Are they ever gonna bring in something that stops camping properly?


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    No and they shouldn't. Camping needs to be possible or else the game breaks down from there.

  • CJDatGuy
    CJDatGuy Member Posts: 8

    How?! Camping ruins the game for survivors and killer

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    Camping is a tatic get over it, Just go to high rank and you won't see it as often

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,187

    Camping, tunneling is all fine its a strategy to the game and if the was a way to stop it then the deva are basically taking strategy from the game.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,046

    Camping is only ever as effective as the Survivors let it be.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Like Blueberry said the game would need to be balanced for that to happen. Something that has a 0.000000000000000000000000000001% chance of happening so it is here to stay.

  • CJDatGuy
    CJDatGuy Member Posts: 8

    New players try out the game and get camped and tunnelled, and don't play the game again, if the game wanted to grow(make more money) they need new players to stay

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @CJDatGuy Camping has counters and if you despise it so much I suggest you use them.

    • Rush Gens
    • Equip Kindred
    • Equip Borrowed Time
  • CJDatGuy
    CJDatGuy Member Posts: 8

    But that's the problem, people that don't play swf, have 3 survivors just come to the hook person and wait for the killer to leave and end doing nothing or try to save but end up in the dying state, how can anyone in that situation be having fun all 5 players

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    We careful what standards you choose to set down. There's already enough suspicion that the devs only listen to survivors because they are the majority of players, rather than balancing the game based on evidence and reason.

    If that new player picks a killer and finds they have very little agency, things are decided for them and every choice is catch-22, what do you think they would do? There is a counter to camping and tunnelling which has existed since the very beginning, but survivors refuse to use it.

    The devs tested an idea to discourage hook-camping once and survivors abused it, leaving the killer basically with a choice between giving away free unhooks or lose the whole match, with the survivors not having to risk anything.

  • CJDatGuy
    CJDatGuy Member Posts: 8

    Rushing gens doesnt work when you ain't in swf, cause you end up the only one doing it, kindred and borrowed time doesnt work cause the person that's saves is just swapping positions with you cause borrowed time now only activates on the person being saved

  • CJDatGuy
    CJDatGuy Member Posts: 8

    I'm not saying bring in something that nerfs killers, I'm saying there needs be something that stops killers camping every hook they get, most killers don't do this but there are ones do this and I think the game doesnt punish them enough, I personally do see the enjoyment of being a killer sitting there camping

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Well after using a stick failed, the devs tried a carrot instead because survivors wouldn't stop demanding something be done about hook-camping. The BBQ & Chili perk was introduced to the game, to give survivors what they wanted by encouraging killers to leave the hook.

    Survivors haven't stopped complaining about it ever since. It's like they don't know what they want.

  • CJDatGuy
    CJDatGuy Member Posts: 8

    Most killers special abilities and some perks endorse camping, this is all down to the killer, the survivors don't make the killer camp, most the time it's not even caused by anything like flashlights or whatever pisses killers off, I've come across a lot of ghost face that just crouch and wait and just knock you straight down when saved, this is a game and should be played for enjoyment, and the killer has the biggest role in that

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You can't STOP Killer's from camping. If you did then that would mean Survivors can guarantee an unhook. You need to remember that not every instance of camping is problematic.

    If you have reason to think a Survivor is about to run in for a save then you should cut them off by going to the Survivor they are about to save and grab them.

    Preventing you from doing stuff like that means that the hook mechanic suddenly becomes irrelevant removing a LOT of the pressure from the hooked survivor even when you aren't camping.

    That's why it breaks the game, because the possibility of failing to save someone is a part of what makes the game function. Especially in the endgame. And that's not even getting into potential edge cases where someone is flagged as camping when they aren't.

    Having a base kit carrot along the lines of what devour or bbq does would be better (but obviously not actually as good as those perks)

    Alternatively make it more clear that you SHOULD gen rush.

    For starters, when you see someone camping gen rush. If you aren't doing it then you shouldn't expect others to do so, thus you need to make sure you are gen rushing yourself.

    Second of all I still want a base mechanic that reveals to the other survivors when a Survivor is in the Killers terror radius. Thus you could see that this is the case for a hooked survivor and thus the Killer is camping so go do a gen.

    That alone would do wonders for this issue while also bridging the gap between SWF and Solo's

  • CJDatGuy
    CJDatGuy Member Posts: 8

    I agree with most of that but I'm talking about when the killer doesn't you leave you when hooked, not cause they think someone's going for save, just that's what they do for every hook, they literally don't go more than 10 meters away

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Sorry but no; the killer role is designed entirely around reacting to survivors.

    The killer is in a race against time, which is an unknown number. The survivors have all the time; what they are in a struggle against is their objectives divided by their remaining resources, both of which are known numbers. For the sake of balance, a few wildcard factors are unknown to either side.

    The killer can not afford to waste time; every action and decision costs them time. Only when survivors are low on resources but more objectives remain can a killer take a more relaxed stance. By default though, the survivors start with the end-goal visible and the most strength they will have all-game. The killer is working from this point to just catch-up.

    This means paying attention to what the survivors are doing and making what is often a catch-22 decision, hoping for the least-worst outcome where time has been spent on getting survivors to lose resources without gaining significant progress on objectives.

    If survivors did those objectives whilst the killer camps, the killer is basically throwing the game for the sake of a single sacrifice. They have lost the time it took to catch that survivor, they have lost the time it takes for the hook stages to finish. The survivors are then left with at most two objectives left, but virtually every single resource they started with, bar one survivor. If survivors made this happen in response to hook-camping, consistently, no killer making a serious attempt to win would ever camp a hook until circumstances changed.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,751
    edited July 2019

    @NuclearBurrito Id laugh my ass off if they implimented this TR idea and EVERYTIME i play Doc with my huge TR, survivors just assume im camping and let their teammates die on first hook.

    Also... this would show the leatherface in the basement using insidious while 2 ft away from a hooked survivor is definitely NOT camping.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @LordGlint That would indeed be hilarious. But I mean it's up to them to have the game sense to use the information properly. It would help if this hypothetical mechanic could also show the intensity of the terror radius (Aka: How close they are) using the same mechanic, but that might be too much idk.

    And yeah this wouldn't do ######### about insidious camping specifically, that's a bit outside the scope of that suggestion (but only slightly)

    TBH insidious needs a rework anyways.

    But either way it would help at least a bit.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,751

    @NuclearBurrito Id definitely be down for an insidious rework. Having to stay still in order to maintain its effect kinda limits it to camping. A possible change while maintaining the perk's identity would be to cause a loss of TR and red stain to occur after standing still for 3 seconds which then lasts 10-15 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown. This would stop the extended use of the perk for face camping while making it actually useful OUTSIDE of face camping.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    No it would be complete garbage was of a slot like that. Like it at least can Face-camp properly in its current state.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Remove infinite loops, then we can talk about camping.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    I've had that killed a guy that was sc after I let him go from the hook (farmed chaser points) and went after others only to find him so I use ghostfaces stalk on him in plain view before attacking at full and I'm accused of camping and tunneling when by all rights I let him go and refund him I even game him a warning

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,751

    @Jdsgames It would open up the possibility of sneaking up on survivors for things like gen grabs on killers who dont have reducing TR built in. Combine it with something like surveillance to keep track of which gen you need to sneak up with next.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    When hook defense is no longer possible survivor play is gonna get real boring. I don't want chases to be the only aspect that involves danger.

  • TheGreatDave
    TheGreatDave Member Posts: 25

    I don't think one single perk is going to/can change the camping issue. I don't think it's an issue that can be solved due to the nature of the game.

  • deadmen2681
    deadmen2681 Member Posts: 3

    Not true I've seen more camping between ranks 11-20 since those are the ranks I mostly stay at as a survivor

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Yeah, i'm sick of Survivors camping MY Generators! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    3 seconds is simply not long enough. If you have to stand still as your terror radius goes away. They have already left the gen because of your terror radius. This may work like once per match. Once something wonky goes on the entire team notices quickly. I will stick to gen grabbing spirit myself. Plus a minute cool down is excessive that is 3/4ths a set of gens. I would prefer it to be active all the time that it fades in and out your terror radius. So it screws with your ability to tell distance. However, it never goes completely silent.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    The only way to 100% eliminate camping would basically be to make a better game. The best they can do is dangle a carrot to incentivize allowing unhooks.

    I still recommend the option for Killers to kill without Moris starting from the second down, but needing to go through a lengthly struggle others can interrupt (bodily or with a flashlight).

  • OpenYoureyes
    OpenYoureyes Member Posts: 111


  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Unlikely. Their response (as well as a lot of others) I'd to just work on gens and punish the killer for camping. They don't take concern with how insanely annoying/unfun it is for the person getting camped. For people like me who have played the game a lot I know that the game can be fun and not everyone camps. But, newer killers tend to camp A LOT and it's hurting the game. Any time I play with new friends who are trying out the game, they rarely okay more than a few games before getting too frustrated and quitting for a while/forever. For a lot of new people all they play vs is camping/super hard tunneling killers and it makes them have zero fun. It's something that needs to be addressed but I highly doubt they will.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    The problem with the 'what about the one survivor?' argument is that it places full-responsibility for that onto the killer and none onto the survivors themselves. They don't accept any suggestion that they are even responsible for the killer's enjoyment of the game, let alone that they keep creating the situations that makes hook-camping the best option for the killer.

    A survivor has a 1 in 4 chance to be the first person hooked in each match. That means that 75% of the time, they are not that person. If survivors were consistently punishing hook-camping by getting the gens done and promptly leaving, they would have a 75% win-rate, which is far higher than the actual win-rate.

    In any multi-player game, a 75% win-rate is not just good, but grounds for saying a strategy is broken and needs nerfing. That would be the case in DbD if the survivors bothered using it, save for the fact that the killer then has a choice whether to stay by the hook and lose the game or go apply map-pressure and give a decent window for a save.

  • YamiTheFurry
    YamiTheFurry Member Posts: 229

    I like these imaginary rules surviors don't tunnel, camp, down an afk, play nice and let the last survior go, 2 hook everyone before killing. What imaginary rules do killers have for surviors? None and if we did we would be told to get good and don't be a baby killer. Double standards...