What happened to the Q&A for 3.0.1?

The Q&A for 3.0.1 had stated that, at the start of it, the Q&A would be skipped if there were similar questions to the last Q&A referring to changes towards Ghostface. However, this Q&A session did not, as it had a mix of different questions that were never addressed, whether it have been the topic of Ghostface receiving more changes, other random questions, OR the topic of Legion receiving any sort of love or rework here in the future.
Is the topic of Legion the reason the Q&A was ignored? Because most questions on this post weren't exactly similar to the older Q&A sessions for 3.0.0. Are we going to get any clarification on ANY of these questions, whether it be a post or a stream, or is this Q&A going to be overlooked by the Freddy Rework?
Pretty sure Peanits said that they skipped it because the questions were too similar.
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He did relay that, yes.
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It's like the community cares about something and is going to keep asking questions.
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Yeah seems like a bad reason to me. Just ignoring things that are commonly asked.
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They can only answer, "Why the ######### did you nerf Ghostface?" in a limited number of different ways.
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GF and Legion it seems.
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But you can ask all the dumb and useless lore questions you want
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Questions being repetitive and similar are two things that have correlation with each other. It just shows how the health to them doesn't matter. The most important questions are the ones that are similar to others. Like come on, give an update for crying out loud, it's your game.