I think dying light needs rework/buff opinions

Sentry Member Posts: 124
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

The perk basic force u to tunnel or mori and no one likes that

Rework would be

For every offensive action that is apply to the obsession will cause a decrease to all survivors action speeds. For each action on the obsession gain 1 token up to a maximum of 2. After hooking the obsession a counter starts that adds 1% for 1 stack 2% for two stacks debuff every 10 seconds as long as the killer has at least 1 stack. once the killer loses his stacks the counter will stop. Until he gains one stack. The counter will not work if the killer is in a 28 meter radius of a hooked obssesion also the counter will stop if u are in a chase with the obsession. Finally, the counter will stop when the obsession is down or killed. Addtional info the debuff has no limit, all players will know who dying light victim is after the first hook. If the obsession changes the counter will start again.

if u have other ideas post below


  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Level 1- 1 tokens

    level 2- 2 tokens

    level 3- 3 tokens

    For every time you hook the obsession, you gain a token, each token decreases all action speed for all survivors by 5%, base plenty starting at 10%, increasing with each token, lose a token for every two hooks other then the obsession, when the obsession is killed or sacrifice, you cannot gain anymore tokens.

    simple, promotes less tunnel, fair and does not give survivor any sort of advantage (Which it should have been like that in the first place, killer perks are killer perks, survivor perks are survivor perks, not half killer half survivor perk)

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2019

    As long as ds users are able switch obsession, killer obsession perk are almost useless.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571
    edited July 2019

    With the way I have it, people having DS to switch obsession its deadly to them

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    "The perk basic force u to tunnel or mori and no one likes that"

    Wrong. I despise mories, but tunneling in general is very beneficial. Even without DL, it's a 25% repair penalty to survivors as a group, if you tunnel one out of the game fast. DL penalty is gravy.

    Why are so many players against tunneling is beyond me. It's solid, it puts pressure on survivors, it helps culling the weak, basically it is for the benefit of everyone.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited July 2019

    People are mostly against it because its actively going out of your way to make sure someone cant play the game and its unfun i see what you tried to say but id rather behavior fix the core of the game so people dont need to get someone out as fast as possible rather then keeping it a thing but as far as my opinion goes i find slugging way more beneficial than tunneling because you are wasting time on one survivor while the rest do gens.

    With slugging you are creating real pressure and forcing the survivors to play the way you want.

    As far as dying light i agree it needs a rework id like to see it changed to not force people to tunnel to get it active id also like to see value changes because its pretty boring playing against in general.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Hexyl the game is about killing survivors/surviving. Getting tunneled is not "making sure someone can't play the game", it's the actual game itself. Have you ever seen an MMA match with the losing participant complaining afterwards "this guy makes the match unfun for me, he wouldn't let me play"? Unlikely. I know it's not the same, but competitiveness is still the most important source of fun. Also, frustration without a doubt. But the problem is not that some people play rough but rather that some people are not stable enough to accept the goals of a game. And devs keep enabling them.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited July 2019

    Glad you pointed out you cant compare them now to the point Dead by Daylight is not a competitive game by any means theres to much RNG involved for it to be competitive the only thing "competitive" is the false ranking system in dead by daylight. In a competitive game skill matters dead by daylight does not have that you dont need skill to rank up you really dont.

    Until the ranking system starts reflecting actual skill and behavior removes a lot of the problematic RNG this game is not competitive its a Party game and should be treated as such.

    Now back to my point it is singling a survivor out which in turn is removing the ability for them to really play the game you cant argue that you just cant even if it is the core you completely missed my point that the core needs changing and drastically if you ignore the problem it only makes it worse hint why you see so many people tunneling now days im not disputing that the core is designed this way im simply saying the core needs changing to address ALL core issues not just tunneling.

    The real problem is people take this game to serious and act like this is an esports ready game when in reality its not its a Asymmetrical Horror Game never in the history of this genre has a game been competitive nor will Dead by Daylight be anytime soon theres a lot that needs to be done by the devs if they want this game competitive and until that day this game is nothing more than a party game.