Small QoL changes...
If you could change one thing (not an individual perk or killer power) what would it be?
I'd like to see it so if the killer has someone and is taking them to the hook if they are within 3m or so they are able to hook regardless if someone is crouched below it.
Remove all BP Offerings that focus on only 1 scoring category.
Offerings absolutely clutter my Bloodwebs and those kinds of Offerings net very little profit.
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@Boss Kinda like my old suggestion where I convert all BP offerings to be like Pudding/Cakes/BPS in different strengths.
Here, I'll drop a link to the thread →
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@Zender is not because they are crouch that you can't hook a survivor. I mean, try to crouch under the hook and the killer still will hook the survivor. What people use to do is move the killer, crouching at his side and move to the killer side so technically you can't hook because you're still moving.
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I would like to see an addition to the core gameplay that shifts away from generators and hooks to focuses on survivors securing an escape route and killers being able to kill them outright in an attempt to hinder them, but the survivors respawn.
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crouching* sorry but I can't edit comments because my browser freezes.
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Rework every map to be the exact same size, with the doors spawning consistently in the same places(apart from each other) and everything in between having the exact same number of pallets/windows, albeit not in the same locations so that balance between killers can finally be attained. I feel like the fact that maps are killer favored or survivor favored is a big problem that needs addressed. However this isn't small obviously.
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@Saitamfed Nothing to apologize about. I got the same issue.
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What do people think about:
1) penalizing quitters with a 5 minute cool down before they can search for a lobby?
2) Having player stats above their head in lobby, like # of DC's last 50 games, hours played, etc?
3) Ranking system that if your buddy is rank 18 and you and your friends are 2, 4, and 7 you get a rank 2-5 killer?
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@se05239 I am glad to hear that I am not the only with the same issue.
@Atrushan88 then it will be a memory game with a low challenge. You will need to know where are the pallets/vaulting places/ hook and generator spawn. Right now maps are pretty much the same.
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1) Hell yes! I'd even suggest longer. If you DC or just leave a match for genuine reasosn then its fair to assume you've done so for some reason. That reason taking at least 5mins seems perfectly reasonable.
2) Hell no! No reason to give killers more reasons to dodge lobbies then they already have or to make it easier for them to do so!
3) What? How does that make any logical sense? Shouldnt the average of those 4 numbers be 7.75?
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The main QoL change I'd like to see is maybe a hook counter by the survivors names so I know when a teammate is on deathhook or when I'm farming survivors that I dont accidentally kill them.
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@Saitamfed I didn't say it had to be the same placement every game, just the same number. The doors are the only thing that need to be 100% consistent. Well that and the numbers. Killers won't be able to be properly balanced until maps are the same size.
As for your editing comment issue, it only freezes for a minute with Microsoft Edge for me. I just keep clicking the comment box until it says something about a "long running script" and gives me the opportunity to stop that script. After that I can edit my comment and my text goes as fast as I type it. If I need to edit my comment again though I need to refresh the page.
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1) That depend on the quitting reason. Some people have electricity issues where in a few seconds the electricity can go off and turn on again so penalizing for me is a bit hard issue, due that penalizing just for quitting is ignoring another important facts
2) It can be interesting just to know
3) Yes it will be good.
My brother and I thought that you can only play with your friends if you're in the same group of ranks . Let's say 16 - 20 is a group, you can join with your friends if you're on those ranks, if there is a friend who is rank 7 for example then he receive a notification that doesn't allow to join because he doesn't meet the requirement.
This will grant you that the ranked players who plays in a group are closer to your rank as a killer.
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@Atrushan88 My bad then. Yes it's a cool idea.
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The first one has already been spoken about by the devs. They will implement the lockout system when dedicated servers arrive or the mid chapter after they arrive. The second one is unnecessary and would lead to the same issue we have with mlga is that the practice of blacklisting exists and they want to get rid of that sort of behavior. The third one is something everyone should want in a game that is based around ranked play. It would help to stabilize matchmaking and keep players in the ranks they belong facing the appropriate level of competition. It will also force players who want to play with their higher level friends to actually learn the game so they can.