ourselves though, lets go back... back to before Ghost Face was even being added to the roster... The perks main idea was to work when you're outside the killers TR. This means for Killers with small TRs, it would be an issue. BUT, since they actually HAVE A TR when using their power, it was never that big of an issue.

Now below, you'll see how the perk current works as of build 3.0.1.

  • Object of Obsession (If you are looking in the Killer's direction, your link will reveal your auras to each other. This effect applies only if you are outside the Killer's Terror Radius. As the Killer's obsession, this effect applies to a maximum range of 72 Meters. Otherwise, it applies to a maximum range of 64 Meters. Increases your chances of becoming the Killer's obsession, the Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.)

A solid perk, it was never really meta, never really will be for the majority... if not all Killers except Ghost Face, and was overall a perk that took the risk of being chased by said Killer because he'd know your location, for the exchange of INFORMATION of where that specific Killer is.

None of that is an issue, but what IS an issue is Survivors that're actually good at looping, who will get your attention to chase you around 20+ safety pallets, or if you ignore them, they just get the free chance of doing gens without worry OR follow you to deactivate Night Shroud at every second they can. Whats even worse is if this is a SWF, you're just done. Your location is revealed 99% of the time, even within 1 meter if you're in Night Shade, and the Survivor will just use his/her coms to tell her teammates where you are at all times. Leaving you with just being a regular M1 Killer... YEAH! BALANCE!!!

But to make this clear for any... the perk isn't OP, it never was OP, and never will be OP. The perk needs to be balanced around Night Shroud, and Ghost Face as a whole. The fact they didn't think about this is mind blowing, its just another thing to ruin a Killer. Yes, the perk requires a perk slot to use, but lets be honest, the perks solid, so its not like you're wasting a slot for a specific Killers... If you use the perk regularly, this isn't an issue, and if you don't... Its not hard to pick it up.

Changes to Object of Obsession and Night shade

Lets make this short and simple, the perk needs to remove the ability to work outside of a TR. Or at the very least, does not effect Night Shroud when it is active to ruin the only thing Ghost Face rely's on the most, that being stealth. Without that, Ghost Face is just another loopable Killer to be bullied into oblivion.

Now below this text should be a simple change to the perk, nothing more nothing less.

  • Object of Obsession (If you are looking in the Killer's direction, your link will reveal your auras to each other. As the Killer's obsession, this effect applies to a maximum range of 72 Meters and a Minimum range of 46. Otherwise, it applies to a maximum range of 64 Meters and a Minimum range of 32. Increases your chances of becoming the Killer's obsession, the Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.)

Removing the Terror Radius requirement and giving it a flat range will keep some of the stealth at close range, and allow Ghost Face to sneak up on other Survivors without a Survivor ruining that with coms or following him to deactivate Night Shroud.

Important suggestion

OR, you could have Ghost Faces ability just work like Tier l Myers. Where it doesn't effect Ghost Face while in Night Shroud. Doing this will not have the perk be changed whatsoever and Ghost Face won't have a perk breathing down his neck every time he sees it. Its honestly a win-win as not many people use Object of Obsession regularly... But enough do to ruin Ghost Faces stealth if you face them... And with the growing number of players still playing Ghost Face, people are more inclined to use it to just avoid being snuck up on all together. Its not even hard to stay aware of your surroundings, just doing what you usually do for Myers, people did it for years its no different for Ghost Face.


Before someone says it, "But we've faced Myers for years JUST LIKE YOU SAID, so why is this any different... Why is Ghost Face a special snowflake because of this?" Because Tier l Myers isn't effected by Object of Obsession AS IT SHOULD BE, and Ghost Face rely's on Night Shroud to actually be viable. Hes the only killer that can reduce his Terror Radius to 0 while staying the same speed, Pig can do this but only while crouching which wastes time.

Regardless though, this is my write up on chaning OoO to work with Ghost Face, I hope it gets considered to go into any future updates!


Night Shroud shouldn't be effected by OoO like how Tier l Myers can't be seen by it. This will allow Ghost Face to not be crippled by a OoO user deactivating his power every second, and also not allow SWF to just stomp Ghost Face into the ground. Its more of an issue than you think, not many people use OoO regularly, but enough do to give Ghost Face more issues than he already has.

And since more people are using Ghost Face since hes still new, more people use OoO to counter him, I.E. ruin his ability and just make him a M1 killer because any moment you use Night Shroud you'll just give that Survivor the ability to do gens for free or deactivate it and loop you around 20+ safe pallets!

Post edited by FireHazard on


  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    Firstly, it shouldn't work when Killers are in their stealth ability.

    Secondly, Myers, Hag and a few other Killers have a passive stealth which isn't activated, so to balance this out Object should only activate when both are looking at each others direction let's say at a 30 - 45 ° angle.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited June 2019

    In-general, regardless if that is a passive ability its actually worse since Night Shade is a primary ability of Ghost Faces. Meaning without stealth, hes essentially no better than say Trapper without Traps.

    Just another M1 Killer to be looped into oblivion, so having it not effect him during Night Shade like Tier l Myers should be a reasonable compromise.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    Did you read what I wrote.

    1. It should not work when a Killer is in his stealth ability (Wraith, Pig and Ghostface)
    2. It should only activate when Killer and Survivor are looking at a 30 ° angle to each other.
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    It's Night Shroud. But yes I agree.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I did? I'm just adding onto it...

    Why does everyone assume i'm just ignoring what they wrote, I READ IT. I'm just adding to it that's all....

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I'll change it then, Night Shroud, Night Shade, fictional bull, same thing lmao. But yeah i'll fix it.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    Because your answer seemed like you didn't read the first part of my post cuz you just started with that Ghostface has his stealth built in and is counterable with Object which I already answered with a solution prior.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Eh, I tend to do that a lot as stated above. Hell I just did it right now, lmao. Regardless, we both agree on this.

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2019

    OoO needs to be changed for more than just Ghostface. It shouldn't be seeing Wraith while cloaked, or Pig when crouched...but it does. We know it's possible, because it doesn't pick up EW1 Myers at all.

    OoO should NOT pick up a killer when they have no terror radius. I would argue that it should even stop picking up a killer when tinkerer kicks in.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited June 2019

    Small game just tells you where Traps are, that doesn't mean anything in a chase.

    Urban Evasion just negates traps, it doesn't effect Hags ability to still M1 you, nor does it mean anything for your fellow teammates, just yourself.

    Now with OoO, you can say the same thing, it only benefits you. Well... that's half true, it benefits you but also can benefit your teammates if you follow Ghost Face to the ends of the earth to deactivate his ability anytime he trys to use it on the other Team.

    And yeah, than that leaves you to be chased... By a M1 Killer, OH NO another loopable M1 Killer to be destroyed by 20+ safety pallets around the map! THE HORROR! Lets be real, this perk destroys Ghost Face and can benefit you and your team by simply knowing if hes coming while on a gen, and if he ignores you doing gens that benefits your team by finishing them faster, and if he chases you the OoO user knows not to deactivate it in the chase, so they'll see you do every mind-game in the book making the chase never end if they know where to go.

    Both those perks that effect Trapper and Hag, don't stop them from just simply baiting you to other traps in the chase, you're still gonna get hit by them if the Killers are smart. With OoO against Ghost Face, you're just another loopable Killer to be bullied for 5 gens. (Like I said, IF THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING)

    (Edit) Also, those perks are worthless outside of their intended Killers, (except Urban Evasion kinda) while OoO ISN'T!!!!!!!

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I wouldnt like stealth killers go negate it completely and would prefer them to just make it so that it only works up to 32m from the killer instead of terror radious then it's the same for all as like you said it's not OP its of more a nuisance than anything.

  • PalletOrWhat
    PalletOrWhat Member Posts: 265

    Imo OoO should not exist in the first place

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Yes, even that is acceptable. Having it literally see you behind a 1 Meter wall isn't, and it baffles me how people find that ok...

    If anything, the perk should just effect you up until the cap on your Terror Radius. So if you have say a max of 32 Meters, when you're that close to the Survivor it should shut off like it normally does, but regardless of if they turn Night Shroud on or not.

    That's also more acceptable than just having you suffer through it because "Bla bla bla, the perks no OP stop crying bla bla bla"

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287

    Nah, it definitely has it's place as a perk in this game. It just shouldn't negate the zero-terror-radius of some killers.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's kinda narrow minded. Personally I'd love DH to be deleted off the face of the earth, but that's not really a constructive opinion to why you dislike the perk...

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2019

    32m is still too much for stealth killers. It renders their ability worthless. It's 4v1. A SINGLE survivor perk should not negate a killers ability completely.

    Stealth is stealth, period.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Support. Dont know why the devs made it like this.... It should be the same as tier 1 Myers, weird decision, OoO basically ruins Ghost Face

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Just make ghostface immune to aura reading in night shroud.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The newer stealth killers have other powers also so it only negates part of their kit.

    The Wraith is the only exception to that rul and why a base line doesn't have to kill stealth killers or the perk.

    This is the first time I have seen OoO discussed on this scale versus any killer.

    You have to also think why it's being used so much atm and think how much it will be used after the ghostface fad has worn off as it then becomes less needed for a lot of players.

    It's just a reaction to something right now as it's never been a problem until this point and was normally just seen as a troll perk.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I agree that 1m senario should never happen as it's game breaking, stealth should be able to get you into close quarters to use an ability and maybe get a hit or mind game.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    I agree with this if the killer is suppose to be 'stealth' or 'hidden' Ie no terror radius or hidden ie wraith cloaked. This should not proc. OBO should work on standing pig, uncloaked wraith, EW2+ Myers, and normal GF.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Exactly, I shouldn't be punished for using the ability the devs put into the game for a reason... I have no idea why they didn't think this would happen...

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I disagree that it's never been a problem until now.

    There are some SWF groups out there that'll have 1 person using OoO for information, which in itself is fine but if you're playing a stealth killer I think it no longer becomes fine. I used to main Wraith for a long time and these types of groups made your power almost completely useless to use, and they become such lame matches. It's an incredibly polarising perk.

    It's like way back when Small Game showed bear trap auras. Sure it only worked against 1 killer, but it was deemed too strong against said killer and was changed to be multipurpose and much less precise for trap detection. I don't think something's fine just because it's not common. Just my opinion tho'.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    And then of course they have flashlights, because clearly Wraith needs to have a built-in weakness

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    Maybe they forgot about OoO since barely anyone would run it? Still a big oversight though. It needs a rework anyways.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The same could be said for any aura perk on Nurse, Billy and Huntress to some extent as they all have a better chance to get closer quicker or hit from a distance but those aura perks don't show you the killer back.

    Any aura perk will be stronger SWF in theory but that doesn't mean it's is an actual problem and why you wont see many strong swf teams use it as they generally run mix of perks designed to run the killer for as long as possible along with a second chance.

    OoO wasn't used much before in SWF as tbh as it's not really worth the perk slot with most viable killers at high ranks giving away their position with sound and they can easily communicate where the killer is at all times without the perk.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    I agree, that stupid nosense perk kill him power and even with other killers its used only to be toxic

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    True, but now more and more people are using it BECAUSE OF GHOST FACE! So why isn't it already in the works to be changed?

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    I use to run it to be a troll when I got super bored with the game (I'm just easily bored). I wasn't on forums when other stealth killers came out. Was there an outcry then? If so, how come nothing changed? Makes me really wonder what the devs are thinking. Either fix aura reading perks or fix stealth mechanic. It just ain't working.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Or just get rid of OoO?

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Ye I know, that's why I'm complaining about it vs stealth killers and not most others. Feels unfair to me that they have a counter this hard, when there are vastly stronger killers that don't have anything of the sort.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    When an issue comes up it takes awhile for it to get resolved, I won't expect this one to be fixed anytime soon sadly...

  • MichaelAMyers
    MichaelAMyers Member Posts: 292

    Lets not.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Lets not what? Care to elaborate on that statement?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Exactly, but for whatever reason it does. I understand other Killers have specific perks that counter their power also... but this ones a bit extreme, well... more than a bit... it basically ruins the entire point of his power.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    It definitely shouldn't work on a crouched Pig. Just ruins her surprise attacks altogether and she moves slower while crouched. It's like a double punishment.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    The whole point of the perk is that you can see the survivor at all times, giving you an advantage which you already didn't have.

    You can still sneak up on them even with OoO.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Stealth in-general in this game is subjective at this point. Some stealth Killers actually have stealth like Myers... while Killers like Ghost Face, Pig, Wraith, etc kinda get the short end of the stick...

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Small game destroys trapper. Urban destroys hag. Spine chill destroys Spirit. OoO destroys Ghosty Goo. Calm Spirit destroys doctor

    Honestly I think Ghosty Goo has it easy considering the other instances don't actually provide any downside to the Survivior, whereas OoO gives ur location away as well.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The funniest thing about the whole scenario that sprung to mind is people asked for more stealth play for survivors and they actually started to make more stealth killers after that point.

    The devs do take feedback and ideas like some that made it into the game. Much like a killer that could jump pallets and through windows but it does show we should always be careful what we wish for.

    Sometimes a logical change means things can change in other ways to compensate. Just a thought.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    You clearly haven't been in red ranks for more than one time...

    There isn't an advantage with seeing the Survivor, I can't Mind-game them, I can't follow them if they know how to loop 20+ safety pallets, I can't ignore them because they do gens if you leave them alone, I can't go and stalk someone else if they follow you to deactivate your power. You don't see these issues huh? Play Ghost Face at red ranks for say... 10 matches, tell me how it goes :)

    And no, you can't sneak up on Survivors while Night Shroud is active on a OoO user, that's literally impossible, I don't know what dimension you're in but its clearly not ours lmao.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    You see Ghost Face, literally, behind, a 1 meter wall. What disadvantage do you have there? Play 10 matches with 10 experienced Survivors at red ranks with OoO, tell me how long that lasts before you just outright ignore them lmao.

    All those perks counter all those Killers, but this one? This one destroys Ghost Face because his power is centered around stealth, no stealth? No Ghost Face. Myers is literally infinitely better than Ghost Face at the moment because of issues like this, and that's pretty lame considering people like me had high hopes for buffs that could make him better than Myers. Finally, a fresh new face for the Stealth Killer roster right? Yeah... I guess.

    Also, those perks that counter those Killers? You can still work around that, Ghost Face in Night Shroud vs OoO? You better pray they're bad, or you're never catching them. Because they know how to play the loops if they see you 100% of the time, and they know not to deactivate your ability to keep the loops going for as long as they can.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Sadly when something is improved, other factors are diminished. A cruel game of give and take this game is plagued with at the moment. I know that's not the devs intention, but it happens either through nerfs, buffs, or the game just breaking from something being fixed.

    Its quite the paradox.

  • Bwight
    Bwight Member Posts: 8

    Lmao you get a killer that can run, walk, crouch, remove his terror radius, remove his red stain, one hit down and he can put you in one hit mode in literally .8 seconds... But that's not enough, you need them to nerf a perk too?😂😂

    Like damn, I ranked 1 with wraith over a year ago... With infinite pallets, with DS, with no penalty for multiple on gens, with no hatch closing, when BT worked for both players... And you guys cry now?!

    Like I don't even play killer hardly anymore because it's so easy and boring.. Even at red ranks. And you guys cry after getting this OP killer. Stop trying to water down the game because you can't meet the learning curve to play at a high level.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428


    Small Game has a cd, and you need to be aiming your camera to where his traps are. Even then, midway through a chase Small Game wont do much for you other than make you receive a hit instead of stepping onto a bear trap.

    UE is useless during chase, which is Hag's biggest strong point.

    Spine Chill counters Spirits going for grabs. Its mostly a slight inconvenience. Still useless during chases.

    Doctor indeed suffers a bit more from no notifications, but he still has illusions. And Calm Spirit users still get affected by every single other thing, like Madness T3.

    So, Object of Obsession makes Ghostface's power ENTIRELY useless. Ghostface has absolutely no edge against an OoO user. Not even pallet mindgames which is yet another playstyle they tried to encourage.