Lag or lag switch? (Video)

Yohan Member Posts: 172

I really don't know what lag switching looks like, but this is the worst case of lag I've ever dealt with in DBD. Looks questionable to me.



  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    That video alone isnt enough to tell if it was lagswitch, but yes, it is indeed very bad lag, playing with such a poor internet should be bannable

  • Yohan
    Yohan Member Posts: 172


    I mean it was this bad the whole match. This is just a sample.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113
    edited July 2019
    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Yohan
    Yohan Member Posts: 172
    edited July 2019

    Didn't record it all; but it was a pain to go through.

  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898
    edited July 2019

    Lag switch has two different methods, one is easy to spot while other is not.

    If the lag started suddenly while earlier it wasn't laggy at all that could be a sign of a lag switch. But there is still a small chance it being caused by something else such as other users in the same household starting up streaming video at high resolution causing small to huge buffer download of the video file or small hiccup in the connection (temporary packet loss).

    Based on the video it could be just a lag spike (50%) or lag switch (50%), hard to tell without video of the full game including lobby ping time.

    The other type of lag switch is where you stop moving completely until the killer allows you to move again which is done by manually limiting the packet speed sent to survivors using a software designed to limit that (designed for managing downloads, not to cheat in DbD).

    EDIT: Missed your post about it being like that all game.

    In that case it isn't switch per say.. But instead very unstable connection if the ping in the lobby was fine. Most likely a laggy wireless router/modem causing packet loss and delay with possible interference from neighbors being in the same WLAN channel (routers/modems have channels for certain hz to send and receive, you can choose a different one to combat interference and some automatically switch that), or overheated/over stressed modem/router etc..

    My friend has a router which often either overheats or just lags by design (too cheap) and shows skipping motion on all online games, DbD and CS:GO for example. And powering it off for 10 seconds weekly fixes that lag/skipping motion in online games.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    You should edit your post before the mods see it. I know from personal experience that discussing lagswitching is bannable.

  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898

    I didn't name the program or go into detail about it and I explained to Yohan the signs of a lag switch and how to identify them better.

    How is that banable offense? Or why should it be edited? Or which part do you mean, it's quite long post.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    people try to say everything is a lag switch and blame the killer for cheating, when in fact, its often the dsync and latency from the survivor p2p connection and not the killer at all.

    Im on fiber in Cali and sometimes get teleporting survivors, its not me, its the dumb survivor probably using VPN and jumping regions

  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898

    I agree but.. You don't even need a VPN to mess up the matchmaking, just play off peak hours. I live in Finland and get people all over the world in my lobby or end up in theirs. Brazil, Argentina, Korea, Japan, China etc..

    Just like any game the accusations are thrown at the enemy all the time and often without a reason too, just like crying out "hacks" or "cheats" in most multiplayer games.

    Even had a red ping click ready in my lobby and saying I lag switched afterwards once,

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2019

    Yes, out of region VPN users are a big problem in this game, Ive posted about it for over 2 years as I have worked in the webhost industry for many years and see it in my region too, everyone tries to connect to US West to play our lobbies.

    On Cali on Fiber and I get tons of Asians (China is heavy VPN users) foreign countries like that use VPNS to get around government rules like bans on how long you can play a game etc,... so we get to deal with them in our lobbies using west coast VPns. They region hop in all games for advantage, just like in PUBG, its done ion DBD regularly, I wish theyd ban VPNs, wed probably see a big change in matchmaking, but as Ive know for awhile, theres more Asian players than good ol boys in texas playing DBBD

  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898

    Not trying to deny the issue, just pointing out that it isn't really required.

    Would be hard to ban VPN, even Netflix and other streaming services are struggling with that issue. They don't brand the IP addresses but rather use default hostname and reverse DNS etc..

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2019

    I understand, and thats what makes it even worse, yes your lobbies will have people from all over the world regularly and it shouldnt even happen with a "steam game" as steam uses your billing region on your account, but DBD I think doesnt use that anymore? Anyhow, the match making is plagued with out of region players for most people. I see people from Russia, France, Texas, brazil everywehere complain about "why my players from Korea, China, japan" etc,...

  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898

    This has gone way off topic by now..

    Steam only uses billing address to handle tax, vat, regional pricing etc..

    No game uses that as base location for players, game servers or matchmaking. However some games use (and Dead by Daylight used to use) the Steam download region set in Steam settings.

    Other than that it has no real use in any game as far as I can tell.

    Valve games ping regions to find a server close to your location with lowish ping, same goes to games using their free api (yes, free servers for everyone, even non-Steam games). Source:

    Other games have region selector, Rocket League, PUBG for example.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I dont know. I got into trouble on the Steam forum for saying exatly what you wrote in your wall of text. I assumed same would happen here too.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    You can get banned for talking about lagswitch? #########.. I mention it often as one of the leading problems with the game. Am I going to get banned @not_Queen