Signs the toxic player coming for you....

You know what I mean, you're a killer, you just waited 7 minutes for your lobby then bang...
The first two survivors show up and they are the exact same survivor and their name is TTV.something. Uhm that's weird, then two seconds later two more of the same survivor show up as well.
Other things you might notice. They have no items in hand at 17 seconds, but at 16 seconds they all have 4 flashlights/toolboxes/etc with rare/ultra rare adds ons (you won't know this part until the end of the match).
Bonus points if they pick the map as well, expect to see Springfield, Haddonfield, or coldwind.
Extra extra bonus points if they all have balanced landing.
Recommendation: if you don't want to DC just go stand in a corner while you take a bathroom or food break. Deep breaths and remember its a game!
Happy Sunday!
You know whats fun to do? Set up a huntress with full ######### counters to exhaustion perks and have franklins, then play whatever killer you fancy, but get ready to switch if they do. It's funny to see them go "HOW THE ######### DID YOU KNOW WE WERE GONNA SWITCH" rada rada and just responding "I can switch killer quick as well you know."
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At 17 seconds? Noobs. Toxic players switch at 6 second so you don't even have time to leave the lobby lol
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If I see this happening, I swap out for Franklins, then do my best to make them lose every item they have.
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Haddonfield is an instant DC
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Use franklins, and NOED those will help to get back at them for it, thats all i got cause im one of those toxic players you hate lol
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Franklins and an ebony mori. Tunnel and camp. If you can bring leather face so you can prevent cheeky unhooks. Or run GF just for the tbag potential.
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I just legion the ever loving crap of them. Don't even really go for heals. Just deep wound deep wound deep wound....they get the message quick and usually leave.
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And then boom you get in the game and it's an omega blink nurse with store bought skins 2k hours with an ebony mori ruin whispers bbq and everyone dies in 5 mins because theres no counterplay
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Instant DC is an instant report.
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Reports for DC are instantly thrown away.
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Mandela effect.
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I have issues with being disliked, so I play any opponents.
Then I leave if their best looper sprints up to me, clicks their flashlight, and 3 gens go off by the first hit.
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I'll just switch to my Nurse with an Ebony Mori before that happens because I know the signs of a sweaty SWF. :)
I didn't want this to happen, but hey, gotta fight fire against fire!
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Signs the toxic player coming for you:
they use ad-ons from their bloodweb and play a multiplayer game with their friends.
The nerve.
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I find my own ability to be far beyond SWF, fine with me, they're altruistic anyway, I can play whoever I want, hell, Leatherface is a SWF destroyer. Not that I have any problems with friends wanting to play, I just got to watch the gens closer.
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That's such a coward response! Bring a mori, camp and tunnel one of them (the rest is too altruistic anyway) or at least try your best and have fun. Don't be a sore loser.
And if, like you pointed out, one of them is named "TTV something" open your trusty TTV app on the devise of your choice, find their channel and beggin the hunt ;-)