Items that stun the killer

Raidoku Member Posts: 69

The game could use more items survivors can use to stun the killer such as an one time use bat that breaks when used on a killer stunning them for 4 seconds or trip wire that can be placed t stun a killer for 3 seconds id even like to be able to slam open/closed doors and windows that can also stun. Killer mains will say this is OP but getting chased only to be caught eventually because of Bloodlust is really annoying and would add more to the game just saying. honestly the diversion skill shouldn't be a perk if you find a rock RANDOMLY in a level you should be able to just throw it because its a ######### rock for crying out loud where are the giant rocks to crack killers in the head for a 5 second stun???


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Nice try, Ruin person. I know you're secretly Rank 20-15.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    They're called pallets. Use them.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    One-time use or not it could be very annoying for a killer.

    With the current methods of stunning we have it at least takes some skill to get a stun off with the easiest method being a pallets stun during a chase.

    Progressively getting harder requiring you to get your timing more accurate with each and every other step method currently the hardest is probably to get a head on stun.

    This item will make getting a stun super easy and would allow for a lot of cheesy situations.

    One thing I will say thank god we don't have a system like Friday the 13th because Jason could be very easily bullied by just one person or at least until they gave him his rage buff

  • Remi1993
    Remi1993 Member Posts: 88

    Items to stun killer? Are you kidding me? Watch some tutorials how to escape from killers and you wont ask something like this anymore.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    not like you guys dont have 150+ firecrackers and 200 flashlights in your inventory.

    you have plenty to stun the kller with including pallets every 2 meters

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    Just make firecrackers regular items at a rarer rate than the event had.

    Actually giving Survivors weapons would mean giving them finite stamina is one of the only ways to keep them balanced, and then you might as well play F13.