Teamwork makes the Dream Work!

Seems like lately, teamwork has been lost to the survivor community. Playing in the red ranks, I see lots of gen rushing, yet the only saves I'm seeing are my teammates saving their own ass. Going into second dying state on first hook is super discouraging for the remainder of the match. I've added kindred to my build in hopes that the other survivors are just assuming someone else is going for the save, and yet I'm still left to die first hook. Furthermore, if I'm seeing little to no teamwork in match, I'm hesitant to leave my gen to give them the backup that I am not graced with.
Any other survivor mains feel my pain?
I see this often, but only with Hillbilly, Nurse or Cannibal, and sometimes with Ghostface and Myers.
This is probably because people don't want to be instantly put into the dying state.
Also a lot of the time people are finishing a gen. Nothing more to it.
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There are a bunch of times where that happens to me. I mostly 99% play solo survivor and deal with some people not doing gens, or leaving me or others to die on first hook or even get me or others off hook infront of the killer. However, there are times where i work with a great squad of randoms or whatever and we do gens, save eachother, lure the killer away from the injured, and so on. It's great! So even if i get a team of do nothings, next game might be good...yeah😄😂😭
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The number of times i've been left on the hook to die while all 3 survivors are working on the same generator and the killer has left is ridiculous. If someone does decide to come help it is when i'm literally 1 second from death, then they'll spend the whole match chasing you down to farm for healing point.
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I've experienced this playing solo a lot. I'm usually the one that goes for saves, but I don't rush hook. I played a game a while back at rank 9 where no one did any saves but me the entire game and I wasn't saving right away. I think it is a combination of wanting to get a gen done, and and an increase in camping killers. If you run to hook save quite a bit you realize that most of the time you are switching places with the hooked survivor. Even if kindred doesn't reveal a camping killer mobile killers like nurse, hillbilly and spirit usually can come back right away. I wish more survivors realized letting your teammate die right away is almost certainly your own death.
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Gt the feeling this is because they assume the person will then be tunneled off anyway and they'll then be in the crosshairs of the killer. Especially true for billy, GF, bubba, nurse after all.
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my only objective is using head on at least once a match, im proud to say that i saved someone of the killers grasps even tho she ended up dying seconds later
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Has happened to me so many times, reaching second state before being saved. I usually fight to get to unhook with my We'll Make It, though I don't stupidly instantly unhook survivors. Sometimes, I would unhook, but I would suddenly see that the saved survivor was farmed, even though I had Spine Chill and it didn't activate. :(
(Bonus story I want to tell that is a little related to this)
Most ridiculous match I have played was yesterday, it was a Ghostface, and I saw Claudette being farmed a lot (accidently, Ace and I tried to save her, but Ghostface kept on finding her) then disconnected. I was hooked once and had Kindred on. There was the Ace and a David left, which they were on a gen, but I saw that David went into the locker and Ace was being chased. Ace had to rescue me mid chase because David was nowhere nearby, and Ace was killed. I was chased for a while then hooked on the second hook. While struggling, I was enraged to see the David going back and forth into the locker and letting me die, though Ghostface was searching the area, but far enough to not farm me. I died, and decided to spectate, and the Ghostface let the David farm with him! At least the Ghostface apologized and said to focus more on who was doing what, but seriously? The guy who did nothing got to live unharmed and got to escape with the "most points"? Solo surviving is really hard. Almost all the time.