Surprise Huntress Buff!
Lullabies are no longer directional. Rejoyce Huntress mains, you can no longer be tracked on the other side of walls!
Something she definetly didn't need.
She was one of the most balanced killers in the game.
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i digress. she definitely had some downsides to her. she's already slow enough as it is, and sometimes her hatchets can't exactly make up for it. it's better for her to have some sort of leverage, at least with her lullaby.
it makes more sense for it to be non-directional anyway tbh.
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No one was asking for a buff for the Huntress.
And the hitboxes are still BS.
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Wasn't it already no directional when 3.0.0 comes out?
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Something tells me they did just this because it complicated the sounds lol
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It's been like this since 3.0.0
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huntress is trash against decent survivors and on 90% of the maps. so this thing might help her.
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She's widely regarded as one of the best killers. She's not great on console because of the frame rate and lack of precision with the joysticks but far from trash.
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There were quite a few people who have been asking for changes. Over the past couple years, most maps were changed to include more line of sight blockers. While this is great for most other killers, it is unfortunately not ideal for the huntress. Loops that you could previously throw hatchets over now feature higher walls and obstacles that get in the way of hatchets.
In the right hands, she can still be pretty powerful, but she's definitely not quite as powerful as she used to be. While this is a fairly minor change, it's not necessarily unwarranted.
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Yep,the only problem was map design
But why touch the lullaby? XD
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I wasn't expecting for this, that's cool BUT I'm facing a lot of issues because the maps has so many trees and this afects Huntress a lot. Why all thinking on stealth killers but let the map design hurts Huntress like that? I won't say nothing about Haddonfield, Ormont, Family Residence and Preschool because all of them are ######### in general but why coal tower need to have so many many many trees?
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@peanits It's great to see you guys do little touches like this to help the QOL of killers that have lost power with changes. I'de like to suggest taking a look at Doctor next. A while back he lost the ability to shock people mid vault and stop it. While I agree with the nerf, his shock distance wasn't buffed to make up for it, which makes him very weak, unless you put an add-on on to buff the size of the shock. The brown add-on makes him a viable killer at most ranks. So maybe you could take a look at buffing the shock therepy distance by a small amount?
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Yea u cant hair where sound is coming from anyways right.... this forum sometimes lol.
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Thats what I thought .
Prior to this patch ,Ive faced an huntress and her lullaby wasnt directional.
A super unfun match cause the hitboxes are still broken and you couldnt understand where she was coming from which is a problem for a killer that can snipe you.
I hoped this problem would have been fixed soon...
What is the point of the lullaby if it isnt directional?
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While as somebody who’s currently playing almost 100% huntress except for dailies I should be happy about huntress buffs, I am slightly worried this kind of buff means that the upcoming map reworks will only just feature more and more LOS blockers that make huntress long distance snipes more difficult which is why I love playing her, and I already need to put in more efforts into those than others because I am on console.
I have already kind of lost all joy playing my favorite role, first stopped playing survivor except for dailies, now I even trash the survivor dailies until I get killer ones. Killer is not really a role I feel good with, it’s basically mainly huntress and sniping survivors who didn’t even hear my lullaby yet that I still really love in this game. Right now I still feel fine, but I would hate to lose that as well and be forced into some „sneak close up on survivors confused by your lullaby“ play because of the future of map design.
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Considering how much weaker Huntress has gotten over time, I'm all for this change. I'd prefer normal movespeed but this works for now.
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Thought so, vsed a Huntress and it looked like it was non directional
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It's tricky because any tile that is good for huntress is bad for other killers. Other killers rely on LOS blockers to be able to mindgame, while the huntress needs clear LOS to be able to hit her hatchets. Striking a middle ground is very hard to do.
With that said, there's still a decent amount of variety in the new tiles, and they should hopefully play pretty well for both the huntress and the other killers.
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Yeah, you literally don't see them because they avoid you. I've used Huntress's directional hum to be stealthy since I was a beginner.
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While you are right about LOS enabling mind games, the changes to say, Shelter Woods don't enable mindgames, they just make Huntress work. You can mindgame a jungle gym but you can't mindgame a tree, of which there are six thousand more. Having open areas isn't bad if there are still mindgames able to be played at the actual tiles in the game. Huntress usually shines in between the tiles, not at them (depending on the tile at least)
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If you're not giving her 115%, at least tweak her bloodwebs to let swamp, red forest, crotus, autohaven and macmillan offerings pop up more frequently.
I play a lot of huntress in ps4 and I don't think she needed this change. It makes no sense, since the humming comes from her, and she's not a dream demon.
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Well I've played her there a lot more than a hundred times I guess. I've learned to drop chases I know I can't win or will waste a lot of time.
And before the rank comments pop up, I've taken her to R1 consistently and managed to stay there, no iri heads.
Honestly the only map I find unplayable for her is Haddonfield.
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The false-directional lullaby sounds terrible actually. Good thing it's now fixed, I guess.
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I don't think Huntress needed any buffs, but whatever.
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115% movement speed soon?
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The only reason I like this is because she is 110% movement speed and can get looped to the ends of the earth because of it now she can actually mind game.
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@peanits I guess one option is to make LOS blockers an option for each tile, not the rule.
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Are we trying to break the game or something? .-.
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i would rather they had just given her 115% movement speed than do this. with the way they're designing maps these days it wouldn't have been a bad change at all
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I think that if you make the lullaby non directional,you might just as well remove it all together.
Being able to deal damage without getting up close is the advantage of huntress, the directional lullaby is there as a balance to warn people about her direction in order to avoid being snipe.
Since now the lullaby is non directional, it serve no purpose is other than informing you are versing huntress.
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The Huntress has 2 warnings.
The Lullaby tells you she's near, and the TR tells you she's close.
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Slap M&A on her as I do, and you have 12m of TR. At least the directional lullaby let people know where she was coming from.
Definitely she didn't need this change IMO.
115% seems more reasonable if you want her to compete in maps like yamaoka or ormond. Maybe buff her by adding lockers, or increasing her hatchets by 2.
But this change just makes no sense for me, and I play her 50% of the time.
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Honestly I agree with a 115% speed so she is viable on more maps might actually consider putting her into one of my main killer slots if she got that buff instead.
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I'd rather them buff her speed while carrying a hatchet (from 78.5 to 80%) than make lullaby non directional.
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So instead of keeping Huntress in mind when changing loops you give her an annoying buff? Like at least make it so the lullaby isn't heard from across the map... it should have a smaller radius than it does.