Share your most hated opinions here.

People make unpopular opinion threads relatively frequently. But I browse these threads all the time, and honestly? That's some baby stuff. I want you guys to hit the rest of the forums with your most unpopular opinions. Stuff you know will get you flak. Statements that would make most keyboard-wielding cave trolls dislike-raid all of your social posts, ever.
I'll start.
- Spirit is not hard to learn. Not in the slightest. She takes no skill whatsoever.
- Huntress is the most overrated Killer in the game. Unless your name is Umbra, against good Survivors you're just a 110 M1 Killer with a 45-meter Terror Radius.
- Faceghost is the second best M1 Killer in the game. It's also a good thing he's not an actual Ghostface because the OG Ghostface sucks huge balls as a killer.
- The Freddy rework is a nerf. A big one.
- Jake is the thiccest Survivor, not Jane.
- Frank is the best Legion.
- Meg looks like Tyler1.
- Stardew Valley is not Chucklefish's best game. That honor goes to Starbound.
- Modern metal is better than classic metal.
- If you know how to use it right, the "My name Jeff" meme still has comedic value. Especially when our lord and savior Jeff Johansen exists.
- Don't blame Mcote.
1.) No killers need nerfs
2.) Claudette is the real killer
3.) Flashlights are not OP
4.) Pineapple pizza is disgusting
5.) Worgen is the best race, change my mind
6.) Grumpig is the best pokemon for me
7.) Marvel > DC
8.) Devs are good people, we don't give them enough patience
9.) Bubba's chainsaw is actually easier to juke than I thought
10.) Ghostface, Nurse, Spirit, Michael Myers are the most fun killers to play against
11.) Discord is the best communication app ever
12.) Minecraft and Life is Strange will always be the top games for me
13.) Any players that say "Git Gud, Baby Killer, EZ CLAP GG EZ LMAO" should be banned because they make new players to not want to play this amazing game.
14.) NOED is unfair to survivors that worked hard to survive to the end.
15.) Bad perks need to be reworked (Slippery Meat, Left Behind, etc)
16.) Bunny Feng Min and Shirtless Myers should be in the game
17.) Susie is the best Legion, each Legion needs to have a different mori
18.) Can we please have this in the archives? :D
19.) Tumblr is 95% bad.
20.) Youtube Rewind 2019 better have Pewd's Minecraft stuff in it.
Wait, these are opinions you believe in that others may not believe, right? :O
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Huntress is the most overrated Killer in the game. Unless your name is Umbra...
Well, that's the thing. If people want to balance the game towards skilled survivors then should be the same for skilled killers.
Huntress is a really good killer.
And point n.9 is also wrong :)
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To quote the Donald:
"W R O N G"
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- Spirit depends, she is fun either way
- Again, depends, she is easier to learn than Spirit
- Ghostface is top-mid tier, really fun both sides to play against and with
- Freddy rework is a buff with pallets
- Jane :(
- Susie>Joey>Julie>that one twink I am forced to play as
- True, she actually does
- Starbound>Stardew Valley
- I only listen to specific songs, otherwise not a metal fan
- Jeff memes will always be relevant to me
- We don't treat the devs well :(
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Here's my unpopular opinion:
Shirtless Myers is a old meme and should have died months ago. It was some what funny at first but now it's just annoying. Same goes for Nea is killer lol. :v
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My unpopular opinions?
1.Jake is the hottest survivor
2.Freddy rework is a nerf
3.Leatherface in not F tier
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1) we need guns in dbd
2) nuf said
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Nurse doesn't need a nerf (unless I see some convincing evidence to the contrary).
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The legion is the best...
Faction in Fallout: New Vegas
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1: Self Care is overrated
2: Nurse takes no skill, especially on pc.
3: Huntress is not at all attractive.
4: Hag is extremely overrated. An M1 killer with extremely bad chasing ability.
5: Leatherface is better than Pig.
And finally
6: Adrenaline and NOED are not broken for they both counter each other.
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But Huntress is a big Russian lady :(
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NOED being base kit would be a nice secondary objective for survivors.
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1) Pineapple on pizza is delicious
2) Jeff is in every way shape and form, the ideal boyfriend
3) NOED and Adrenaline cannot be compared as both give different effects, one lasts for a matter of seconds and the other can last for eternity once activated
4) We currently cannot decide whether or not the Nurse change is a NERF
5) NOED shouldn't punish players who went out of their way to cleanse totems, only those who didn't bother to.