Mindgame = Guessing game



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Except that they are full of ######### because I've tested this myself extensively. SHE DOES NOT MAKE GRASS MOVE. Not during phase walk. Post phase walk =/= phase walk and that's exactly what that is. Either the grass moved because it was post phase walk or because that's the exact spot where the Kate was standing when the Spirit also walked in the same spot.

    Also it doesn't matter if she had MDR because she most likely would have gone in a straight line to him. And even if she came from the pallet, there is grass in that direction too which also did not move. The grass only moved directly where the Kate was in the near exact moment when she appeared on the screen.

    Unless you show me a video of you (or someone else) in KYF game where the Spirit is literally running circles around them in phase walk, you can't convince me she moves grass BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T. She just doesn't. You can pretend she does all you want, but she doesn't.

    And I'm telling you this to help you play better against a Spirit. If you are running around thinking she can move grass and then she suddenly appears right next to you, you will get hit. If you realize she doesn't move grass and change your tactics you can decrease the chance you would get hit.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Marcus @thesuicidefox

    Are you guys on PC? I can be on in an hour to test this with both of you. I have spirit.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    You know that if you stay in Madness 3 you can't do gens, right ? Also, I never said Scratched Mirror Myers isn't easy to beat, I said it counters Spine Chill.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Well, if you keep offending people, no reason in disscussing with you.

    Who said I can't play against Spirit ? I never claimed she doesn't have counter play or that perks aren't counter play ( without Iron Will is really hard to almost impossible to evade a really good Spirit ).

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2019

    @marcus I can't quote you

    RE: Doc...Yes, but in situations where you want to just be stealthy then it is an option not normally available to you. For example, if you are the last one alive.

    RE: second post... Ask any of them if they actually tried it in KYF. I will guarantee none did because if they did they would see she doesn't move grass/corn during phase walk. They are going by hearsay, what someone told them or what someone else says they saw. None of them can actually say she moves grass/corn if they tested it because it's not a thing.

    And I didn't say you can't play against Spirit. I said I'm telling you she doesn't move grass/corn because it will make you better against her.

    @NuclearBurrito I'm on Xbox.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    @thesuicidefox Maybe I’m mistaking it for footsteps. I have heard footsteps before and nobody can tell me otherwise. That’s one of the ways I can tell where she is during phasing because I’ve AUDIBLY heard her footsteps.

    I could’ve sworn I’ve seen grass and corn move but maybe it is just me hearing her rusting through corn/grass/bamboo.

    Some people seriously don’t have ears, I’ve heard Spirit MULTIPLE times on where she is during phasing due to footsteps and rustling.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Footsteps are audible but AFAIK it's a bug. It's not supposed to be that way.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998


    Someone already said it but I'll say it anyway.

    Back in the day infinites were real pain.

    • No bloodlust,
    • no mechanic that allows killers to increase in speed
    • no window blockers if survivors vault them too much
    • fast vaults from any direction
    • exhaustion perks recharged mid-chase,
    • sprint burst every 20-40 seconds(depending on which patch you were on)

    And with all that, we were told they were just a mindgame. Currently some loops can be called infinites as they waste huge amounts of time but back in the day survivor literally had to fall asleep to get caught.

    Old Tru3's vid on survivor abusing one(old cow loop).


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    This was back when everyone, including the devs, didn't have a full understanding of the game's dynamics. It was only after people played a lot and learned the mechanics really well that stuff like this emerged. Hence why all the changes since then to stop infinites and shorten loops.

    Just look at some of the new tiles on forest. They prove the devs have a very clear understanding of how looping works because all those new loops are pretty fair to both sides. Survivors have ways to extend the chase/escape the killer, and killers have ways to mind game the survivor or brute force the loop.

    So many people think the devs are clueless how this game is played, when in fact they probably understand it better than anyone, including the best players. That's why they are hesitate to change stuff willy nilly and only push out changes they are confident would have a positive result. If they didn't do that, and just did whatever, they would only be creating more work for themselves as they have to go and fix it (and deal with the community backlash in the process). And some stuff got pushed out because to find the best solution would just take too much time. Legion changes, Pig changes, etc., go live because it's the best they can do in a short time. If they were to do to Legion what they did to Freddy, that means we'd all have to deal with some stupid broken BS for a LONG time. Not good, so they give us a temp fix that might suck a bit for some people (namely Legion players) and then revisit it later when they had the time to come up with a better solution.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Holy smoke, he's still using the 'people learn the game mechanics' narrative.

    Whatever could be exploited on day-one was being exploited on day-one, it did not take long and awareness of this stuff was being spread by streamers just as fast as the game itself was. This goes for both sides, but survivors were worse and had much more to exploit.

    The devs are clueless about how this game is played; it's why back then they claimed infinites 'took skill', not that they didn't understand like any sensible or humble person would do when talking about a topic they're unfamiliar with, they said it 'took skill'.

    They then didn't know what pallet-looping was, leading them to introduce Bloodlust, which does nothing against pallet-looping. That was all because survivors were pretending to not know either even as they were using it, but filled the Steam forums and Reddit with misinformation suggesting that killers 'just break the pallet'. This gave the devs the impression that pallet-looping was when a survivor ran around a pallet that was already downed and the devs also couldn't understand why killers didn't just 'break the pallet'.

    Even now, they duck on obvious gameplay questions because if they had to talk in specifics, they'd be picked-apart on how boomer-tier they are on it.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    @thesuicidefox I don’t see how it is a bug. Why would it be a bug unless the devs have stated that it wasn’t intended? I don’t mind her having footstep sound. Since it has been said that she doesn’t move grass or corn, I believe she SHOULD move grass or corn.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Wow. It's obvious you have no clue how things actually work. If jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, you'd be Michael Phelps.

    I'm just not even going to bother anymore. Your bias is so bad.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's a bug because it wasn't a thing until a few updates ago. It's probably low priority which is why it hasn't been fixed yet (and because it makes it easier to play against Spirit).

    I will say no, she shouldn't move grass/corn. She would be completely gutted on Coldwind maps. It would basically be like her phase woosh from her PTB, where it was directional and she was super easy to avoid.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    You don't get to make that accusation when you unironically stated this: "That's why they are hesitate to change stuff willy nilly and only push out changes they are confident would have a positive result."

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    @thesuicidefox I dunno, I’m just tired of hearing people complain over and over again about strong killers (specifically Nurse and Spirit) having no counters.

    A survivor already has SOME indication of where the Spirit is due to crows, footsteps, and a loud ass whooshing sound outside of the terror radius. It’s like they want to know exactly where she is pinpoint.

    I’ve had survivors who knew exactly what to do and lead me on a chase for a good amount of time and I’m not a bad Spirit either. I consistently 3-4K at any rank. Counterplay does not equal looping a killer for four generators.

    I don’t have an issue with counterplay but what people have mentioned would literally destroy the killer and make them unviable. It’s just annoying to hear people complain so much, ya know?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Let's say you're completely right. Say it's a 50/50. All this means is that there's a 50% chance the Spirit will lose. In other words, you have a chance during a chase.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I would say Spirit has a higher chance when Iron Will isn't involved, IMO.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Some people just can't handle the fact that not all killers are just some toys who can be looped all day long and who have stupid counters ( looking at you Ghost Face )

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Which would make it more balanced. A single survivor should not have a 50/50 chance against the killer, that's absurd.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    A majority of the killers are just highly loopable and not viable to play against good survivors who get maps like Haddonfield. I’m not gonna play a killer like Leatherface and get looped till daylight when I can play Spirit and have a much higher chance of winning.

    When a survivor can simply look at you and make you powerless or DENY your power by staying injured (Plague) there is a bit of an issue in design.

    There is a reason I mainly stick with Hag and Spirit (trying to get good with Nurse).