Killer Concept (The Collector)
This concept is based solely off of the movie The Collector. Everything in this discussion are my ideas based off of the content. I do not own the likeness of the character just the ideas. I figured if it was something that was to come to creation, likeness rights would probably need to be purchased.
Now that's out of the way, here we go!
The Collector - (In game name) - The Exterminator
Base Movement Speed: 110% - 4.4 m/s (not fast, not slow, due to his second perk)
Terror Radius: 32 Meters
Height: Average
Not much is known about the origins of this killer. Rumors arose about a man, who owned a taxidermy business that killed his entire family. They say he would drink the chemicals used in his process which slowly drove him insane. After killing his entire family he embalmed the bodies and set them up at a dinner table for Thanksgiving feast. However, another rumor arose about one of his son's. The body was never found. Police assumed that the young boy had escaped. The father died shortly after the murder from drinking the chemicals.
Many years later more murders started popping up left and right. The method of these murders varied from crime scene to crime scene however, the objective was the same. All of the victims were unaware that their surroundings were actually what ended up costing them their lives. Police reports would state that multiple bodies were found at the crime scenes but there was always one person missing.
This gave rise to the media dawning the name The Collector. This serial killer traps his prey and makes them think they have a chance. Watching their choices, choosing the one he wants, to add to his collection. None of the missing persons have been found.
Killer Abilities:
Main Ability - Moths to a Flame
The Killer has the ability to tamper with and trap the generators on the map (up to a maximum of 3 with no refresh). Installing a contraption of spring loaded razor wire. Upon failing a skill check, it explodes from the generator in an 8 meter radius putting the nearest survivor/s into the injured/downed state and alerts the killer with an audio queue.
The killer can remove his trap from a generator as long as the first skill check has not been triggered or it has not progressed past 15%. The overall time it takes the killer to do so is 6 seconds. Once the trap has been triggered or the generator has been progressed past 15% the generator remains trapped until completed, causing the unique skill checks to randomly appear. The trap on the generator CANNOT be sabotaged.
[The skill check is different from others. It is a three part skill check that have to be hit or it is considered a fail. No regression happens to the generator upon failing the skill check. The trapped generator cannot be kicked by the killer (see Perk 3) . Natural regression does occur. All skill check zones are considered "Great Skill Checks" meaning the survivors get more points from completing them. The placement of these skill checks are random much like a regular skill check and share the size of a Decisive Strike skill check. (Abilites that decrease/increase the size of the skill check will work here.]
Second Ability - Lambs to the Slaughter
The killer starts the game with 3 trip wire traps that he can use to trap pallets and windows. Upon hitting the trip wire the survivor is sent into the injured state and slowed for a short period of time.
(Different from the generator traps. Starting amounts may change with Higher rank Addons. If the survivor was already in the injured stated they are sent to the downed state. Immediately sent to the down state with higher rank Addons. Maybe Iridescent?)
He can replenish the traps by visiting a special locker to collect more.
(Only a maximum of 6 can be placed at any time. Amount placed can be changed with higher rank addons. Upon triggering the trap it is removed from the window/pallet. Overall time to place traps is 4-5 seconds. Higher rank Addons may change the time it takes to place traps.)
[These traps are noticeable when placed and CAN be sabotaged by a toolbox or the Sabotage perk. The trapped pallet will still stun the killer if dropped upon him. Higher rank Addons can also apply, hindered status, mangled status, blind status, etc etc.]
~Perk 1 - Hunter and the Prey~
Flavor Text - This one stands above the others. It is better in every way. Oh yes, this one will suffer but not before the others. Go and collect my prize. -The Entity
One survivor is chosen at random to be the Obsession. This survivor gains a 5/10/15% bonus to specific actions i.e. repairing, healing, and sabotaging as long as they are still alive. If the survivor starts to heal, repair, or sabotage the killer is alerted with an audio queue and the object (hook, player being healed, or generator) is highlighted for 7 seconds. If the obesession is the last player sacrificed a 50/75/100% bloodpoint bonus is applied to the sacrifice category.
*Note from the Author*
I know this perk seems a bit wonky, it seems like it would be used as a way to greif other survivors or make the killer seem OP. However, the bonuses, if left unchecked hinder the killer quite a bit. A decent survivor could really use this against the killer and a good killer would put this to good use against survivors. It's a double edged sword perk in my opinion. It promotes the killer to try and get the BP bonus so they avoid the obsession. Or if the Obsession is being to much of a pain to deal with he can use the notifications to pin point the Obession and put an end to it. Meanwhile the survivor can team up to knock out gens or heal while the killer is occupied.
~Perk 2 - Innevitable End~
Flavor Text - You are calculated in your approach. Strategic with your execution. All it takes is a little planning.
Bloodlust is enhanced based on rank. Rank 1 Bloodlust now activates at 13 seconds instead of 15. Rank 2 (all effects of R1) Bloodlust Tier 2 now activates at 27 seconds instead of 30. Rank 3 (all effects of R1 and R2) Bloodlust Tier 3 now activates at 40 instead of 45 seconds and is not interrupted by breaking or being hit by a pallet. If the chase is lost Bloodlust rapidly deteriorates. (All Ranks to avoid what I like to call, "Drafting") Movement increases stay the same throughout.
*Note from Author*
This is simply meant to be a means to ending a loop quickly. A survivor who notices this will now have to make a choice. Continue the loop knowing how it will likely end. Or try to lose the chase (drop the pallet and run). This will either be extremely beneficial on certain maps or a giant hindrance on others. In conjunction, this will also help other killers once teachable who have issues in the chase.
~Perk 3 - Accute Senses~
Flavor Text - They are still near you can feel it. The thrill of finding them heightens your senses.
Upon kicking a generator or breaking a pallet your senses are heightened. Field of view is increased by 3/5/10 degrees and survivors breathing/grunts of pain are louder for 10/20/30 seconds. Cannot be extended so double kicking holds no benefit. Can only be reactivated after the timer has finished. (Seeing as he cannot kick trapped generators, it makes placements of his traps a bit more strategic. It also pseudo creates a sort of safe place for survivors on the trapped gens as he get's no benefit from his 3rd perk there.)
And that's it! That is my killer concept idea for The Collector
All of this is simply an idea. Base idea as a matter of fact. Anything can change. I just thought it would be a cool character to put into the game and an icon to those who have seen the movie. I have thought about adding Arkin (Main Protagonist from the movie) as a survivor who would kind of counter the killer a bit but I have nothing written down yet on it. If you like the idea let me know!