Wiggle Speed

Raidoku Member Posts: 69

Unless your using the 3 wiggle perks unbreakable, flip flop, boil over you will 95% of the time never wiggle off the killer another player should have to body block or take a hit or sabotage all the hooks on the map (near by area) for the player to get free. I feel the wiggle speed should be increase by 15% base level for all survivors without any perks need. If you vault a window 2 times the entity closes it this requires no perk for the killer who already has a huge advantage so the need for faster wiggle times are needed and strongly suggested. why have a wriggle feature is it doesn't even work I know many ppl who never attempt to wiggle because it hopeless and 95% of the time hooks all near by and close. If enough people complain about this maybe the devs will see to either fix this useless feature in the game or create a new one that is actually viable  


  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I could definitely see an increase happening in the future, but I don’t think it would end up being that simple. I’ve had games, as killer and survivor, where after only one hook is destroyed a dead zone is created where the killer can’t carry a survivor to a hook without them wiggling off. Normally this happens in the corners of a map, but it can also happen in some buildings. Additionally, if you increase it by too much then using those perks you mentioned could make it near impossible to even hook a survivor unless the killer is directly next to a hook. People don’t wiggle off very much I’ll give you that, but ultimately I think it’s more balanced to have them wiggle off not as much compared to too much. I see your point tho. Also as a heads up the window is blocked at 3 times not 2. If that happened to you it was a glitch most likely.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Wiggling off isn't meant to happen. It's suppose to work in rare situations that don't happen every match, and usually those situations happen with the help of your teammates who are surprisingly there to help.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Wiggling is meant so you aren't on the killer's shoulders as long as they want you to.

    My personal build involves Breakdown, so when I'm about to die in a chase i run into a corner. If I'm tunneled after being unhooked i run back into the same corner and its a 50/50 as to whether the game spawned another hook close enough.

    You can stall a lot if there isn't a hook nearby by continuously running back, if they leave you on the ground, you won the battle.

  • Wolfgamer0402
    Wolfgamer0402 Member Posts: 41

    I mean unless other survivors are kind enough and have a flashlight, the only way to not get hooked while being carried is either decisive or wiggle and for people who don't have or use DS, it's just wiggle. So yeah wiggle should be increased.

  • Dinja
    Dinja Member Posts: 6

    I know this is an old post, but I'm just seeing it. I personally don't think there should be any kind of an increase to the wiggle rate. Killers definitely do not have an extreme advantage. Playing killer is way harder than playing survivor. If anything, I think there needs to be another nerf to the gen speeds. The rate at which they can be completed is insane.

    I say keep the effect ruin has now, but reduce the rate at which the gen regresses AND bring back the hex skill checks but make the setback half as much as it used to be. The survivors shouldn't be penalized so harshly for actually doing their job, but the killers really need an effective way to slow down the gens.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    You aren't meant to wiggle off. It's so the killer can't get you in the basement from anywhere on the map.