Chapter XIII concept: The Arrival.

JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328
edited July 2019 in Creations

DISCLAIMER: This is my second interpretation of The SlenderMan as a killer and fanmade chapter based on the game "Slender: The Arrival". I understand that characters I am talking about are licensed and thus will probably not be in the game and my view on balancing abilities and perks can differ from yours. Please keep this in mind and enjoy reading, thank you!.

This chapter will include new map, survivor and a killer.


This place seems to be oddly familiar and normal, yet wrong and twisted at the same time. Dead forest surrounds the old house. The house is disheveled - furniture is strewn about, windows are open. There are many drawings hinting at the horrible figure.

(The map is the house itself and its surroundings - forest and a road. There are many places where survivors can hide, also some trees are fallen, creating safe loops. When the generator in the house is done, all lights in the house get lit and garage door opens, creating more safe space for survivors. There are many obstacles in the map, which makes spotting killers like GF harder, also the house has many pallets inside, as well as dead ends, so you have to be careful while being chased there)


Lauren was in the direct confrontation with The Slenderman during during the events of "Slender: The Arrival". Her main goal was to find her friend Kate. After she finds that Kate went insane and was turned into Slenderman`s proxy, Lauren tryes to survive, yet fails. She was taken by the Entity on the verge of her death.

Lauren comes with three unique perks which help her to remane sane and alive in endless standoffs against darkness.

1) Maneuver. Uncommon-Rare rarity. In critical situations you make right decisions. When The End Game Collapse is active and you are the last survivor remaining gain an ability to open exit gates with and additional speed of100%/150%/200% (12 seconds to 6/5/4 seconds without remember me). The perk bonus disappears for 4 seconds after being damaged by any killer`s ability or attack. (Note: this perk is extremely situational and helps in cases when killer is camping both exit gates freely. It gives you a chance to open exit gates in seconds. Although you have to catch a moment when killer would need more than 4 seconds to get to you, otherwise you lose your bonus and will probably get killed).

2) Courage: rare-very rare rarity. The longer you observe your horror, the braver you become. Standing within killer`s terror radius while not in chase for 60 seconds activates this perks.

  • Next time you enter the chase get extra movement speed bonus of 3/4/5% for 30/45/60 seconds.
  • The perk effect fades away regardless of time remaining if you get injured during the chase.
  • Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60 seconds
  • You do not recover form Exhausted while running.

3) Crisis: rare-very rare rarity. When death is upon you, you get a second wind. When The End Game Collapse countdown has less than 50% of the time remaining, this perk activates. You become completely immune to any killers` instadown ability or perk (e.g. Noed, iridescent head, chainsaw). However your speed boost after being hit is decreased to 1 second and grants you 110% speed, instead of 150% speed bonus. (NOTE: It is not meant to carry you to the exit from another side of the map, but will help to survive at bit longer when being near exit gates. Yes, 4 of these perks can be a nightmare, but what meta perks arent?. And yeah, if killer has active bloodwarden at that moment you are screwed).

NEW KILLER: The slender man.

"This day I faced something different from other beasts I met before. Horrible, twisted man without a face in black suit and tie. His image haunts me in my dreams and thoughts. It looks like he was made out of black fog itself." (с) Unknown, possibly Benedict Baker.

Killer`s bio: Slender Man is a mystery. He looks like a human being, but doesn’t act like one. It is uncertain if he is a social creature, understands human languages or behaviors, or even why humans appear to be his primary targets. It sometimes seems as if he is capable of possessing his targets in some cases. Slender Man's mere appearance provokes fear. This is partially due to his towering height and overall unnerving appearance, and partially due to his behavior, which is almost completely alien. Humans also find it extremely hard to describe The Slender Man: a description in words can be given, but often lack the ability the fully describe the creature.

It’s understood that he tends to torture his targets mentally, over long periods of time, using fear and paranoia to drive them to insanity. No one has ever satisfactorily explained the reasoning behind his tactics or the way he chooses his victims, and his purposes and/or motivations have yet to be fully ascertained.

His mystery remains unsolved, as he suddenly disappeared. Possibly, he just returned back home.

Killer`s stats: height - tall (taller than the plague). terror radius - 0 meters. movement speed - 4.4 meters per second.

Power: [Mind Flayer] His power draws its strength out of weak minds of his prey. Slowly poisoning minds with paranoia and fear he weakens his prey, dividing his victims and attacking them when they are alone. His presence corrupts even most powerful minds, breaking through any defence.

  • You emit 24 meters aura. Any survivor in this aura hears non-directional static noise which greatly hinders ability to hear sounds. Slowly builds up Insanity effect. You are completely invisible outside that aura. Can be affected by perks like Insidious and Distressing.
  • If a survivor is directly looking at you, Insanity builds up faster.
  • Use active power button to mark a survivor. To mark survivor you need to focus on him for 5 seconds. Survivor gets sound clue after 3 seconds. Survivors can be marked on any distance, only when there are more than 50% of body visible. Only 1 marked survivor at a time.
  • Marked survivors suffer from following debuffs:
  1. Hallucinations. Every 30 seconds survivors see a fake killer, walking towards them and doing lunge attack. If they fail to evade it, they get slowed by 15% for 3 seconds.
  2. Fake walls. Windows in killer`s "static aura" are slowly replaced by fake walls. Fake windows create and illusion of a wall on place of window. (e.g. instead of a window in jungle gym you see a normal wall.) Vaulting through that wall will be slow vault regardless how you were starting the vault (sprinting, walking e.t.c.).
  • The mark disappears after survivor completes and action similar to doctor`s 'snap out of it'.
  • Survivors suffer 2 tiers of insanity.
  • Insanity Tier 1: Survivors have a chance of seeing a hallucination of The Slenderman standing still in 10-30 meters range for 10 seconds. Survivors can be affected by static aura of Tier 2 hallucinations, seen be other survivors. Survivors do not share their hallucinations.
  • Insanity Tier 2: Survivors are completely unable to see each other or interact with each other. They are unable to progress generators faster if they are working on the same generator together. Survivors have a chance of seeing hallucination of moving killer on place of another survivor. Hallucination emits static aura.
  • Survivors can regress Insanity back to Tier 1 if they interact with one of eight special objects (pages) on the map.
  • Use secondary power button for 3 seconds to teleport to one of the page when nno one is looking at you (similar to Freddy`s teleport, but with that drawback. Animation almost same as freddy appearing, yet Slenderman goes from the page itself). Has no cooldown, but inactive when being looked a one is looking at you. When 3 second cast is over, every survivors' screen is covered with video interference for a few seconds and survivors hear specific sound.

Slenderman comes with three unique perks.

1) Close supervision - Your hunting abilities are enhanced by presence of the Entity. When there are only one/two/three generators left to do this perk becomes active and gains 1/2/3 tokens. When a survivor starts repairing a damaged gen one token is consumed and that survivor gets exposed status debuff for 40/50/60 seconds. His aura is shown to the killer for 3 seconds.

2) Demise of the arrogant - Your victim`s arrogance fuels your desire to kill them. When a survivor repeatedly (twice per second or more) uses crouch button while in chase you receive permanent speed bonus of 1%/2%/3% per every time the condition is met (so starting from second crouch per activates, 1/2/3% of speed bonus for every next crouch with interwall less than a second). This bonus is active only during chasing that particular survivor. This perk can gain bonuses from multiple survivors, and uses the biggest amount of speed bonus. (so if one person spammed crouch 3 times and you got 6% bonus, while other spammed crouch 4 times and you got 12% bonus you will chase both of them with bonus speed of 12%). 18% is the limit.

3) Isolation - Their friends` deaths press on them and make them lose their confidence. For every killed or sacrificed survivor in the trial all remaining survivors' repairing healing and sabotaging speed is decreased by 3/4/5%.

P.S. I hope you enjoyed reading my chapter concept, Good Luck!

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