My idea to change Furtive Chase

Futive Chase is a really niche and only really useful on the pre-rework Freddy.

My idea to mking the Perk pretty useful would be:

You become obsessed with one Survivor.

You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one.

When your Obsession

is hooked, Furtive Chase receives a Token, up to a maximum of 4 Tokens.

1st-3rd Token: Decrease your terror radius during a chase by 8/9/10 meters for each Token.

4th Token: Removes the red-stain during the first 20/25/30 seconds of a chase. This timer resets whenever the Killer has been stunned

When a Survivor rescues the Obsession from a Hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession. You lose all Tokens and the perk deactivates if the Obsession is sacrificed or killed.

The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

What do you guys think about this? Give me your feedback I'd gladly see what you think about this