An ideal way of obtaining perks easier and softening the bloodweb grind

Perk accesibility is a detrimental issue in this game. The more teachables you unlock, the harder it becomes to actually get them to spawn in the bloodweb.

Having to grind 40 levels worth of BP on a character to unlock their teachables, to then have to grind once again to be able to use and level up those teachables can be taxing and not fun. This issue can limit your builds until you go through millions of BP on the bloodweb just to get the perks you want along with all 3 of their respective levels. My idea looks to reduce the frustration of the randomness. I also took into consideration that a lot of veteran players state the grind kept them playing.

How about if we can only obtain level 1 versions of each perk through the bloodweb. Then have a separate tab where we can click on the obtained perk to spend X amount of BP or shards to level it up. This will give the player a little more control over what they spend their currency on. It will soften the grind of the bloodweb by allowing you to obtain every perk a little quicker without having to waste BP on the other 2 levels of a perk you dont want to use. It will not take away the grindy aspect completely to keep people playing, since you would still have to spend BP to get the perk to level 3 and you have to do it on every character that you want to play.

Sorry had to repost because the original from a couple of minutes ago disappeared for some reason. What is everyone's take on this?


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I'm a fan of anything that would substantially lessen the grind, and allow me to figure out how I feel about a character without having to deeply commit to them before I can even begin to understand them realistically.