Game is unplayable for me right now

First match: Survivor
-time to wait for a lobby: 6 seconds
-the other survivors just repared one gen while I was getting chased. Then, I repared half of a gen but I had to attend the basement because they were farming each other, one survivoor suicided, other ran away throwing a god pallet without getting chased. I saved two times the guy of the basement but both times he ran to the same bear trap, the second time, I saved him from the trap and he just ran to the killer. While the only other survivor was alive, I could repare half of a gen and then she died. The killer instantly closes the hatch and I scaped for only a few seconds. Results (attention to ranks):
Killer time:
-time to wait for a lobby: 5minutes and 2seconds (yes, I counted it)
-Using Huntress
-normal match: Loops, loops and more loops in lampkin lane (myers map)
I got my holidays to waste my time playing this videogame finally after so much work and no free time. I can't handle these problems the entire summer.
I agree the matchmaking needs to be reverted, it takes too long to find a match as killer and the survivor matches are badly ranked
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Seems killers are waiting longer so its giving any survivors it can find after a set time.
As survivor it is putting you anywhere because a killer was waiting forever.
Thats my guess. Not a problem but a result of the algorithm not letting killers wait forever.
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This game was for me unplayable since the matchmaking queue for the killers. Sorry I'm not gonna waste 30 minutes just to play one game that takes overly 6 minutes.
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SWF and solo survivor goes fast now, killer takes at least a minute for me.
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You should not be using NOED on Huntress. Complete waste of a slot
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I know. I used it because I predicted how the ranks would be, also, I didn't have no other good perks, I still have to lvl her up
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The excuse that devs give is that "there are too many killers playing that role" but it's false, there are pages where you can check how many people is playing every role in every region. I don't remember the name but I have a screenshot lost somewhere in my gallery where there was like 100 more survivors
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I agree I never believed even for a single moment the lie about "too many killers".
Problems around the matchmaking started a week before the last blood hunt and never improved.
I am sure they simply shadow implemented the matchmaking system which was tried, and rejected by the community, in March.
They won't say it but it's beyond the shadow of doubt for me that this what happened
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Good idea to quit while you've still got some dignity