Left For Dead achievement needs adjustment

If the achievement wasn't already near impossible to get prior to the End Game collapse being introduced, it certainly is now with the ability to shut the hatch, and the unlikelihood of someone finishing the last gen as opposed to either finding the hatch or waiting by a door for the killer to close it. It's extremely situational as most killers close the hatch immediately upon finding it, and depending on how the match went up to that point, there may not even be one gen left to do.
So I purpose the achievement be changed to something like "As the last survivor, escape X amount of times while injured" or something, I dunno. This achievement is just too luck based.
What was it originally?
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True that seems near impossible now, the only way it could work is if you have nearly finished a generator when the second to last guy is killed and then wait near the exit gate for when the hatch is closed.
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Lol I just got this achievement yesterday actually. Basically I just finished the last gen instead of looking for the hatch and then waited for the killer to open the gates for me.
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I tried it today, did the last gen as the last survivor and the killer closed the hatch mere seconds after I finished the gen, got a gate open but the Hag downs me as I'm about to run out with NOED.
Let's just say... after several attempts, I wasn't happy.