Been Thinking About Moris Lately

The Cypress Memento Mori is excluded from this thought ENTIRELY btw, when i talk about Moris in this topic, exclude Cypress as you read.
I've been comparing Moris to all other Offerings in my head.
And they're all relatively harmless. Bloody Party Streamers is even helpful to both.
Now the Reagents that make it thicker can be of some more use on specific Killers, but that's it.
Coins are of little use as it's just Items that you deny.
Plus most bring their own Items anyway.
Plus you denying Chests only means they'll use that time on Generators.
Luck is extremely weak, and you'll need multiple Luck-builds to make it work.
And i'm thinking: In terms of power, Moris REALLY stand out.
So now i wonder: SHOULD they stand out?
I don't think being able to kill should be removed, it's just too iconic.
But would nerfing Moris to where you have to hook twice really be that bad?
That would also have you earn more BP & Emblem scores than currently.
TL;DR - If they were to be nerfed, i don't think i'd mind.
Also, Cypress at base would be cool, being able to end the match with your kill animation.
prepares for Killer outrage coming at me 😫
Best Answers
Like most subjects in this game I'm torn. On one hand i like the idea of moris, because you are playing as a killer after all. Having a unique violent killing animation is just fun and adds a little variety to the gameplay. On the other hand, moris take a lot of the fun outta the game for the other team. You eliminate the need to hook a person 2 more times. Its like if survivors could just auto complete a gen after escaping a killer chase or something. On the other other hand, nerfing moris to only work after 2 hooks makes them almost pointless, as that survivor is dead on next hook anyways. All your avoiding is the minor potential for them to wiggle free.
I agree with you that moris need to be revisited, but I'm just not sure how they can be changed. Perhaps a side effect to them, where if more uncompleted gens exist then survivors, then a gen gets completed? Or maybe progress on a couple of gens goes up halfway?
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I don't think moris should be nerfed, they are fine.
"But would nerfing Moris to where you have to hook twice really be that bad?
That would also have you earn more BP & Emblem scores than currently."
Thing is, as a killer, you can choose when to mori survivors. You don't need that restriction to mori survivors after hooking them twice.
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Perhaps if there were an actual “player-input” struggle.
Imagine if both the killer and the moried survivor had a long string of rapid-fire buttons appear on-screen for them to press. Anytime the killer misses while the survivor hits, the Mori animation is reversed or takes a turn toward possible escape (like pushing the killer back some). Vice versa, when the killer hits and the survivor misses, the animation progresses.
Once the animation reaches a certain point, the survivor either escapes or dies. Even when they lose, survivors will have had a lot of fun fighting for their lives and will have potentially bought their team a lot of time too! I could even see scenarios where other survivors gather around to watch the drama!
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If survivors were able to escape from moris not a single killer would use them. That would be a waste of time.
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I agree the killer should definitely have some sort of advantage, such as having a much larger impact toward progression of the animation. However, I think if the survivor has even a chance at escaping, even if it’s very slight and very difficult, it would actually make Moris far more popular all around.
Survivors would no longer claim that it takes the fun away from their side, because heck, fighting and maybe escaping IS fun! Killers would also get extra enjoyment from completed mories because they “earned” it during the face-off. This would also help combat the claim that mories are simply too easy.
As a side note though, I think if something like this went into the game, it should ONLY affect mories. Devour Hope already has enough of a difficulty hurdle with chance of being cleansed to boot, so it should remain unchanged.
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If you nerf Moris, nerf instaheals and rework keys in the process, cheers.
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you can take only one of those if you want it to be fair
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Offerings all being pathetic shouldn't make you look at the one cool one and think "that should suck, too."
In my ideal world, Moris would be an upgrade to a default kill function all Killers that's time-consuming and easily interruptible, maybe adorned with vs. skill checks to see how long it takes; "Play as DLC Killer" offerings would be only Rares; and mist-control offerings wouldn't exist for Killers.
But as it is, all I need to say is that moris are fine. Killing the LAST Survivor is actually UP, since it's not refunded if you don't get to use it, and a single hook on the last survivor is a kill anyway.
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What if the 2 bigger ones were removed, Cypress was standard, and every single Killer will now have at least 1 Add-on (either Very Rare or Ultra Rare) which will make you work for it hard, but will allow you to kill Dying Survivors?
Not a handicap version, as that would allow you to start killing immediately.
Just sharing a thought...
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Looking through this it is pretty interesting to read about and hear other people’s ideas. I’ve never really thought of moris as a large issue. I see it an ‘oh bummer’ kind of thing.
I play killer and survivor about 50/50. As a survivor I think being able to fight for your life and get away is a cool idea. As a killer I think it would make the game less fun for me. I only bring a Mori in when i think there is going to be a toxic survivor. Even then I feel bad using it sometimes.
For the fight for your life I feel like if the survivor has only been hooked once then there should be a chance to fight. It would still be a very low chance (less than 10%). It would also encourage killers to hook the survivor a second time while still making moring after the first hook a viable option. At the same time a survivor might just kill themselves on hook.
The quick time event would have to very fast paced to avoid making it not worth it for the killer though.
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Moris are fine, is it really the end of the world if they stay the same?
They already got nerfed once.
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I mean tbh I only bring a mori if i see every survivors with tool boxes or something like that. Nothing is better than a 4K with moris against a swf. I think moris are fine. They serve the purpose for me which is to punish toxic survivors for trying to get an ez win.
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What if using a mori unequips your addons and/or perks?
Perhaps a Mori would only be able to instant kill if the target wasn't close enough to another survivor?
Or maybe when a mori kill is performed the remaining survivors have a chance to revive or the killer's location is revealed for 15-30 seconds?
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Sure, if you want Moris to be literally never used ever.
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I think if we take a look at Moris, we should also take a look at keys. They're both designed to end the game early, so it wouldn't be fair to ignore the other while changing the first. Additionally to make up for the long animations, everyone's actions should be paused while they go off (maybe they'll see it from the survivor's perspective?). The yellow Mori being base-kit would be interesting, but what would your suggestion be for the yellow, green, and pink Moris after the change?
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I actively want them to get nerfed from a killer standpoint. I will never use them (unless there is someone I very much dislike) because getting a kill with it is like not even getting a kill. It's not earned at all and I know how much it sucks as survivor.
But at the same time the animations are awesome and I want to use them more, so them requiring survivors to be on death hook for you to use them would be very nice imo.
Also make Cypress Mori just a base mechanic, because why not.
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I use moris exclusively on teabagers/flashlight clickers and dailys that ask for it.
you can tell whos going to be a tabagger by their outfit/name.. the brighter they are the more likely they teabag so equip one up when you see it.
they deserve moris
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I’d like cypress to be base too.
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moris would be fine if they were less strong
i've always felt that the healthiest position in the game for moris to be in is to see the animation and maybe get a personal bonus, rather than providing a huge in-game advantage. maybe make them usable only on death hook but have them give you a whole bunch of blood points so they're less of a drag to play against while not defeating their purpose entirely
rarity isn't fairity but i'd reduce ebony moris to very rare if something like this were implemented
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I'm already happy to have such a variety of responses.
I seriously thought I'd be swarmed with opposing opinions. (Not aggressively or anything, but I can see why people would defend them.)
In the end, I'm not gonna be bothered by either a fitting nerf or leaving it like this.
Only a buff would feel like anti-QoL.
Again, that's excluding Cypress.
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Even though I'm a sweaty killer main, I never really gave a ######### about moris.
I prefer games where you have to hook survivors three times. Just more fun and interactive imo. And of course, it's more balanced.
So if the devs changed the mori requirement from one hook to two hooks, then that would be fine by me because I didn't use moris much anyway😊
Also, I like @ASpazNamedSteve idea of making Cypress mori a base mechanic.
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Moris are extremely boring to run to be honest. Of course it is cool to see certain killers moris but I could run Prayer Beads with an Ebony and never ever have to worry about losing. It’s typically not very fun for either side.
The ONLY time I run moris is when I run into a team that I know for a fact is sweaty or when I just wanna see the mori animation. Usually it backfires though because last night the ONE time I decided to use an Ebony I got stuck in a pallet so I had to DC :/
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@The_Trapper so why are killers still complaining about DS and trying to get it nerfed AGAIN then? According to your logic, anything that has been previously nerfed is now fine.
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This would not make mori kills more popular. Survivors absolutely hate the thought that they can just be yeeted out of the game at any point before third hook. Most mori kills result in a survivor dcing so the game doesn't count the kill properly. Mori kills have also been hugely disincentivized by the devs basically on behalf of the survivors. A mori gives less bp, cripples your emblem score, and guarantees you will not go further than black pip in a trial.
So, implementing a system where survivors could struggle against getting mori'd would just mean that a killer who does go for a mori will have their time wasted and if they win the struggle the survivor will yank their ethernet cable and the killer will get absolutely nothing good out of the time wasted. That's the kind of situation you have to look at when messing with mori stuff. If they had of been included in the core gameplay loop from the start we wouldn't have had such a situation where people were conditioned to feel as if they were getting cheated and thus needed to sort the issue out by doing petty #########.
Like the actual act of killing someone as a killer in this game is very unrewarding. Like the way they've structured the gameplay and lore is very clear: We're servants first and killers second. I wrote up a way to sort this issue out, but no one really cares about my ideas if I'm not talking about Legion.
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@CoffengMin It would become fair when OP killer addons are nerfed though. Nerf crap like Prayer beads, iri hatchets, nurse addons, etc....and at the same time address moris, keys, and instaheals.
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Rather than forcing someone to be hooked twice, I'd prefer the ever so slightly different requirement that they've hit second stage on the hook.
I play with a lot of Twitchers, and we see a huge jump in Moris played when they (foolishly) put Twitch or TTV in their name, followed typically by some of the hardest tunnels that almost guarantee that killer's not getting a Merciless. The way Moris are currently implemented, they're literally just a way the game promotes toxicity, even if sometimes that toxicity is in response to toxic survivors.
They're meant to be a reward from the Entity herself, so it stands to reason that killers should have to work a bit for that reward rather than just reaping benefits from what's typically considered bad sportsmanship.
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The only thing I dislike about mori is that they nerf my chances at points and emblems - either by killing survivors prematurely to where other survivors can get no more altruism, or killing me which ends my trial wondering why I even bothered to play this round.
Mori are supposed to be kind of special. If you put them in base kit after you get mori'ed for the 1000th time, it's all like...meh. After all the time I have spent in this game, seeing a mori is still interesting.
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I say give the killer the option to mori after two hooks, but make part of the base kit and it can only be used once. The actual mori-ing is a great part of the game but an ebony mori just ruins a match.